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European Energy Efficiency Conference, 7-8 March 2024

07 March - 08 March

What is it all about?

No time like now for energy efficiency! Price fluctuations, geopolitical instabilities and the climate crisis make the role of energy efficiency in the energy transformation evident. New EU targets require a strong push for energy efficiency in all sectors.

The 2024 Energy Efficiency Conference will show how to realise the high policy ambitions and how to strengthen energy efficiency demand and markets.

Find out more!

Conference Fees

  • 350 Euro for the European Energy Efficiency Conference (includes the conferences: Energy Efficiency Policy, Workshop “Cities and regions”, Industrial Efficiency, E-Mobility, Young Energy Efficiency Researchers) (7 – 8 March)
  • 390 Euro for all WSED conferences (5 – 8 March)

All fees include an entrance ticket to the tradeshow and conference documentation. All fees plus 10 % VAT.


Energy Efficiency Policy Conference

7 March

09.00 Energy efficiency policies in choppy waters

No time like now for energy efficiency! Price fluctuations, geopolitical instabilities and the climate crisis make the role of energy efficiency in the energy transformation evident. This session presents the ambitious new European energy efficiency legislation and how we can deliver!

  • Opening and welcome
  • The revised Energy Efficiency Directive
    Claudia Canevari, European Commission, DG Energy
  • UN energy efficiency initiatives – opportunities to bridge the gap
    Nadejda Khamrakulova, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • Active efficiency – energy efficiency goes digital
    Vincent Barnes, Alliance to Save Energy, USA
  • Best Young Energy Efficiency Researcher Award
  • Energy efficiency policies in Austria
    Jürgen Schneider, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
  • Results of the European Energy Efficiency Watch Survey
    Christiane Egger, OÖ Energiesparverband, Austria

11.15 How the energy transition can work – examples from different sectors

A strong push for energy efficiency in all sectors is critical. This session highlights different initiatives which empower energy consumers and support key policy areas on their shift to sustainable energy.

  • Clean energy transition projects supporting key policy areas
    Anette Jahn, European Commission, CINEA
  • Our planet is not renewable, but energy is
    Leonhard Schitter, Energie AG, Austria
  • Decarbonising district heating
    Pauline Lucas, Euroheat & Power
  • Energy Communities – next level
    Gerhard Dell, OÖ Energiesparverband, Austria
  • Tackling energy and mobility poverty for an inclusive green transition
    João Pedro Gouveia, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal
  • The impacts of energy labels and ecodesign – latest results
    Leo Wierda, VHK, The Netherlands

Jan Geiss, Eufores

13.00 Lunch break
This conference is organised in the context of the LIFE project “Energy Efficiency Watch 5”:


Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference

7 March

14.00 Policies and programmes to transform industry

Decarbonising industry is one of the main challenges in the energy transition. This session features the key topics of this transformation from competitiveness to digitalisation and innovation.

  • Opening and welcome
  • European energy transition policies for competitiveness, digitalisation and innovation
    Vincent Berrutto, European Commission, DG Energy
  • Innovative renewable solutions for industry
    Roland Roesch, International Renewable Energy Agency
  • The new “transformation of industry” initiative
    Arno Gattinger, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria

15.30 Pathways to net-zero industries

Fast-tracking the industrial decarbonisation is key! This session presents innovations to accelerate and upscale energy efficient and sustainable transformation pathways.

  • Energy systems of the “ultra-efficient factory”
    Alexander Sauer, University of Stuttgart/Fraunhofer IPA, Germany
  • Upscaling hydrogen systems manufacturing
    Ulrike Beyer, Fraunhofer IWU, Germany
  • Hydrogen supply solutions for industrial sites
    Thomas Kienberger, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
  • From energy data to successful CO2management
    Jens Strüker, University of Bayreuth/Fraunhofer Blockchain Lab, Germany

17.00 Best practice examples

Inspiring examples from Austria and other countries show how decarbonising industrial sites can be successfully tackled.

  • Large-scale heat pumps and PV instead of natural gas
    Jörg Theis, B&R Industrial Automation
  • A fossil-free industrial site
    Katrin Helmberger, Fronius International
  • Solutions for industry from the innovation network NEFI
    Wolfgang Hribernik, Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Energy efficient compressed air solutions for industry
    Francisco Puente, ESCAN, Spain
  • The “Solarise at work” employee programme
    Brian Keane, SmartPower, USA

18.00 Conference end

19.00 Evening programme

Smart E-Mobility Conference

8 March

08.45 E-Mobility – next level!

The major role of e-mobility in achieving climate targets is obvious. This session presents policies and innovation that drive e-mobility to the next level.

  • Opening and welcome
    Markus Achleitner, Regional Minister for Economy and Energy, Upper Austria
  • Update on EU e-mobility policies
    Kai Tullius, European Commission, DG MOVE
  • More than 600,000 charging points in Europe – the electric future is here!
    János Ungár, AVERE
  • E-mobility technology trends
    Susanne Koblitz, Independent Expert EV Charging Technology, Germany
  • Increasing manufacturing capacity to electrify passenger vehicles
    Daniel Wohl, Havard Business School, USA
  • Sustainable e-mobility solutions worldwide
    Rohan Shailesh Modi, GIZ, Germany
  • Flexible energy systems for the integration of EVs
    Roger Valdés, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain

11.15 Smart charging and more

This session provides an update on the latest R&D developments and solutions around smart charging – from bi-directional to automated – and battery integration.

  • Bi-directional charging – where are we?
    Daniel Stetter, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
  • Scaling-up smart charging and vehicle-to-grid
    Marisca Zweistra, Elaad, The Netherlands
  • Matrix charging – a new standard for automated EV charging
    Hermann Stockinger, Easelink, Austria
  • Battery integrated fast charging solutions
    Christoph Ebersdorfer, XCharge, Germany
  • Advanced light weight materials for electric vehicles
    Emre Elmas, Farplas, Türkiye

13.00 Conference end

Workshop “Cities and regions”

6 March

14.00 Workshop “Cities and regions – drivers for climate neutrality”

This workshop is targeted at regional and local energy agencies as well as representatives of cities and regions. It presents best practice examples of a wide range of energy transition investments with different financing solutions, and provides a platform for inspiration and exchange for this community.

  • Welcome and opening
  • EU policies supporting the local and regional energy transition
    Claudia Canevari, European Commission, DG Energy
  • Clean energy transition projects for the local and regional level
    Anette Jahn, European Commission, CINEA
  • Local and regional energy agencies leading the energy transition
    Seamus Hoyne, Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland
  • From learning to action in cities and regions
    Giulia Pizzini, IEECP, The Netherlands

Best Practice Examples

  • Boosting energy communities
    Christiane Egger, OÖ Energiesparverband, Austria
  • Developing PV for a sunny future
    Julije Domac, REGEA, Croatia
  • Financing public investments through ELENA and contracting
    Vlasta Krmelj, Energap/Mayor of Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenia
  • Gearing up sustainable mobility
    Alicia Villazan Cabero, Valladolid City Council, Spain
  • How intracting can work for your city or region
    Sandrine Deternay, City of Albertville, France
  • Top Condomini: 40% less energy for 3,000 public and private homes
    Claudia Carani, AESS, Italy
  • Boosting building renovation – an OSS success story
    Raphaëlle Viénot, AREC-Occitanie, France
  • Cities and regions – catalysers for the industrial energy transition
    Rickard Waern, West Sweden Energy Agency, Sweden
  • The Mazovian Renovation Wave project
    Bartosz Dubiński, Mazovia Energy Agency, Poland
  • Revolving funds: reinvesting savings in new sustainable energy projects
    Jaroslav Klusák, SEMMO, Czech Republic

Networking for energy agencies and regional and local authorities

The workshop is held in the context of the ManagEnergy Initiative and the H2020 Project Prospect+.


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08 March
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