Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


Posted on: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – 18:55

EIT Urban Mobility has launched six calls for proposals for a new series of programmes linked to innovation in urban mobility.

These offer exciting opportunities for cities from EU Member States and associated Horizon countries to join forces with industry, the scientific community, businesses and other actors to advance urban mobility innovation in a wide variety of areas.

Read more on the specific calls below.

  • The innovation call will support projects in four main challenge areas: active mobility, sustainable city logistics, future mobility and mobility and energy. Learn more.
  • The public realm call aims to generate social innovation by improving and transforming streets and public spaces with tactical urbanism and street experiments as part of a city-wide approach for liveable cities. Projects will implement pilots for inclusive, safe and accessible public realm design in a city or town. Learn more.
  • The citizen engagement call is seeking applications from projects focusing on testing or implementing innovative methodologies, tools, business models or processes through which citizens are empowered to co-define mobility challenges and join co-creation processes. Learn more.
  • The business creation call is looking specifically for actions to continue and improve content, formats and business models of the Accelerator Programmes and SME Hub, thereby helping turn innovation into businesses. Learn more.
  • The academy call looks to close the knowledge gap within urban mobility, enabling the development of mobility for liveable urban spaces. Learn more.
  • The Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) call focuses on the EIT City Challenge Areas. All activities of the RIS programme aim to connect all innovation talents in Europe and support them to work together. Learn more.

The application deadline for all calls is Tuesday 18 May 2021. Find about more about EIT Urban Mobility on its website.

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