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EU Parliament Agenda on 20 September 2023

20 September 2023


Floriana, Malta

19:30 Laying of wreath on the Independence Monument, Floriana



09:00 – 16:45

AFET Committee on Foreign Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q2


2022 Commission Report on Montenegro (2022/2202(INI)) – adoption of draft report – rapporteur: Tonino PICULA (S&D, HR)


Debriefing on the Informal ministerial meeting on foreign affairs (Gymnich) – Toledo, Spain, 31 August 2023

EU-China relations (2023/2127(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Hilde VAUTMANS (Renew, BE)

EU-US relations (2023/2126(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Tonino PICULA (S&D, HR)

EU-Japan relations (2023/2107(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Reinhard BÜTIKOFER (Greens/EFA, DE)

EU strategy on Central Asia (2023/2106(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Karsten LUCKE (S&D, DE)

Implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2023 (2023/2117(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: David McALLISTER (EPP, DE)

14.30 – 15.30 Jointly with the Committee on Development (DEVE) and the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI): Sakharov Prize 2023: Presentation of candidates

15.30 – 16.45 Jointly with the Committee on Development (DEVE) and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE): Exchange of views demining actions in Ukraine as a consequence of Russia’s war of aggression

Website of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

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09:00 – 18:30

DEVE Committee on Development

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 5E2


EU development cooperation to enhance access to education and training in developing countries – exchange of views and consideration of amendments, and presentation of a draft in-depth analysis on “The European Union’s support for access to quality education in Sub-Saharan Africa” by the author, Magali Chelpi den Hamer

Workshop on Energy needs in Africa and the green transition – programme here.

Jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) – Sakharov Prize 2023: Presentation of candidates

Jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) – exchange of views on demining actions in Ukraine as a consequence of Russia’s war of aggression


General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024 – adoption of draft opinion – rapporteur: Ilan DE BASSO SV, S&D)

Implementation of the European Solidarity Corps programme 2021-2027 – adoption of draft opinion – rapporteur: Beata KEMPA (ECR, PO)

Non-communicable diseases – adoption of draft opinion – rapporteur: Karsten LUCKE (S&D, DE)

The role of preventive diplomacy in tackling frozen conflicts around the world, missed opportunity or change for the future? – Adoption of letter from DEVE Chair to AFET Chair

Website of the Committee on Development

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09:00 – 18:30

ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 6Q2


Appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank — Exchange of views with the candidate selected for the position (to be confirmed) — Rapporteur: Irene TINAGLI (S&D, IT)

Economic Dialogue and exchange of views with Nadia CALVIÑO, ECOFIN President and First Vice-President of the Government of Spain and Minister for the Economy and Digital Transformation


Appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank — Adoption of draft report (to be confirmed) — Rapporteur: Irene TINAGLI (S&D, IT)

Public hearing

New Economic Governance Rules fit for the Future

Website of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

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09:00 – 18:30

PECH Committee on Fisheries

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 4B001


Election of the first Vice-Chair

Amending Regulation (EU) 2019/833 laying down conservation and enforcement measures applicable in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (2023/0056(COD)) — Adoption of draft report — Rapporteur: Grace O’SULLIVAN (Greens/EFA, IE)

Establishing a catch documentation programme for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) and repealing Regulation (EU) No 640/2010 (2020/0302(COD)) — Vote on the provisional agreement resulting from interinstitutional negotiations (to be confirmed) — Rapporteur: Gabriel MATO (EPP, ES)

Implications of Chinese fishing operations for EU fisheries and the way forward (2022/2148(INI) — Adoption of draft report — Rapporteur: Pierre KARLESKIND (Renew, FR)


Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union — Exchange of views with Luis PLANAS, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

EU-UK: The Trade & Cooperation Agreement — Update by the Commission

Public hearing

The importance of fisheries and aquaculture for rural areas (programme)

Website of the Committee on Fisheries

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09:00 – 18:30

AFCO Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 3G-3

Public hearings

“Towards the European elections 2024” — Presentation by the invited experts — Steven VAN HECKE, Associate professor in comparative and EU Politics at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute — Francesco GRILLO, Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute and Affiliate Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa — Exchange of views with Members (draft programme)

“Implementation of the Treaty provisions on EU citizenship” — Presentation by the invited experts — Teresa FREIXES, Jean Monnet ad Personam Professor in Constitutional Law – Vice President of the Royal Academy of Doctors (RAED) Barcelona — Assya KAVRAKOVA, Executive Director at European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) — Exchange of views with Members (draft programme)


The European Elections 2024 (2023/2016(INI)) — Consideration of amendments — Co-rapporteurs: Domènec RUIZ DEVESA (S&D, ES), Sven SIMON (EPP, DE)

Implementation of the Treaty provisions on national parliaments (2023/2084(INI)) — Consideration of draft report — Rapporteur: Paulo RANGEL (EPP, PT)

Implementation of the Treaty provisions on special legislative procedures (2023/2083(INI) — Consideration of draft report — Rapporteur: Victor NEGRESCU (S&D, RO)

Website of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs

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09:30 – 09:45

JURI / LIBE Joint meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


Digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation (2021/0394(COD) — Vote on the provisional agreement resulting from interinstitutional negotiations — Rapporteurs: Marina KALJURAND (S&D, EE), Emil RADEV (EPP, BG)

Amending Council Directive 2003/8/EC, Council Framework Decisions 2002/465/JHA, 2002/584/JHA, 2003/577/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA, 2009/829/JHA and 2009/948/JHA, and Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, as regards digitalisation of judicial cooperation (2021/0395(COD)) — Vote on the provisional agreement resulting from interinstitutional negotiations — Rapporteurs: Emil RADEV (EPP, BG), Marina KALJURAND (S&D, EE)

Website of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

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Website of the Committee on Legal Affairs

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09:30 – 12:30

LIBE Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


Amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (2021/0428(COD) — Adoption of draft report (to be confirmed) — Vote on the decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations (to be confirmed) — Rapporteur: Sylvie GUILLAUME (S&D, FR)


Common procedure for international protection in the Union (2016/0224(COD)) — Reporting back to committee on the negotiations (Rule 74(3)) — Rapporteur: Fabienne KELLER (Renew, FR)

Asylum and migration management and amending Council Directive (EC) 2003/109 and the proposed Regulation (EU) XXX/XXX [Asylum and Migration Fund] (2020/0279(COD)) — Reporting back to committee on the negotiations (Rule 74(3)) — Rapporteur: Tomas TOBÉ (EPP, SE)

A single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for third-country workers legally residing in a Member State (recast) (2022/0131(COD)) — Reporting back to committee on the negotiations (Rule 74(3)) — Rapporteur: Javier MORENO SÁNCHEZ (S&D, ES)

Automated data exchange for police cooperation (“Prüm II”), amending Council Decisions 2008/615/JHA and 2008/616/JHA and Regulations (EU) 2018/1726, 2019/817 and 2019/818 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2021/0410(COD)) — Reporting back to committee on the negotiations (Rule 74(3)) — Rapporteur: Paulo Rangel (EPP, PT)

Establishment of ‘Eurodac’ for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of Regulation (EU) No 604/2013, for identifying an illegally staying third-country national or stateless person and on requests for the comparison with Eurodac data by Member States’ law enforcement authorities and Europol for law enforcement purposes (recast) (2016/0132(COD)) — Reporting back to committee on the negotiations (Rule 74(3)) — Rapporteur: Jorge BUXADÉ VILLALBA (ECR, ES)

The transfer of proceedings in criminal matters (2023/0093(COD)) — Presentation by the European Commission — Rapporteur: Assita KANKO (ECR, BE)

Addressing situations of instrumentalisation in the field of migration and asylum (2021/0427(COD)) — Consideration of draft report — Rapporteur: Patryk JAKI (ECR, PL)

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, 2023 —·Presentation of the priorities by José Luis ESCRIVÁ BELMONTE Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration of Spain

Website of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

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Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


10:15 – 11:00

JURI / AFCO Joint meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 3G-3


The implementation of the principle of primacy of EU law (2022/2143(INI)) — Consideration of amendments — Rapporteurs: Yana TOOM (Renew, EE), Cyrus ENGERER (S&D, MT)

Website of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs

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Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Website of the Committee on Legal Affairs

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Legal Affairs


11:00 – 18:30

ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 3C050

Votes (11.30 – 12.30)

Urban wastewater treatment (recast) (2022/0345(COD)) – adoption of draft report – rapporteur: Nils TORVALDS (Renew, FI)

Establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act) (2023/0081(COD)) – adoption of draft opinion – rapporteur for the opinion: Tiemo WÖLKEN (S&D, DE)

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3) to Commission Implementing Regulation repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1533 imposing special conditions governing the import of feed and food originating in or dispatched from Japan following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station (2023/2808(RSP)) – adoption of motion for a resolution – co-rapporteurs: Michèle RIVASI (Greens/EFA, FR), Günther SIDL (S&D, AT), Anja HAZEKAMP (The Left, NL), Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, FI)

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3) to Commission implementing decision authorising the placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MIR162 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9 and nine sub-combinations, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (D090638) (2023/2809(RSP)) – adoption of motion for a resolution – co-rapporteurs: Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN (EPP, FI), Günther SIDL (S&D, AT), Martin HÄUSLING (Verts/ALE), Anja HAZEKAMP (The Left)

Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3) to Commission Implementing Decision renewing the authorisation for placing on the market of products containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified maize MIR162 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Implementing Decisions (EU) 2016/1685, (EU) 2019/1305 and (EU) 2019/2087 as regards the reference material (D090639) ENVI/9/13034 2023/2810(RSP) – adoption of motion for a resolution – co-rapporteurs: Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN (EPP, FI), Günther SIDL (S&D, AT), Martin HÄUSLING (Greens/EFA, DE), Anja HAZEKAMP (The Left)


Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3) to Commission Implementing Regulation repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1533 imposing special conditions governing the import of feed and food originating in or dispatched from Japan following the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power station (2023/2808(RSP)) – consideration of draft motion for a resolution – co-rapporteurs: Michèle RIVASI (Greens/EFA, FR), Günther SIDL (S&D, AT), Anja HAZEKAMP (The Left, NL), Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, FI)

Laying down Union procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human use and establishing rules governing the European Medicines Agency, amending Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 and Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 (2023/0131(COD)) – presentation by the Commission / exchange of views – rapporteur:Tiemo WÖLKEN (S&D, DE)

Union code relating to medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/83/EC and Directive 2009/35/EC (2023/0132(COD)) – presentation by the Commission / exchange of views – rapporteur: Pernille WEISS (EPP, DK)

Amending Council Directives 2001/110/EC relating to honey, 2001/112/EC relating to fruit juices and certain similar products intended for human consumption, 2001/113/EC relating to fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption, and 2001/114/EC relating to certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption (2023/0105(COD)) – rapporteur: Alexander BERNHUBER (EPP, AT) – consideration of draft report

Joint meeting with the Committee on Budgetary Control (17.00 – 18.30 in meeting room SPAAK 5B001): European Court of Auditors’ Special Report 18/2023: EU climate and energy targets – 2020 targets achieved, but little indication that actions to reach the 2030 targets will be sufficient presentation by reporting ECA Member Joëlle Elvinger / exchange of views

Website of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

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Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety


15:10 – 18:30

CONT Committee on Budgetary Control

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 5B001


2021 discharge: General budget of the EU – European Council and Council (2022/2083(DEC)) — Adoption of draft report — Rapporteur: Mikuláš PEKSA (Greens/EFA, CZ)


Presentation of the Members of the new OLAF Supervisory Committee

Discharge 2021: General budget of the EU – European Parliament — Exchange of views with the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Alessandro CHIOCCHETTI on the follow-up of the 2021 discharge

ECA Special Report 18/2023: EU climate and energy targets — Presentation of the special report by ECA reporting Member Joëlle ELVINGER — Exchange of views with the participation of Members of Committee on Budgets — Rapporteur: Marian-Jean MARINESCU (EPP, RO) — Joint meeting with Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Website of the Committee on Budgetary Control

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Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Budgetary Control


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20 September 2023
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