Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Strasbourg, 24 April 2024

  • Improved assistance among member states to enforce fines for dangerous foreign drivers

  • Traffic offences triggering cross-border investigation broadened

  • 11 month deadline to issue a traffic fine

On Wednesday, MEPs reinforced EU member states cooperation in the cross-border investigation of traffic offences to help prevent reckless driving while abroad.

With approximately 40% of cross-border traffic offences currently going unpunished, MEPs updated the rules to get EU countries to cooperate more and help each other to find a foreign driver liable for a traffic offence. The new rules oblige national authorities to reply to requests from another EU country without delay, and no later than two months after it has gathered the necessary information.

In addition, upon request of the member state in which the offence occurred, the offender’s EU country of residence can take over the collection of road traffic fines, provided the amount is more than 70 euro and has not been paid after all legal options are exhausted.

More offences

The updated rules will expand the list of traffic offences committed by non-resident drivers that trigger cross-border assistance and can result in a fine. In addition to speeding, drink-driving or failing to stop at a red light, EU legislators added dangerous parking, dangerous overtaking, crossing a solid line and hit and run offences, amongst other offences.

Clear deadline and ban on private debt collectors

The EU country where the traffic offence occurred will have 11 months from the date of the offence to issue a traffic offence notice. The offence notice must include the time and circumstances of the offence, as well as information on how to appeal the fine.

At the initiative of MEPs, private entities will be banned from helping EU countries collect traffic fines from foreign drivers (as of two years after the rules are transposed into national law).

Online portal

To increase transparency and facilitate the implementation of the new rules, the Commission is tasked with creating an online portal listing the rules, appeal options and the relevant road traffic fines, amongst other information.


EP rapporteur Kosma Złotowski (ECR, PL) said:

“To increase road safety EU countries must cooperate and have effective tools to punish traffic offenders from abroad. The updated rules will help achieve this, but are also beneficial for drivers, who will receive information within a strict timeframe, in a language they understand and with a description of the appeals procedure. The ban on the use of private companies to collect fines will effectively protect drivers against scams and the leak of personal data.”

Next steps

The new rules on cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences were adopted by 570 votes in favour, 36 votes against and 24 abstentions. Once Council has approved them, EU countries will have 30 months to prepare for their implementation.


ECR Group: Traffic tickets will soon reach every offender

Today, the European Parliament approved ECR Rapporteur Kosma Złotowski’s proposed revisions to a directive focused on improving cross-border information exchange regarding road-safety traffic offences. As part of the comprehensive “road safety” legislative package, which also covers directives on driving licenses and driving disqualifications, this Directive aims to ensure that non-resident drivers adhere to traffic rules when driving in other EU member states.

Speaking after the adoption, Złotowski said: “To improve road safety, EU countries need to work together and have effective tools to penalise traffic offenders from abroad. The updated rules will help achieve this, but will also benefit drivers, who will receive information within a strict timeframe, in a language they understand and with a description of the appeals procedure. The ban on using private companies to collect fines will effectively protect drivers from fraud and leakage of personal data. We addressed also issue of drivers from third countries which every years commits more road offences in the Members States.”

The new directive will broaden its coverage by including more types of offences. This expansion includes violations related to dangerous overtaking, wrong-way driving, and rules at a railway level crossing, as well as hit-and-run cases.

In addition, the new legislation clarifies the different procedures for accessing vehicle registration data and providing options for competent authorities to seek mutual assistance. This will ensure timely delivery of traffic offence notices to the correct recipient.

Złotowski believes that introducing identical rules and a level playing field for residential and non-residential drivers will ultimately enhance road safety throughout the European Union.

The text was adopted with 570 votes in favour, 36 against and 24 abstentions.

Source – ECR Group (via e-mail)

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