ENTSO-E’s biennial TYNDP is the pan-European electricity infrastructure plan, that identifies infrastructure gaps from a pan-European perspective and assesses infrastructure projects.

ENTSO-E has published on 29 February 2024 the draft list of electricity infrastructure projects to be assessed in the next edition of the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP). The draft TYNDP 2024 project portfolio consists of 176 transmission projects and 33 storage projects.

The TYNDP is the result of a two-year process that starts with the development of scenarios of what the European power system could look like in 2030 and 2040. ENTSO-E then maps where the investments in the electricity system in 2030 and 2040 could bring economic, environmental or security of supply benefits to Europeans. The TYNDP process concludes with a cost-benefit analysis of proposed infrastructure projects.

The TYNDP 2024 project portfolio consists of 209 projects proposed by project promoters in September-October 2023. ENTSO-E has verified the compliance of all applications with the TYNDP 2024 admission criteria.

Users can also explore the projects by accessing the TYNDP 2024 interactive map.

The next step in the TYNDP 2024 process is the publication of the final draft TYNDP 2024 scenarios, expected in April 2024. The System Needs Study – identifying gaps in the power system – and the results of the projects’ cost-benefit analysis will follow in the winter 2024.



ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is the association for the cooperation of the European transmission system operators (TSOs). The 40 member TSOs, representing 36 countries, are responsible for the secure and coordinated operation of Europe’s electricity system, the largest interconnected electrical grid in the world. In addition to its core, historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the common voice of TSOs.

Source ENTSO-E