Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
bus, bova futura, bova
EU Parliament backs new rules to reduce air pollution from trucks and buses. Photo by autokaremcom on Pixabay
  • IEA Data tool gives a fine-grained view of climate vulnerabilities in the energy system and beyond
  • COP28: MEPs want to end all subsidies for fossil fuel globally by 2025
  • Carbon removals: Parliament wants EU certification scheme to boost uptake
  • EU Parliament backs new rules to reduce air pollution from trucks and buses
  • S&D: European Parliament takes decisive step towards stricter CO₂ standards for heavy-duty vehicles
  • Europa-SPD: Fortschritt für sauberen Frachtverkehr mit CO2-Grenzwerten für LKW und Busse
  • ECR Group criticises too strict emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles
  • LKW-Flotte von Morgen: größer, schwerer, grüner? – EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber fordert kohärentes Regelwerk für den Sektor
  • Acea: CO2 targets for trucks and buses: much more needed than targets on paper, caution manufacturers
  • T&E: EU-Parlamentarier unterstützen Ölindustrie mit Biokraftstoff-Schlupfloch für Lkw
  • EPP: Reward farmers, foresters and SMEs for absorbing CO2
  • MEPs back plans to boost Europe’s Net-Zero technology production
  • S&Ds: With Net-Zero Industry Act each member state gets the freedom to choose what technologies it considers strategic
  • Renew Europe: Net zero industry act: ready for a real boost for cleantech production in Europe!
  • EU-Abgeordneter Ehler (CDU) zum Net Zero Industry Act
  • EEB: European Parliament unravels net-zero industrial policy with costly giveaways and a new attack on nature
  • VDMA zum Net-Zero Industry Act im EU-Parlament: “Realitäts- und Praxischeck nötig”
  • Kenya’s President: EU and Africa must address climate change and migration
  • Fiscal Policy for the 21st Century: Meeting Economic, Social and Climate Challenges
  • ST 15377 2023 INIT Health and Climate change – Information from the Maltese delegation on behalf of the Austrian, Belgian, Croatian, Cyprus, Czech, Danish, Estonian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourg, Maltese, Netherlands, Portuguese, Romanian and Slovenian delegations


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