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EU Member States want to improve the situation of people with disabilities. Source: EU Council

Brussels, 27 November 2023

Live streaming

  • 10:10 Public session (morning)
  • 14:15 Public session (afternoon)
  • 17:00 Press conference

Monday, 27 November 2023

European disability card and European parking card for persons with disabilities

Ministers agreed the Council’s position (‘general approach’) on the directive establishing the European disability card and the European parking card for persons with disabilities.

The directive will facilitate the free movement of persons with disabilities in the Union, by ensuring equal access to special conditions and preferential treatment for persons with disabilities during short stays, such as reduced or zero entry fees, priority access, assistance and reserved parking spaces.

It will introduce a standardised European disability card and European parking card for persons with disabilities, both available in accessible and bilingual formats. The European disability card will be recognised throughout the EU as proof of disability.

Today, we reached an agreement among EU member states on the new European disability card and the European parking card for persons with disabilities. Special conditions and preferential treatment applying to persons with disabilities in their country of residence will be available to other Union citizens with disabilities travelling to or visiting that country for a short period. Travelling around the European Union is an incredibly enriching experience, and it should be easy and accessible for any EU citizen, without exceptions.

Pablo Bustinduy, Spanish Minister for Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and 2030 Agenda

Ministers also approved conclusions on the special report 20/23 by the European Court of Auditors on supporting people with disabilities, recalling the commitment to improve their lives within the European Union. The conclusions stress the need for better and more comparable data as well as the need to work towards the mutual recognition of disability status for short stays.

    European Semester 2024: Green collective bargaining

    Ministers held a policy debate on the European Semester, which is the EU’s framework for coordinating and monitoring economic, fiscal, employment and social policies on an annual basis.

    The ministers took note of the Commission’s presentation on the 2024 European Semester Autumn Package, including the draft joint employment report; the latter will be adopted by EPSCO in March 2024 and encompasses for the first time a first-stage country analysis on labour market, skills and social developments to detect possible risks to upward social convergence.

    Following that, they engaged in a discussion on green collective bargaining. They debated on how collective bargaining can accompany a fair transition towards climate neutrality, by sharing national experiences and good practices. Many ministers stressed the importance of respecting autonomy of social partners and that social dialogue is a paramount element in the context of the twin green and digital transition. For this transition to be successful, the Council concluded, businesses and workers should be actively consulted and involved.

    The EPSCO Council also endorsed the key messages of the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee as regards the implementation of the recommendation on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality. According to their key messages, member states have started navigating the complex challenges stemming from the green transition, with significant differences across countries regarding the policies implemented. Further monitoring and evaluating fair transition measures will be crucial for guiding future policy decisions.

    Democracy at work and transformation of care services

    Ministers approved conclusions on more democracy at work and green collective bargaining for decent work and sustainable and inclusive growth. The conclusions stress the importance of developing different forms of democracy at work in national legislation or practice, through social dialogue.

    The conclusions invite member states and the Commission to further promote the inclusion of environmental elements in collective bargaining and thus contribute to the development of green collective bargaining at cross-sectoral, sectoral and company level, in close cooperation with social partners.

    The Council also approved conclusions on transition of care systems throughout life towards holistic, person-centred and community-based support models with a gender perspective. Among others, the conclusions invite member states to provide for affordable early childcare and education services, as well as to address the shortage of skilled care workers.

    EU action against racism

    Based on a steering note prepared by the presidency, ministers took stock of the EU Action Plan against racism 2020-2025. Their debate focused on structural racism and illegal racial profiling. Ministers exchanged views on how to best address these problems in national anti-racism legislation and anti-racism action plans.

    They stressed the need for active steps to combat the problem of racism and committed to continue the search for effective solutions both at the EU level and in every member state.

    Current legislative files

    Under other business, the Spanish presidency provided information on five current legislative files and the progress made on them:

    • directive on standards for equality bodies (Article 19)
    • directive on standards for equality bodies (Article 157)
    • regulation on European statistics on population and housing
    • directive on limit values for lead and diioscyanates
    • platform work directive
    Other matters

    The presidency shared information on conferences and high-level meetings organised during its term in the employment, social and equality areas. In particular, it presented the work carried out during the informal meeting of equality ministers that took place in Pamplona on 24 November 2023 and focused on violence against women. Together with the Commission, the presidency provided information on the European Year of Skills.


    Agenda for Tuesday, 28 November 2023

    Social investment

    The second day the Council will kick-off with a policy debate on social investment, based on a steering note prepared by the Spanish presidency, building inter alia on the opinion of the Employment Committee and the Social Protection Committee on the added value of social investment and the role of the EPSCO Council in the governance of the European Semester.

    Social security coordination

    Following the debate, the Council is expected to approve conclusions on digitalisation in social security coordination. The presidency will also inform ministers on the state of play of the revision of the regulations on the coordination of social security systems (883/04 and 987/09).

    Meeting information
    • Meeting n°3987
    • Brussels
    • 27 November 2023
    • 10:00
    Preparatory documents
    Outcome documents
    Press releases


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