Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Brussels, 8 May 2024

The Commission has published a detailed country analysis in the areas of employment, skills and social inclusion for Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, and Romania, detailing the results of the Social Convergence Framework.

This second-stage analysis builds on the findings of the Joint Employment Report (JER) 2024 comprising a first-stage analysis of all Member States. The JER was presented by the Commission as part of the 2024 Semester Autumn Package and adopted by the Council in March 2024.

The present analysis will now be the object of in-depth multilateral discussions with Member States in both the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee, ahead of the forthcoming adoption of the European Semester Spring Package.

The European Semester is the European Union’s framework for the coordination and surveillance of economic, employment and social policies.

Source – EU Commission


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