Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
EU President von der Leyen met in Kyiv with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Source: EU Commission

Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Kyiv, 4 November 2023

Thank you very much, President Zelenskyy, dear Volodymyr, for hosting me again. It is good to be back in Kyiv. We had a very good meeting. We have indeed discussed many important topics. I want to have a look at three points that I want to highlight here.

First, and most important, of course, is Ukraine’s accession path to the European Union. I must say that you have made excellent progress – this is impressive to see.

We will testify to this next week when the Commission will present its report on enlargement. I want to tell you how impressed we are by the reforms you have made in the midst of a war. We should never forget that you are fighting an existential war. And, at the same time, you are deeply reforming your country. You have reached many milestones: reforming your justice system, curbing the oligarchs’ grip, tackling money laundering – and much more. This is the result of hard work.

I know that you are in the process of completing outstanding reforms. If this happens, and I am confident, Ukraine can reach its ambitious goal of moving to the next stage in the accession process. This will also be my message in the Rada this afternoon.

My second point is: You have made very important steps forward in your economic modernisation. As you reconstruct, you are modernising the country. We have supported you so far with almost EUR 83 billion. And Ukraine is set to receive further EUR 3 billion still this year. But of course, more and predictable funding is necessary to meet the current needs. So, the Commission has proposed to the Member States EUR 50 billion until 2027 in additional support. To make this work, we are developing together the Ukraine Plan. This will aim to modernise further your country, through reforms and investments. The Ukraine Plan is the key to access the EUR 50 billion. There has been very good progress. We now have to work hard need to get it over the finish line in the next few weeks.

One good example of our work on keeping the economy running are the solidarity lanes. They have so far allowed Ukraine to export over 100 million tonnes of goods. More than half of these 100 million tonnes of goods are agri-food products. So, Ukraine is feeding the world in these times of scarcity. And of course, in addition, the solidarity lanes bring much needed revenues back to Ukraine. In the last 16 months – this is the time frame since when we have had the solidarity lanes –, this has already brought revenues of EUR 42 billion back to Ukraine. In this context, I would like to commend Ukraine on its efforts to re-establish navigation on the Black Sea. More grain can leave Ukraine, from these two routes. But nevertheless, we need the solidarity lanes. Around 65% of Ukrainian agri-food products leave the country via these solidarity lanes. This is also why we are heavily investing in reinforcing these lanes – this is rail, road and border crossings. Last year, we have pledge EUR 1 billion of investment. And it is good that this amount has already been exceeded. Every effort and every euro is well invested because it anchors the Ukrainian economy in our Single Market.

My third and final point is: We will continue to make Russia pay for its war of aggression. Our existing sanctions have deeply affected the Russian economy.

Very soon, we will propose to Member States our 12th package of sanctions. There will be new listings, to hold accountable those who are involved in the military invasion and occupation of the country, but also those who are involved in the brutal abduction of children, and those who are involved in fake news and propaganda.

Furthermore, the sanctions package will include new import and export bans, and it includes actions to tighten the oil price cap. Finally, we will further crack down on sanctions circumvention. In all these topics, we are very closely coordinating with our G7 partners. Overall, Russia has to pay a price for the devastation and destruction it has caused.

And in this context, there is another example, this is the topic of the proceeds of the EUR 200 billion of immobilised Russian sovereign assets in Europe. The proceeds  are accumulating every day. We believe that these profits should go in rebuilding Ukraine. And this is why the Commission will now come very soon with a proposal that allows this to happen.

Finally, dear President, dear Volodymyr: The Peace Formula meeting in Malta sent an important message of engagement. We will continue to support and promote a just and lasting peace for Ukraine. This is our common goal and rest assured that our support is unshakable.

Thank you.

Source – EU Commission


Address by President von der Leyen to Members of Verkhovna Rad

Kyiv, 4 November 2023

“Check against delivery”

Thank you, Chairman Stefanchuk,

Members of the government,

Honourable Members of the Rada,

It is such an honour to address you in the House of Ukrainian democracy. As I stand in this majestic hall, my heart is full of emotions. Admiration, for your courage and endurance. Grief, for all the suffering that Russia has inflicted upon your beloved country. Respect, for all the incredible legislative work that this House has carried forward, even as you fight an existential war. But the strongest of all feelings is gratitude. All of Europe owes you deep gratitude for all you have done since the beginning of this brutal war. You are fighting not only for your freedom, your democracy and your future, but for ours too. You are fighting for Europe. This is something we are painfully aware of. Dear Members of the Rada, dear people of Ukraine, Duzhe dyakuyu.

On a wall of one of the Parliament’s buildings, there is a beautiful mural by French artist Christian Guémy, which reminds us of the deep ties between the people of Ukraine and the rest of Europe, but also of your courage and determination. The mural shows a hero of Ukraine’s resistance, Oleksandr Matsiyevsky. You all know his story. He was captured by Russians in the battle of Bakhmut. They made him dig his own grave. And they executed him – in one of too many war crimes of this bloody war. But as Oleksandr looked at his killers, there was no fear on his face. He stood defiantly in front of them. And said two simple words. Words of freedom. Words of pride. Words that mean that Russia will never win this war. And now those words are forever etched on that wall and in the hearts of all the free people of the world: Glory to Ukraine. Slava Ukraini.

Oleksandr Matsiyevsky has become a national hero because you all share his spirit. All Ukrainians are standing up against Russian brutality. And in front of your bravery, there is only one thing that we, in the rest of Europe, must do. And that is to stand alongside Ukraine for as long as it takes. This is why, next week, we are announcing our 12th package of sanctions against Russia. The new sanctions shall include up to 100 new listed individuals, new import and export bans, actions to tighten the oil price cap, and tough measures on third-country companies which circumvent the sanctions. For too long, many in Europe thought that we could trade with Russia and integrate it into Europe’s security order. But it has not worked. And it will not work as long as Russia’s actions are driven by delusional dreams of empire. This is one crucial lesson that you, the people of Ukraine, have taught us throughout the war. So, we shall not repeat the mistakes of 2014. And we will continue to apply maximum pressure against Russia, until the end of the aggression, until Ukraine has re-established a just peace.

Indeed, Europe is learning a lot from Ukraine. This is a message you do not hear often enough. The people of Ukraine do not need to learn how to be European. You are European. Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has proven so much. You are showing the power of democracy. You are showing the power of ingenuity. And you are showing the power of European values. These are the three main topics that I would like to focus on today. And here, in front of the elected representatives of the Ukrainian people, I can only start with the power of democracy.

I remember very well when, one year ago, we presented the seven necessary steps to accompany Ukraine’s candidate status on the way towards the EU. Some said they were too ambitious. But your reaction was extraordinary. All your democratic institutions have mobilised to fulfil the desire of the Ukrainian people. As President Zelenskyy said, you did not ask for discounts or shortcuts. Instead, you have shown that Ukrainian democracy can deliver. The breadth and depth of the reforms you have passed is astonishing: The constitutional justice reform. The selection of the High Council of Justice. The Anti-Corruption Programme. Progress against money-laundering. Important measures to curb the oligarchs’ grip on your public life. The new media law. And progress on national minorities. We know that this has not always been easy. But this is the normal path of any democracy. We discuss. We disagree. We discuss even harder. We find solutions. And in the end, we deliver.

And you have made great strides, much greater than anyone expected from a country at war. You are undergoing deep reforms, while fighting a full-scale war. The goal is truly within reach. Continuing to strengthen even further your anti-corruption efforts, passing the law on lobbying, strengthening the asset declaration framework in two respects and addressing the remaining recommendations of the Venice Commission on national minorities, including education – these are measures that are necessary to fully complete the seven steps. You can make it. And make it swiftly. You have already completed way over 90%. And we will continue to provide all the technical and political support you need. I am confident that you can reach your ambitious goal: That is, for the historic decision to open the process of accession negotiations to be taken already this year.

Honourable Members,

Dear friends,

My second point has to do with the economy of this country and the ingenuity of the Ukrainian people. Let me tell you the story of a young Ukrainian talent called Valentyn Frechka. He was only 17 when he invented a new technology to make paper from fallen leaves. Together with a local entrepreneur, he launched a start-up called Releaf. They got in touch with cities that were eager to get rid of tonnes of fallen leaves. And they started producing paper-bags for companies that were willing to go green, without cutting a single tree. Then, in 2021, you, the Verkhovna Rada, passed legislation to ban plastic bags – in line with the European Green Deal. And this has given a boost to businesses like Releaf. Now, despite the war and thanks to EU funding, this promising Ukrainian company is expanding, and selling its products across Europe. This is just a snapshot of this country’s immense talent. Ukraine is a nation of innovators, not only a country of big farms and heavy industries, but of bright young minds who are already shaping Ukraine’s clean and digital future.

Yes, Ukraine’s financial needs are staggering. But so is Ukraine’s economic potential. And Europe wants to invest in you. This is why we have proposed the Ukraine Facility, an unprecedented EUR 50 billion support plan for Ukraine’s economy. It would be financed with grants from the EU budget and loans raised on capital markets. And we are working to also make use of the proceeds of the immobilised sovereign Russian assets. The Facility will support Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction over the next four years. To put this into perspective, this would be more than any European country received under the US Marshall Plan that rebuilt Western Europe after World War II.

A critical task is now to make the very best use of these funds. This is why we have developed together the Ukraine Plan. Through this Plan, you can re-imagine the Ukraine of tomorrow. It is your chance not only to rebuild but to recast your economy, through a coherent agenda for reform and investment. You can shape a better country for your young generations, while continuing on your path to EU membership. And the Ukraine Plan will not only drive Europe’s support. It can also provide guidance and coordination for international donors, in Ukraine’s interest. It is now up to you to show the world your ambition for the future of Ukraine.

Honourable Members,

People of Ukraine,

Two months ago, I decided to conclude my State of the European Union Address with the words of Victoria Amelina. Victoria Amelina was a writer, a mother and an activist for human rights. She was killed by Russia in a massacre of civilians in the city of Kramatorsk. Victoria Amelina believed that this war has taught a lot to Ukrainians. You have learnt that you can count on each other. And you have also learnt that you can count on your fellow Europeans. Today, we feel that we belong to one family and one home, because, in Victoria’s words: ‘Home is where we trust each other.’ But this war has also taught a lot to the rest of Europe. And the most important lesson of all stands right before our eyes. It is the power of this flag, our blue flag with yellow stars, that you have decided to bring here in the heart of Ukrainian democracy.

Too often we forget what this flag stands for. It means freedom and democracy. It means peace and prosperity. It is a symbol of age-old values and a symbol of hope. And you have reminded us of that. You are teaching to all of us the true meaning of Europe. This is the spirit that leads me here. And like me, all European leaders who have come to Kyiv in over 600 days of war. We bring the solidarity of European citizens. But we do not bring Europe to you. Because Europe is here. In your fight for freedom. In your democratic debates. In your resistance against tyranny. Europe is in the eyes of all Ukrainians who fight for a better future. And together, we can win this fight. Together, we can complete our Union. Together, we can bring Ukraine in our common European home. This is the dream of Ukraine’s heroes and Ukraine’s martyrs. And it is our dream, too.

Together we are Europe. Long live Europe and Slava Ukraini.

Source – EU Commission


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