Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Brussels, 12 June 2024

Tomorrow, EU Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra will be in Finland to meet with Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, and with other national representatives, stakeholders and citizens.

In the morning, Commissioner Hoekstra will hold a roundtable discussion with members of key industries, civil society, and trade unions on the latest developments in the country on climate issues and how to advance industrial decarbonisation and competitiveness in Finland. He will then visit the facilities in Helsinki of Stora Enso, a leading company of forestry, paper, and packaging products, to discuss innovation policies in the sector.

In the afternoon, the Commissioner will hold bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Orpo, and with the Minister of Climate and the Environment, Kai Mykkänen. Later, he will take part in a Citizens’ Dialogue with Climate Pact Ambassadors and students, to discuss their role in the EU’s green transition, followed by a working dinner with representatives of the non-profit foundation of businesses for the Climate Leadership Coalition, and the Finnish Climate Science Panel.


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