Sun. Oct 6th, 2024
Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán meets Russian President Putin in Moscow. Source: Hungarian Government

Despite the intervention by the EU Leadership, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moskau today. On its Hungarian wesbite, the Hungarian Government puts the meeting in the context of Hungary’s EU Council Presidency.

Moscow, 5 July 2024

Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban made press statements following their talks.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Mr Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen,

Our substantive talks with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Mr Viktor Orban, have just concluded.

It is important that we maintain a dialogue even in the current difficult geopolitical situation.

Like during many of our previous meetings, we had a truly useful and sincere conversation on topical issues of bilateral cooperation and also, naturally, on the acute issues on the international and regional agenda, including developments around Ukraine.

Let me note that Russia and Hungary continue cooperating in a number of areas, above all in the energy sector. Healthy pragmatism and mutual benefit are the key principles.

Work is underway on our flagship joint project to expand the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. Putting into operation the fifth and sixth units will more than double the capacity of the station, hence improving the energy supply of the Hungarianeconomy and powering industrial enterprises and households with cheap and clean energy. When building new units, only the most advanced engineering and technological solutions are used, and physical safety and environmental requirements are fully ensured.

We continue working together in medicine and pharmaceutical industry. We speak in favour of continuing work in priority areas of cooperation.

Of course, a substantive, direct and honest discussion was held on pressing international issues, including the Ukraine conflict and possible ways to settle it.

Mr Prime Minister told me about his recent meetings in Kiev, where he advanced a number of proposals, among them a call for a ceasefire to create conditions for peace negotiations with Moscow.

As for Russia, I have repeatedly said that we remain open for a discussion on a political and diplomatic settlement. However, the opposite side only makes clear its reluctance to resolve this issue in this manner. Ukraine’s sponsors continue using this country and its people as a ram, making it a victim in the confrontation with Russia.

As we see the state of affairs, including in the light of what we heard today from Mr Prime Minister, Kiev is still not ready to abandon the idea of waging “war until final victory.”

In my opinion, the Kiev regime does not allow the very idea of cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext for extending martial law disappears. And if the martial law has to be cancelled, it means that the elections, which were not held on time, will have to be held. But the chances of winning them are close to zero for the Ukrainian rulers who have lost their ranking and legitimacy.

Meanwhile, we outlined our peace initiative quite recently at my meeting with the senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. We believe that its implementation would make it possible to end hostilities and begin negotiations. Moreover, this should not just be a truce or a temporary ceasefire, nor should it be a pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover its losses, regroup and rearm. Russia advocates a full and final end to the conflict. The conditions for that, as I have already said, are set out in my speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are talking about the complete withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and from the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. There are other conditions as well. But this is a subject for fairly detailed consideration in the course of possible joint work.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Given that Hungary has held the Presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnion since July 1, Mr Orban and I exchanged views on the state of affairs in relations between Russia and the European Union, which are currently at their lowest point. We also talked about the tentative principles of a future security architecture in Europe, also tentative.

Overall, the talks were very timely and, I think, useful for both sides. Of course, Mr Prime Minister presented a general idea of the Western outlook, which is known to us, including from the point of view of Ukraine’s interests. Nevertheless, we are grateful to Mr Prime Minister for visiting Moscow. We see it as an attempt to restore dialogue and give it an additional impetus.

Thank you.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban (retranslated):

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mr President,

Today I met with the President of Russia for the 11thtime. This meeting is special because it is being held at the time of war, when Europe badly needs peace. Peace is what Europe needs most of all. We see the struggle for peace as the main task for the next six months of our European Council presidency.

I have told Mr President that Europe received the greatest impetus for development during peaceful decades. We in Europe have now been living in the shadow of war for two and a half years. This is causing enormous difficulties in Europe. We cannot feel safe, we see pictures of destruction and suffering. This war has already started affecting our economic growth and our competitiveness.

In general, as I have already told Mr President, Europe needs peace. Over the past two years we have realised that we will not achieve peace without diplomacy, without channels of communication. Peace will not come by itself, we need to work for it.

I was just discussing with Mr President today the ways to achieve peace. I wanted to know what the shortest road to end the war is. I wanted to hear Mr President’s opinion on three important questions, and I heard his opinion. What does he think about the current peace initiatives? What does he think about a ceasefire and peace talks, and in what succession can they be carried out? And the third thing that interested me was Mr President’s vision of Europe after the war. I am thankful to Mr President for this open and honest conversation.

Ladies and gentlemen.

In the recent two and a half years, there are practically no countries left that could contact both one and the other opposing parties. Hungary is just one of such few countries. This is why I was in Kiev this week, and this is why I am in Moscow now.

From my experience I understood that the positions are poles apart. Very many steps are needed to be done to become closer to the end of the war. However, we have made the most important step – we have established contact. And I will continue to work towards this end.

Thank you.

Question: How did Mr Zelenskyy react to your ceasefire proposal? What did he say to that?

Viktor Orban: I told that to the President of Russia.

Question: Mr President, could you tell us?

Vladimir Putin: No.

Source – Kremlin – VISIT WEBSITE


Russian President: Talks with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban

Moscow, 5 July 2024

Vladimir Putin held talks in the Kremlin with Prime Minister of HungaryViktor Orban, who has arrived in Russia on a working visit.

On the Russian side, attending the meeting are Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov, Presidential Aide Vladimir Medinsky and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

* * *

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Mr Prime Minister, colleagues,

Welcome to Moscow, to Russia.

I know that this time you have come not only as our long-standing partner, but also as the President of the Council of the EuropeanUnion.I hope we will have the opportunity to exchange views on building bilateral relations in this difficult situation and, of course, to discuss the possible scenarios for the largest European crisis – I am referring to Ukraine.

I know that quite recently, on July 2, I think, you visited Kiev, and now you have come here to discuss in detail the situation that has arisen in Ukraine. I am at your disposal.

You are probably aware of my recent address to top officials of the Foreign Ministry here in Moscow, which summarised our stance with regard to the possible peace settlement. And of course, I am ready to discuss some of the details with you or explain them to you. I hope you will acquaint me with your personal stance and the stance of the European partners.

As for bilateral relations, unfortunately, we have seen a serious decline in trade, by more than 35 percent. But in general, there is much to work on. We are implementing ambitious projects.

In any case, we are delighted to see you and we have much to discuss.

Welcome, Mr Prime Minister.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban (retranslated):

Mr President,

Thank you for meeting with me today. This is far from our first meeting over the past decade; in fact, it is the 11thone. But this meeting is more critical than the previous ones.

As you have mentioned, Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the EU Council on July 1. Our last meeting was before the war; we met in February 2022. This is exactly why these two meetings are different.

I am very grateful to you for agreeing to see me even in such a difficult situation. I must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to both sides of this conflict is rapidly declining. Hungary will probably be the only country in Europe soon that will be able to talk to all parties. I would like to take this opportunity to discuss a number of important issues with you. I would also like to find out your opinion on several matters that are important for Europe.

Thank you.

<… >

Source – Kremlin – VISIT WEBSITE

Photo of PM Orbán and President Putin 5-7-2024
Website of the Hungarian Government after the meeting in Moscow. Source: Hungarian Government

PM Orbán: The Hungarian EU Presidency Considers the Next Half-Year a Peace Mission

July 5, 2024, 19:36

Peace is the most important thing for Europe. The Hungarian EU Presidency considers the next half-year – the work to be done during that time – as a peace mission, emphasized Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday in Moscow.

The Prime Minister stated that he held discussions with the President of Russia for the 14th time on Friday. He said the significance of the meeting was that it took place during wartime, “at a moment when Europe greatly needs peace.” Viktor Orbán mentioned that he told the Russian President at the meeting that the foundation of exceptional European development over the past decades was peace.

“Now, however, we have been living in the shadow of war in Europe for two and a half years, and this causes extraordinary difficulties for Europe,” he added. “We do not feel safe, we see images of destruction and suffering, and this war is now manifesting in the disruption of economic development and the decline in our competitiveness,” he noted. Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher

According to the Prime Minister, over the past two and a half years, we have learned that without dialogue and diplomatic channels, we cannot achieve peace. “Because peace does not happen by itself; it must be created, we must work for it,” he emphasized, adding that Europe needs peace. He discussed the ways to achieve this at the meeting with the Russian President, seeking to understand the shortest path to peace.

The Prime Minister stated that he wanted to hear the Russian President’s position on three issues. First, he asked about his thoughts on the peace plans on the table and the format of peace negotiations. Secondly, he was curious about the relationship between a ceasefire and peace negotiations, “is a ceasefire possible before peace negotiations?” He also wanted to know the Russian President’s opinion on the post-war European security system – listed the Hungarian Prime Minister. Viktor Orbán declared that he was grateful to the Russian President for the open and honest discussion.

He also pointed out that over the past two and a half years, “there have been fewer and fewer” who can speak with both warring parties. Hungary is one of the very few – he noted, adding that this is why he visited Kyiv this week and is now in Moscow.

“I have experienced that the positions are far apart, the steps needed to end the war and establish peace are numerous, but today we managed to take the first important step in restoring dialogue and communication,” said Viktor Orbán, adding that he will continue this work.

Source – Hungarian Government (translated by ChatGPT)

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