Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Moscow, 11 May 2024

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal constitutional law “On the Government of the Russian Federation,” Chairman of the Government of Russia Mikhail Mishustin submitted proposals on the composition of the new Government to the State Duma for consideration.

In the new Cabinet of Ministers, Denis Manturov, who is in charge of industry, will take the post of First Deputy Prime Minister.

“The increase in the status of the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of industry is due to the importance of ensuring technological leadership, as stated in the new May decree signed by the President. The development of technology today is at the forefront of the entire range of tasks facing executive authorities. It is technological leadership in all areas, be it aircraft manufacturing, manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, radio electronics, military-industrial complex, that can become a powerful driver of economic development,” said Boris Belyakov, press secretary of the Chairman of the Government.

Considering the importance of the further development of transport and logistics, including international transport corridors, the new Government will include the position of a specialized Deputy Prime Minister. Vitaly Savelyev, who in recent years headed the Ministry of Transport, and before that, for many years, one of the largest domestic airlines, has been proposed as a candidate for this post.

“Vitaly Savelyev knows the industry thoroughly, has the necessary experience and management potential to solve the tasks on the agenda for the development of transport, the establishment of new logistics corridors and the implementation of large projects in this important area. As a minister, he ensured the stability of the entrusted industry in the face of Western sanctions and will continue to work effectively in his new post,” noted Boris Belyakov.

In connection with the transition to a new place of work, Victoria Abramchenko should be replaced as Deputy Prime Minister by Dmitry Patrushev, who served as head of the Ministry of Agriculture.

“In connection with Victoria Abramchenko’s transfer to another place of work as a new curator of such important sectors as agriculture, agro-industrial complex, ecology, Dmitry Patrushev was proposed. He has the necessary knowledge and experience. Before entering the civil service, he headed Rosselkhozbank for eight years, was on the board of VTB and knows the financial sector well. Capable of ensuring further development of the entrusted sphere,” said Boris Belyakov.

In connection with Andrey Belousov’s transition to a new job, in addition to the energy sector, Alexander Novak will oversee the economic block (issues of economic support and anti-sanctions measures).

As Boris Belyakov recalled, Alexander Novak has the necessary management experience. For a long time he coordinated economic and financial issues in various positions, both in business and in the municipal and public service, including holding the position of Deputy Minister of Finance.

Dmitry Grigorenko will continue to oversee the financial, control and supervisory areas. In addition, it is proposed to transfer digital development and communications, as well as antitrust policy, under its coordination. Dmitry Grigorenko will retain his position as Head of the Government Staff.

“Despite sanctions pressure, the IT industry under the leadership of Dmitry Chernyshenko developed at a high pace. Now the implementation of the created platforms and mechanisms is required. Therefore, in the future, Dmitry Grigorenko will oversee the issues of digital transformation of public administration, key sectors of the economy and the social sphere in the new Government. He was responsible for the digitalization of public administration and has extensive experience in implementing key IT systems. Has all the necessary competencies to continue this work. In addition, the ongoing reform of control and supervisory activities has had a positive impact on economic development. The transition of the Federal Antimonopoly Service to the supervision of Dmitry Grigorenko will give additional impetus to this work,” said Boris Belyakov.

The Ministry of Education and Rosmolodezh will be added to the areas of activity of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Economy in terms of tourism development supervised by Dmitry Chernyshenko. He will also continue coordination in the field of media, periodicals and publishing activities.

“The implementation of the updated national goal of raising a harmoniously developed personality, the national projects “Youth and Children”, “Tourism and Hospitality”, as well as the federal project “Sport is the Norm of Life” is ensured primarily by a comprehensive system of education and youth policy. From kindergarten to university. And also through sports, tourism, spiritual and moral education. In the new Government, this will be done by Dmitry Chernyshenko, who will be responsible for scientific and educational support for national projects of technological leadership and will oversee the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnadzor, Rosmolodezh and the Ministry of Sports,” emphasized Boris Belyakov.

Tatyana Golikova, as Deputy Prime Minister, will continue to oversee the activities of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the Ministry of Culture. The Federal Agency for National Affairs will also be under its jurisdiction.

“The task of strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony in the country will also be solved through the preservation of traditional Russian spiritual, moral and cultural values. Tatyana Golikova will deal with the implementation of national policy in this area. She is a long-term curator of social policy, development of institutions and programs to support and protect people. She is deeply immersed in issues of interethnic relations and has enormous experience in systematically and comprehensively solving assigned problems based on feedback from people. The combination of these qualities will ensure a proper approach to work on the development of this area,” noted Boris Belyakov.

It is also proposed to retain the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers in the new Government for Alexei Overchuk, Yuri Trutnev and Marat Khusnullin.

The final decisions on the distribution of powers of deputy prime ministers will be approved by the Chairman of the Government after consideration of candidates by the State Duma and additional consultations between Mikhail Mishustin and the President.

In the ministerial block there are the following changes.

The candidacy of the Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoit, has been proposed for the post of Minister of Transport.

“In 2012–2018, he headed Rosavtodor; in 2019, he headed the subgroup “Safe and high-quality roads and road activities” to prepare the Presidium of the State Council on Transport. Knows the industry from the inside. In addition, Roman Starovoit has extensive political and managerial experience, which will be useful in his work as the head of one of the key federal ministries,” said Boris Belyakov.

The governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov, who once worked in the Ministry of Industry and Trade and was also a member of the advisory council on industry at the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, was proposed for the post of Minister of Industry and Trade.

“Anton Alikhanov is a qualified and strong manager. As governor, he was able to ensure the development of the economy and industry of the region. Thanks to his experience working at the federal and regional levels, he has an understanding of the tasks and decisions on the agenda, which is extremely important for the industry for which he will be responsible as head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade,” said Boris Belyakov.

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass, Sergei Tsivilev, has been nominated for the post of Minister of Energy in the new Government.

“Many years of experience as the head of the largest Russian coal mining region, as well as work at the federal level on the Presidium of the State Council and as Chairman of the State Council of Russia commission in the field of Energy, give reason to believe that Sergey Tsivilev will ensure the further development of an industry that is important for the country,” – noted Boris Belyakov.

The State Duma will consider the candidacy of Oksana Lut as the new Minister of Agriculture.

As Boris Belyakov reminded, she has been working at the Ministry of Agriculture since 2018. Since 2021, he has held the position of First Deputy Minister. Before moving to the ministry, she was one of the managers in the specialized Rosselkhozbank. Has the necessary knowledge and competencies to work in a responsible position as the head of the ministry.

For the post of Minister of Sports, instead of Oleg Matytsin, who is moving to another job, the candidacy of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory, Mikhail Degtyarev, was proposed.

“In addition to his experience as head of the region, he was twice elected as a deputy of the State Duma, where he headed the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs. It is important that he is a master of sports in fencing, a prize-winner of all-Russian and international competitions. Mikhail Degtyarev has the necessary competencies to respond to the challenges facing the industry and continue the active development of this area,” noted Boris Belyakov.

The following are expected to retain their posts in the new Government: Anton Kotyakov (Ministry of Labor), Alexander Kozlov (Ministry of Natural Resources), Sergei Kravtsov (Ministry of Education), Olga Lyubimova (Ministry of Culture), Maxim Reshetnikov (Ministry of Economic Development), Anton Siluanov (Ministry of Finance), Mikhail Murashko (Ministry of Health), Irek Faizullin (Ministry of Construction), Valery Falkov (Ministry of Education and Science), Alexey Chekunkov (Ministry of Eastern Development), Maksut Shadayev (Ministry of Digital Development).

Source – Russian Government –


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