Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet LUXEMBOURG

Official EE24 website: https://elections.public.lu/en.html

Other elections/referenda held the same day: No

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 6/6

Current government: Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei/CSV (EPP) and the Demokratesch Partei/DP (Renew) since November 2023


  • Obligatory vote: Yes (until age 75)
  • Number of constituencies: 1
  • Preferential vote: Yes
  • Postal vote: Yes
  • Threshold to get elected: No
  • Day of EE24: Sunday 9 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 08.00 CEST
  • Closing time of polling stations: 14.00 CEST



  • Total: 314.852
  • Minimum age: 18


  • Lists (total): 13
  • Candidates (total): 78
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 18

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation) (In bold those represented in outgoing EP)

  • Mir d’Vollek – Jean-Marie Jacoby
  • Volt – Aurélie Dap
  • LSAP – Marc Angel
  • Fokus – Frank Engel
  • KPL – Ali Ruckert
  • déi Konservativ – d’Fräiheetspartei – Joe Thein
  • déi Lénk – Ana Correia da Veiga
  • DP – Charles Goerens
  • ADR – Fernand Kartheiser
  • Zesummen d’Bréck – David Foka
  • CSV – Christophe Hansen
  • Déi Gréng – Tilly Metz
  • Piraten – Raymond Remakel

MEPs re-running (in bold lead candidate of list)

  • Marc Angel – LSAP
  • Charles Goerens – DP
  • Tilly Metz – Déi Gréng
  • Martine Kemp – CSV
  • Monica Semedo – Fokus
  • Isabel Wiseler-Lima – CSV



MEPs / % votes

  • DP / 2 / 21.4 %
  • CSV / 2 / 21.1 %
  • Déi Gréng/Les Verts / 1 / 18.9 %
  • LSAP/POSL / 1 / 12.2 %


  • 84.2%

Source – EU Parliament


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