Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
lisbon, retouch, sunset
    Lisbon sunset. Photo by cristinamacia on Pixabay
  • 2023 European Capital of Innovation announced: Lisbon and Linköping are the winners of this year’s iCapital Awards
  • San Cristóbal de La Laguna wins 2024 Access City Award for advancing accessibility for persons with disabilities
  • Cohesion policy: EU Council sets out guiding principles for the future
  • 2.0: The Spanish presidency’s strategy for cohesion to remain one of the EU’s fundamental pillars
  • Speech by EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira on the Future of Cohesion Policy at the Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions
  • A long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: EU Council approves conclusions
  • Staatssekretär Sven Giegold betont zentrale Rolle der EU- Kohäsionspolitik für die Bewältigung der Transformation und für Zusammenhalt in Europa
  • Save the date: webinar on regional statistics
  • Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Türkiye. Main achievements and challenges ahead
  • EU Commission approves up to €1.2 billion of State aid by seven Member States for an Important Project of Common European Interest in cloud and edge computing technologies
  • Remarks by EU Commissioner Reynders on an Important Project of Common European Interest in cloud and edge computing technologies
  • Final Report: Citopia MaaS — Transit IDEA Project
  • UNECE and World Green Economy Organization invite stakeholders to join the Trees in Dry Cities Coalition at COP28
  • Opening speech by Executive Vice-President Sefcovic at the High-Level Plenary of the Local Climate Action Summit
  • WRI: The Future of Extreme Heat in Cities: What We Know — and What We Don’t
  • La Commission désigne la capitale européenne et la ville pionnière verte du tourisme intelligent 2024
  • European Parliament Plenary session: short presentation of the REGI Report on “Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions” – point taken in plenary by Commissioner Johansson on behalf of Commissioner Ferreira

    Please note that there may be a delay of several hours in the availability of these content tables that indicate the current topics we are covering. 

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