Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Phnom Penh, 12 March 2024

“Check against delivery”

Your Excellency, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance,

Excellencies Members of Government,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Chum riep sua!

I thank the Royal Government for showing strong support for this event, and for such a warm welcome.

Key reforms have enabled Cambodia to register one of the highest growth rates in the world over the past decades, lifting millions of people out of poverty.

Today’s event is a testament to the commitment we all place on strengthening the benefits from ASEAN integration to accelerate trade and sustain growth. At the heart of the Mekong region, this integration is key to Cambodia.

New business opportunities can generate green, decent jobs for the young population.

The European Union is a unique union of 27 Member States built on the basis of closer cooperation and people-to-people exchange. We have a longstanding partnership with Cambodia.

This partnership includes strong economic ties between the EU and Cambodia. The EU is the second largest market for Cambodian exports.

We work with our Member States together as a “Team Europe approach”. I would like to acknowledge today the presence here of Ambassadors and representatives of our Member States.

Dear friends,

In Cambodia, we are committed to support the country’s integration into ASEAN and the upcoming graduation from Least Developed Country by championing Green Growth and Decent Jobs.

Green Growth will help harmonize economic growth with ecological preservation. Through decent jobs, we aim to ensure that economic development translates into improved livelihoods for the Cambodian people.

I want to stress it: the EU is committed to its partnership with Cambodia to accompany the delicate transition to upper middle-income country ahead.

Such transition would be challenging in any circumstances, but today we also face many uncertainties due to global crises from climate to conflict.

To accompany the graduation, ASEAN integration and to continue our support for sustainable development, we will bring more investments, to promote a knowledge-based economy.

The EU Global Gateway investment strategy brings more investments. It connects the world through sustainable investments and reliable partnerships. We contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, help narrow the global investment gap, support global economic recovery, and drive the twin green and digital transitions.

In Cambodia, Team Europe will launch three Global Gateway Flagships in 2024: (1) The Partnership in education for green and digital jobs, (2) the Water treatment plant in Phnom Penh and (3) One Health.

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to be here with you today to mark an important milestone in our cooperation, with the launch of four new ground-breaking programmes.

These four interconnected programmes, all relating to Green Growth and Decent Jobs bring together positive change and an opportunity for Cambodia to prepare the grounds for its transition to Higher Middle-Income Country.

The EU CAPSAFE initiative, with its focus on deforestation-free production and processing of cashew nuts and pepper, promotes sustainable agriculture.

The EU Partnership for Sustainable Energy Practices in Industry targets the garment industry, promoting renewable energy and aligning with international sustainability standards.

Our new Partnership with Cambodia in Education will support technical education and Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with an emphasis on green energy and digital skills.

Finally, the Trade and Private Sector programme (EU GATE) addresses trade challenges, streamlining customs processes and enhancing Cambodia’s competitiveness in the global market.

I would like to congratulate all the key players so much effort in preparing the 4 new programmes, and especially the line Ministries who work with us and who are present here today.

As we move to the implementation of these programmes, let us embrace the spirit of partnership, innovation, and shared goals.

Because together, we have the opportunity to shape a future where Cambodia and Cambodians thrive and create opportunities for further investments under the Global Gateway.

Source – EU Commission

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