Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
puzzle, dna, research
Like a puzzle: New Genomic Techniques. Photo by qimono on Pixabay
  • New Genomic Techniques: MEPs back rules to support green transition of farmers
  • Europa-SPD: Entscheidung gegen Verbraucherschutz, Risikovorsorge und Landwirtschaft – Europaparlament stimmt für Deregulierung der Gentechnik
  • Martin Häusling (Grüne/EFA): EP-Abstimmung stimmt für neue genomische Techniken in der Pflanzenzüchtung – Neue Gentechnik bei Pflanzen: Politischer Offenbarungseid
  • Nicola Procaccini (ECR): Does the Commission expect a thank you from farmers for Green Deal madness?
  • EU Parliament concerned about Norway’s decision to mine part of the Arctic seabed
  • EU Commission calls on POLAND to fully transpose EU legislation on industrial emissions
  • EU Commission calls on AUSTRIA to fully transpose EU legislation on industrial emissions
  • EU Commission calls on FRANCE to comply with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on air quality
  • EU Commission calls on the NETHERLANDS and SLOVAKIA to ensure broad access to justice in environmental matters
  • EU Commission calls on POLAND and PORTUGAL to correctly transpose the Waste Framework Directive
  • EU Commission calls on ROMANIA to close and rehabilitate illegal landfills
  • EU Commission decides to refer SPAIN to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to apply the waste management requirements
  • EU Commission calls on ESTONIA to improve its rules on industrial wastewater
  • EU Commission calls on IRELAND to comply with the Urban Wastewater Directive
  • EU Commission decides to refer BULGARIA, IRELAND, SPAIN, MALTA, PORTUGAL and SLOVAKIA to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to finalise review of their water plans
  • EU Commission calls on DENMARK, GREECE, CROATIA and MALTA to protect their marine waters
  • EU Commission calls on ITALY to implement the Habitats Directive and prevent bycatch of marine and seabird species
  • EU Commission calls on SWEDEN to protect harbour porpoise from bycatch
  • EU Commission decides to refer PORTUGAL back to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to comply with previous judgment on conservation of Natura 2000 sites
  • EU Commission calls on ITALY to comply with rules on hunting, particularly on the use of lead in ammunition
  • German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke on the EU Supply Chain directive
  • NP/EFSA/RAL/202024/01 – Technical support for the editing of documents related to the pesticides peer review process


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