Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Strasbourg, 16 July 2024

MEPs have selected 14 Vice-Presidents for the first half of the new legislative period. On Tuesday, in a secret vote by paper ballot, eleven Vice-Presidents were elected in the first round of voting, and three at the second and final ballot

Parliament’s Vice-Presidents for the first half of the 10th legislative term are shown below in the order of precedence, set following the order in which they were elected.


  1. Sabine VERHEYEN (EPP, DE)
  2. Ewa KOPACZ (EPP, PL)
  3. Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS (EPP, ES)
  4. Katarina BARLEY (S&D, DE)
  5. Pina PICIERNO (S&D, IT)
  6. Victor NEGRESCU (S&D, RO)
  7. Martin HOJSÍK (Renew, SK)
  8. Christel SCHALDEMOSE (S&D, DK)
  9. Javi LÓPEZ (S&D, ES)
  10. Sophie WILMÈS (Renew, BE)
  11. Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ (Greens/EFA, RO)
  12. Roberts ZĪLE (ECR, LV)
  13. Antonella SBERNA (ECR, IT)
  14. Younous OMARJEE (The Left, FR)

First ballot result

  • MEPs voting: 701
  • Blank or invalid votes: 36
  • Valid votes cast: 665
  • Absolute majority of votes cast needed to be elected: 333

The newly elected Vice-Presidents (by absolute majority) are shown below in the order in which they were elected:

  1. Sabine VERHEYEN (EPP, DE) – 604
  1. Ewa KOPACZ (EPP, PL) – 572
  1. Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS (EPP, ES) – 478
  1. Katarina BARLEY (S&D, DE) – 450
  1. Pina PICIERNO (S&D, IT) – 405
  1. Victor NEGRESCU (S&D, RO) – 394
  1. Martin HOJSÍK (Renew, SK) – 393
  1. Christel SCHALDEMOSE (S&D, DK) – 378
  1. Javi LÓPEZ (S&D, ES) – 377
  1. Sophie WILMÈS (Renew, BE) – 371
  1. Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ (Greens/EFA, RO) – 347

Votes for the remaining candidates are shown below:

  • Antonella SBERNA (ECR, IT) – 323
  • Roberts ZĪLE (ECR, LV) – 306
  • Younous OMARJEE (The Left, FR) – 272
  • Klára DOSTÁLOVÁ (Patriots for Europe, CZ) – 214
  • Fabrice LEGGERI (Patriots for Europe, FR) – 209
  • Ewa ZAJĄCZKOWSKA-HERNIK (Europe of Sovereign Nations, PL) – 102

Second ballot result

MEPs voting: 674

Blank or invalid votes: 65

Valid votes cast: 609

Absolute majority of votes needed to be elected: 305

  1. Roberts ZĪLE (ECR, LV) – 419
  1. Antonella SBERNA (ECR, IT) – 314
  1. Younous OMARJEE (The Left, FR) – 311

Votes for the remaining candidates:

  • Fabrice LEGGERI (Patriots for Europe, FR) – 177
  • Klára DOSTÁLOVÁ (Patriots for Europe, CZ) – 116
  • Ewa ZAJĄCZKOWSKA-HERNIK (Europe of Sovereign Nations, PL) – 46

The number of votes each successful candidate receives and the round of voting in which they are elected determines their order of precedence. Below you can find a detailed description of the procedure, including vote results for each round.

The election of Parliament’s five Quaestors is set to take place on Wednesday.

Role of Vice-Presidents and Quaestors

The 14 Vice-Presidents and five Quaestors, together with the President, comprise Parliament’s Bureau. The Bureau lays down rules for Parliament’s smooth functioning. Among its other duties, it draws up Parliament’s preliminary draft budget and decides on administrative, staff and organisational matters.

Each Vice-President or Quaestor’s portfolio comprises their specific responsibilities within the Bureau. They are attributed by the President. In addition to their roles in the Bureau, Vice-Presidents can replace the President including in chairing plenary debates and in representing the Parliament at specific ceremonies or acts, when necessary. Quaestors deal with administrative matters directly affecting MEPs themselves, and they are members of the Bureau in an advisory capacity.

In electing the members of the Bureau, political groups aim to ensure that the Vice-Presidents and Quaestors broadly reflect the size of the groups and take into account the voting results of the President’s election.

Election rules

Parliament’s Rules of Procedure set out how Bureau members are elected. As for the election of the President, nominations are put forward either by a political group or by a group of MEPs reaching the low threshold (1/20th of MEPs).

Vice-Presidents are elected in a single ballot, by an absolute majority of votes cast. If the number of successful candidates is less than 14, a second vote is held for the remaining seats, under the same conditions. If a third vote is necessary, a simple majority is sufficient. Vice-Presidents take precedence in the order in which they are elected and, in the event of a tie, by age. If voted by acclamation, a vote by secret ballot determines the order of precedence.

The election of Quaestors follows the same procedure as that for the election of Vice-Presidents.

Zu ihrer Wahl als erste Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments (604 Stimmen) erklärt Sabine Verheyen (CDU):

„Ich freue mich sehr über das große Vertrauen meiner Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Ich sehe die Rolle als Dienst an den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie am Europäischen Parlament und seinen Mitgliedern. Diese Legislaturperiode wird entscheidend für die Zukunft des Europäischen Parlaments und der gesamten Europäischen Union. Die EVP-Fraktion ist erneut die stärkste Kraft, aber die Mehrheitsverhältnisse sind heute anders als vor fünf Jahren. Es gilt nun, mehr denn je, diese Institution und die Demokratie zu verteidigen, aufzubauen und zu stärken.“

Daniel Caspary (CDU), Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Gruppe, und Angelika Niebler (CSU), Co-Vorsitzende der CDU/CSU-Gruppe, ergänzen:

„Wir gratulieren Sabine Verheyen herzlich zu diesem tollen Wahlergebnis! Wir freuen uns sehr über ihre Wahl. Sabine Verheyen ist eine überzeugte Europäerin, die das Europäische Parlament hervorragend repräsentieren wird. Als Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments seit 2009, Vorsitzende des Kulturausschusses während der letzten Legislatur und ehemalige Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Aachen bringt sie große Erfahrung, Fachkompetenz und Leidenschaft für das Amt mit.

Sabine Verheyen wird in die Fußstapfen Rainer Wielands treten. Wir danken Rainer Wieland für seine großartige Arbeit als Vizepräsident in den vergangenen 15 Jahren.“


Sabine Verheyen aus Aachen ist seit 2009 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments und gehörte seitdem dem Ausschuss für Kultur und Bildung an, ab 2019 als Ausschussvorsitzende. Große Gesetzesvorhaben wie das Europäische Medienfreiheitsgesetz oder auch die Richtlinie für audiovisuelle Mediendienste konnte sie entscheidend prägen. Als ehemalige Bürgermeisterin von Aachen (1999-2009) setzt sie sich bis heute als Beauftragte der CDU/CSU-Gruppe für die Belange der Kommunen ein. Seit 2021 ist Sabine Verheyen stellvertretende Landesvorsitzende der CDU Nordrhein-Westfalens.

Quelle – CDU/CSU-Gruppe per E-Mail

ECR MEPs Roberts Zīle and Antonella Sberna elected Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament

The European Parliament has elected ECR MEPs Roberts Zīle and Antonella Sberna as Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament. ECR Co-Chairmen Nicola Procaccini and Joachim Brudziński congratulated their elected MEPs as well as the other 12 elected Vice-Presidents from the other political groups.

ECR Co-Chairman Nicola Procaccini said:

“I congratulate those who have been elected. The election of our two candidates shows that the ECR is an important part of this Parliament and will play a constructive role in the debates of this House. The task of the new bureau of the Parliament now is to build bridges across the political divide.”

ECR Co-Chairman Joachim Brudziński added:

“Every single member deserves to be treated equally, fairly, and with respect. On this, I am sure that Roberts Zīle and Antonella Sberna will make the most of their new positions.  I congratulate my colleagues on their election and also those elected from the other political groups.”

Roberts Zīle, former Latvian Minister of Transport, Finance and Special Assignments, has been an MEP since 2004. He has already been elected Vice-President in 2022, the first from the Baltic States.

After his election, Zīle stated: “I am honoured and grateful for the renewed trust expressed by MEPs, and I hope it reflects an appreciation of the work done so far. Coming from a small but proud country, Latvia, it is equally important to represent our citizens’ interests within the EU on an equal footing. However, mutual respect and cooperation are of the utmost importance in this role.”

Before being elected to the European Parliament, Antonella Sberna was a councillor for social services, youth and family policy in Viterbo, Italy.

Sberna commented on her election: “I feel a great joy, but above all great responsibility. I will dedicate myself to the institutional role I have been given today, a role I will play on behalf of the European Conservatives. I would also like to thank all the Members from the other groups who have chosen to support me. The fact that I am representing our party for the first time in the office of Vice-President of the European Parliament makes me proud and aware of the political change that is slowly but surely taking place in the European institutions.”

Source – ECR Group


Greens/EFA MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță elected European Parliament Vice President

Today, Greens/EFA MEP Nicolae Ștefănuță was elected European Parliament Vice President. He is a tireless campaigner for equality, youth rights and transparency and has single handedly built a thriving green movement in Romania. This is his second term in the European Parliament.

Nicolae Ștefănuță MEP, Greens/EFA MEP and Vice President, comments:

“We need to bring the Parliament closer to the people, especially to the youth. The current context, with the ongoing social crisis, inequality and discrimination makes young people terrified for their future. To strengthen the Parliament, we have the duty to address the issues that our youth is facing, to show them that European democracy works, that their rights are respected and that their voice is heard.

“A strong Parliament also needs effective rules and procedures. We must continue the work of the previous Bureau and President on transparency, good governance and the restoration of public trust. Promoting multilingualism and strengthening anti-harassment policies will also make us more confident as a principled institution.”

Source – Greens/EFA


Left MEP Younous Omarjee elected Vice-President of the European Parliament

The Left proudly announces the election of Younous Omarjee as the first Vice President of the European Parliament from the diversity and from outermost regions, marking a significant moment in the institution’s history. Younous Omarjee (La France Insoumise, France) brings a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to social justice, environmental sustainability, and the fight against racism.

Having served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2012, Younous Omarjee is from La Réunion Island and has been a vocal advocate for the rights of human rights and a staunch defender of democratic principles within the EU. His extensive work as Chair of the Regional Development Committee, where he has focused on cohesion policy and sustainable regional development, has earned him respect and recognition across political lines.

His election reflects the Parliament’s dedication to promoting diverse voices and perspectives within its leadership. Left MEP Younous Omarjee (La France Insoumise, France) commented:

“It is a great honour and pride to be elected Vice-President of the European Parliament. I thank the Members of the European Parliament from almost all the political groups who have placed their trust in me.

This is a recognition of the work accomplished within our institution since my first election for the general interest of European citizens. I will be worthy of the confidence expressed, and worthy of the new responsibilities incumbent upon me at this time. With my election, it is also France that returns to the Vice Presidency of our Parliament, it is also the first time in history that a representative of the outermost regions holds such a responsibility”.

Younous Omarjee’s election comes at a critical time for Europe, it navigates complex issues such as climate change, austerity, and the rising of the far right and their racist, misogynist ideas. With Younous Omarjee as vice-president of the European Parliament, we can count on him to defend people-on-the-move and be the spokesperson of the people.

Source – The Left


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