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The Education for Climate Day 2023 will focus on green competences of learners and educators across the EU

15 November 2023

Brussels, 14 November 2023

Tomorrow, the Education for Climate Day 2023 will take place online from 9.00 to 17.30 CET. The Education for Climate Day event is open to learners of all ages and levels, educators, trainers, education stakeholders, institutions, industry professionals, NGOs, Climate Pact ambassadors and anyone willing to contribute actively to the green transition and act on climate. The event will be the occasion for citizens to engage in interesting discussions, share ideas, challenges, and experiences on how to tackle sustainability in and through education and in everyday life.

Six thematic sessions will cover a broad range of topics, from best practices in innovative green education to recommendations from the Youth Climate LAB on how to make unsustainable fashion trends more sustainable through individual and collective actions or a dedicated session ahead of COP28 UN Climate Change Conference.

Participants will also get an in-depth understanding of European Union’s initiatives supporting the development of environmental awareness and competences useful to navigate through the green transition and driving change towards climate neutrality for the benefit of our society.

The Education for Climate Day is the annual flagship event of the Education for Climate Coalition, the Commission’s participatory community under the European Education Area to support teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development.

Gaining competences and knowledge for the green transition is one of the many initiatives contributing to the European Green Deal that will turn the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels and putting the EU on track to become climate-neutral by mid-century.

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