Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

We, the leaders of Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United States, convened at Camp David to inaugurate a new era of trilateral partnership. We do so at a time of unparalleled opportunity for our countries and our citizens, and at a hinge point of history, when geopolitical competition, the climate crisis, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, and nuclear provocations test us. This is a moment that requires unity and coordinated action from true partners, and it is a moment we intend to meet, together. Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States are determined to align our collective efforts because we believe our trilateral partnership advances the security and prosperity of all our people, the region, and the world. In this spirit, Pre­sident Biden commended President Yoon and Prime Minister Kishida for their courageous leadership in transforming relations between Japan and the ROK. With the renewed bonds of friendship—and girded by the ironclad U.S.-Japan and U.S.-ROK alliances—each of our bilateral relationships is now stronger than ever. So too is our trilateral relationship.

On this historic occasion, we commit to expand our cooperation trilaterally and raise our shared ambition to a new horizon, across domains and across the Indo-Pacific and beyond. We will strengthen our economies, provide resilience and prosperity, support the free and open international order based on the rule of law, and bolster regional and global peace and security, especially as current and incoming members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). We will strengthen our coordination on promoting democracy and protecting human rights. And we will enhance strategic coordination between the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-ROK alliances and bring our trilateral security cooperation to new heights. As we embark together in this new era, our shared values will be our guide and a free and open Indo-Pacific, in which our half-billion people are safe and prosperous, will be our collective purpose.

Today, we declare openly that we are united in a common purpose to strengthen our shared region. Our mandate is to ensure Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States are aligned in our objectives and in our actions, generating the common capacity required to ensure that the Indo-Pacific is thriving, connected, resilient, stable, and secure. Ours is a partnership built not just for our people but for the entire Indo-Pacific.

We announce our governments’ commitment to consult with each other in an expeditious manner to coordinate our responses to regional challenges, provocations, and threats that affect our collective interests and security. Through these consultations we intend to share information, align our messaging, and coordinate response actions. To this end we will improve our trilateral communication mechanism to facilitate regular and timely communication between our countries, including our national leadership. We will hold trilateral meetings between our leaders, foreign ministers, defense ministers, and national security advisors at least annually, complementing existing trilateral meetings between our respective foreign and defense ministries. We will also hold the first trilateral meeting between our finance ministers as well as launch a new commerce and industry ministers track that will meet annually. We will also launch an annual Trilateral Indo-Pacific Dialogue to coordinate implementation of our Indo-Pacific approaches and to continually identify new areas for common action. Recognizing the increased threat posed by foreign information manipulation and misuse of surveillance technology, we will also discuss ways to coordinate our efforts to counter disinformation. We welcome the trilateral development policy dialogue planned in October to advance concrete discussions for deepening development policy coordination. We are resolute in our determination to uphold regional security, strengthen Indo-Pacific engagement, and promote common prosperity.

We wholeheartedly reaffirm ASEAN centrality and unity and our support for the ASEAN-led regional architecture. We are committed to working closely with ASEAN partners to support robust implementation and mainstreaming of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. We are collectively working to support sustainable energy and promoting water security and climate resilience in the Mekong River Basin. We reaffirm, too, our support of Pacific Island countries and intend to work in genuine partnership with the Pacific in a transparent and effective manner, consistent with the Pacific Way, that strengthens individual countries and the Pacific region. We plan to coordinate regional capacity-building efforts to ASEAN and Pacific Island countries to ensure that they are mutually reinforcing and maximally beneficial to our valued partners, including through capacity building efforts in cybersecurity and financial integrity and our new Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation Framework.

We share concerns about actions inconsistent with the rules-based international order, which undermine regional peace and prosperity. Recalling the publicly announced position of each of our countries regarding the dangerous and aggressive behavior supporting unlawful maritime claims that we have recently witnessed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the South China Sea, we strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the waters of the Indo-Pacific. In particular, we steadfastly oppose the militarization of reclaimed features; the dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels; and coercive activities. In addition, we are concerned about illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. We reiterate our firm commitment to international law, including the freedom of navigation and overflight, as reflected in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The July 2016 award in the South China Sea arbitration sets out the legal basis for the peaceful resolution of maritime conflicts between the parties to that proceeding. We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community. There is no change in our basic positions on Taiwan, and we call for a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.

Furthermore, we reaffirm our commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in accordance with relevant UNSC resolutions and urge the DPRK to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. We call on all UN Member States to fully implement all relevant UNSC resolutions. We strongly condemn the DPRK’s unprecedented number of ballistic missile launches, including multiple intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launches and conventional military actions that pose a grave threat to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond. We express concern regarding the DPRK’s illicit cyber activities that fund its unlawful WMD and ballistic missile programs. We announce the establishment of a new trilateral working group to drive our cooperation, including with the international community, to combat DPRK cyber threats and block its cyber-enabled sanctions evasion. Japan, the ROK, and the United States remain committed to reestablishing dialogue with the DPRK with no preconditions. We also commit to strengthening cooperation to promote respect for human rights in the DPRK and reaffirm a shared commitment to the immediate resolution of the issues of abductees, detainees, and unrepatriated prisoners of war. We express support for the goal of the ROK’s Audacious Initiative and support a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace.

The United States unequivocally reaffirms that its extended deterrence commitments to both Japan and the ROK are ironclad and backed by the full range of U.S. capabilities. Our three countries announce today that we intend to hold annual, named, multi-domain trilateral exercises on a regular basis to enhance our coordinated capabilities and cooperation. In mid-August, our three countries conducted a maritime ballistic missile defense warning test for the real-time sharing of missile warning data to demonstrate our ability to deter and respond to the DPRK’s advancing nuclear and missile threats more effectively. By the end of 2023, we intend to operationalize our sharing of missile warning data on the DPRK in real-time in fulfillment of commitments reflected in the November 2022 Phnom Penh Statement, and our countries have taken initial steps to test our technical capabilities for real-time sharing of missile warning data. We are committed to pursuing enhanced ballistic missile defense cooperation to counter DPRK nuclear and missile threats. We reaffirm that achieving a world without nuclear weapons is a common goal for the international community, and we continue to make every effort to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again.

Even as we deepen our security partnership, we will also maintain focus on building robust cooperation in the economic security and technology spheres, leveraging the unique capabilities that each of our countries brings to bear. In implementing our commitments in the Phnom Penh Statement, our national security teams have met twice under the auspices of the Trilateral Economic Security Dialogue to advance our shared objectives. We are now cooperating trilaterally on supply chain resilience, particularly on semiconductors and batteries, as well as on technology security and standards, clean energy and energy security, biotechnology, critical minerals, pharmaceuticals, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and scientific research.

Going forward, our countries are committed to working closely together to launch early warning system pilots to expand information sharing and enhance policy coordination on possible disruptions to global supply chains as well as to better prepare us to confront and overcome economic coercion. We will continue to develop the Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Supply-chain Enhancement (RISE) to help developing countries play larger roles in the supply chains of clean energy products. We will also enhance cooperation on technology protection measures to prevent the cutting-edge technologies we develop from being illegally exported or stolen abroad. To that end, we will conduct inaugural exchanges between the U.S. Disruptive Technology Strike Force and Japanese and ROK counterparts to deepen information-sharing and coordination across our enforcement agencies. We will also continue to strengthen trilateral cooperation on export controls to prevent our technologies from being diverted for military or dual-use capabilities that could potentially threaten international peace and security.

In tandem with technology protection measures, we will bolster combined and collaborative scientific and technological innovation, including by pursuing new trilateral National Labs cooperation and expanding trilateral collaborative research and development and personnel exchanges, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors. In addition, we seek to expand trilateral cooperation on open radio access network (RAN) and further enhance trilateral dialogue on space security cooperation, particularly regarding threats in the space domain, national space strategies, and the responsible use of space. We acknowledge the crucial role of AI as a transformative technology and affirm our respective efforts to help shape international governance on AI and ensure safe, secure, and trustworthy AI, in line with our shared democratic values and as the basis for international discussions on frontier AI systems.

We are fully committed to continuing to eliminate barriers to economic participation and build diverse, accessible, and inclusive economies in which all our people—including women and marginalized groups—can succeed. We will work to further strengthen our people-to-people ties, including among our young people and students. We will continue our cooperation toward the successful conclusion of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) negotiations, and President Yoon and Prime Minister Kishida welcome the United States’ hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum this year. President Yoon and President Biden applaud Japan’s strong and principled leadership at the G7 Hiroshima Summit to respond to challenges that the international community is facing. Together, we are committed to accelerate the clean energy transition; mobilize financing for quality infrastructure and resilient supply chains, including through trilateral collaboration among our development finance institutions as well as through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII); and promote sustainable economic growth and financial stability, as well as orderly and well-functioning financial markets. We will continue our ambitious agenda to evolve the multilateral development banks to make them more responsive to shared global challenges. The Leaders committed to explore delivering new World Bank Group concessional resources and headroom to fight poverty by addressing global challenges in line with its forthcoming concessionality framework and enhancing resources for the poorest countries, including crisis response.

We are united in our support for Ukraine. We reaffirm our commitment to stand with Ukraine against Russia’s unprovoked and brutal war of aggression that has shaken the foundation of the international order. We commit to continue providing assistance to Ukraine, imposing coordinated, robust sanctions on Russia, and accelerating the reduction of dependency on Russian energy. We believe the lasting lesson from this catastrophic war of aggression must be the international community’s abiding will to uphold the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. We reaffirm our view that when these foundational principles are rejected anywhere, they represent a threat to our region. We are unified in our intent to ensure that no such egregious acts are ever perpetrated again.

We depart Camp David with a shared resolve and optimism for the future. The opportunity that lies before us was not guaranteed—it was embraced. It is the product of a determination, fiercely held by each of us, that if we are to deliver a peaceful and prosperous future for our people, and the people of the Indo-Pacific, we must more often stand together. Today, we declare that a new chapter in our trilateral relationship has begun. We are aligned in our vision; undaunted in the face of our era’s greatest challenges; and, most of all, united in our belief that Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States can meet those challenges together, now and in the future.”

Source: The White House


The Camp David Principles

We, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, President Yoon Suk Yeol, and President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., affirm a shared vision for our partnership as well as for the Indo-Pacific and beyond. Our partnership is based on a bedrock of shared values, mutual respect, and a unified commitment to advance the prosperity of our three countries, the region, and the globe. As we move forward, we intend our partnership to be guided by these principles:

As Indo-Pacific nations, Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK), and the United States will continue to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific based on a respect for international law, shared norms, and common values. We strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.

The purpose of our trilateral security cooperation is and will remain to promote and enhance peace and stability throughout the region.

Our commitment to the region includes our unwavering support for ASEAN centrality and unity and the ASEAN-led regional architecture. We are committed to partnering closely with ASEAN to advance implementation and mainstreaming of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

We are determined to work closely with Pacific Island countries and the Pacific Islands Forum as the region’s leading institution, consistent with the Pacific Way.

We stand united in our commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in accordance with relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. We remain committed to dialogue with the DPRK with no preconditions. We seek to address human rights and humanitarian issues, including the immediate resolution of the issues of abductions, detainees, and unrepatriated prisoners of war. We support a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace.

We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community. Recognizing that there is no change in our basic positions on Taiwan, we call for a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.

As leading global economies, we seek continued opportunity and prosperity for our peoples, the region, and the globe through open and fair economic practices that promote financial stability as well as orderly and well-functioning financial markets.

Our technology cooperation will contribute to the vibrance and dynamism of the Indo-Pacific as we cooperate towards open, accessible, and secure technology approaches based on mutual confidence, trust, and respect for relevant international law and standards. We will seek to develop standard practices and norms between our countries and within international bodies to guide the development, use, and transfer of critical and emerging technologies.

Our countries are committed to cooperation to address climate change and will work together to provide leadership and solutions through relevant international institutions. We are committed to enhancing our development and humanitarian response cooperation to collectively overcome global issues and the root causes of insecurity.

We are unflinching in our commitment to uphold the principles of the UN Charter, particularly those relating to sovereignty, territorial integrity, the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the use of force. A threat to these principles anywhere undermines respect for them everywhere. As responsible state actors, we seek to promote the rule of law and to ensure regional and international security so all can flourish.

Our countries are dedicated to honoring our commitments to non-proliferation as parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. We reaffirm that achieving a world without nuclear weapons is a common goal for the international community, and we continue to make every effort to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again.

Our countries are only as strong as our societies. We reaffirm our commitment to promoting the full and meaningful participation of women in our societies and to human rights and dignity for all.

We announce these shared principles at the start of our new chapter together, with the belief that they will continue to guide our trilateral partnership for years to come.

Above all, we recognize that we are stronger, and the Indo-Pacific is stronger, when Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States stand as one.

Source – The White House


FACT SHEET: The Trilateral Leaders’ Summit at Camp David

President Biden welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Republic of Korea (ROK) President Yoon to a historic trilateral summit at Camp David, the first-ever stand-alone summit of Leaders from the United States, Japan, and the ROK, and the first summit of foreign leaders at Camp David during the Biden-Harris Administration. The Leaders jointly inaugurated a new era of trilateral partnership and reaffirmed that cooperation between the United States, Japan, and the ROK advances the security and prosperity of our people, the Indo-Pacific region, and the world.

This fact sheet provides an overview of the understandings that were affirmed or reaffirmed during the Summit, as well as plans for further cooperative activities between the United States, Japan, and the ROK.


Today’s Summit is the fourth meeting between President Biden, Prime Minister Kishida, and President Yoon over the fourteen months. The Summit is the culmination of numerous meetings between Foreign Ministers, Defense Ministers, National Security Advisors, and other senior officials across the three governments. Today, the three Leaders reaffirmed the critical importance of regular, high-level consultations between our countries.

  • Commitment to Consult: The Leaders announced their governments’ commitment to consult with each other in an expeditious manner to coordinate their responses to regional challenges, provocations, and threats that affect their collective interests and security.
  • Annual Leaders’ Meeting: The Leaders decided to meet in-person at least annually to build on the momentum of the Camp David Trilateral Leaders’ Summit. At these meetings, Leaders will share assessments on a range of geostrategic issues and discuss opportunities for further trilateral cooperation.
  • Annual Meetings Between Foreign Ministers, Defense Ministers, Commerce and Industry Ministers, and National Security Advisors: At least annually, foreign ministers from the United States, Japan, and the ROK will meet trilaterally with their counterparts; defense ministers will meet trilaterally with their counterparts; commerce and industry ministers will meet trilaterally with their counterparts; and national security advisors will meet trilaterally with their counterparts. The three countries will rotate hosting responsibilities of these separate, annual meetings, all focused on strengthening the trilateral relationship across domains. The three countries will also hold the first trilateral meeting between finance ministers.
  • Annual Trilateral Indo-Pacific Dialogue: The Leaders decided that their governments would initiate an annual Assistant Secretary-led Indo-Pacific Dialogue focused on coordinating implementation of their respective Indo-Pacific approaches, with a particular emphasis on partnership with Southeast Asian and Pacific Island countries.

The United States, Japan, and the ROK are committed to further strengthening trilateral security cooperation, including through enhanced trilateral defense exercises, improved information sharing, and increased cooperation on ballistic missile defense, including against the DPRK’s missile threat. The three Leaders affirmed ongoing progress to regularize defensive exercises that contribute to strengthening trilateral responses to DPRK threats, resume maritime interdiction exercises and anti-piracy exercises, and expand trilateral cooperation in other areas, including disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.

  • Multi-year Trilateral Exercise Plan: Building upon the understandings reached by Defense Ministers in June 2023 at Shangri-La, as well as the recent successful trilateral ballistic missile defense and anti-submarine warfare exercises, the United States, Japan, and the ROK decided on a multi-year trilateral framework that includes annual, named, multi-domain trilateral exercises, which will constitute an unprecedented level of trilateral defense cooperation.
  • Improved Cooperation on Ballistic Missile Defense: The United States, Japan, and the ROK affirmed the decision to activate a data-sharing mechanism to exchange real-time missile warning data that would improve the detection and assessment of DPRK missile launches, building upon the commitment made by Leaders at their meeting in Phnom Penh last year. The three leaders committed to operationalizing this mechanism by the end of 2023. This cooperation will strengthen our data sharing and enable all three countries to establish enhanced capabilities that will contribute to peace and stability across the Indo-Pacific.
  • Trilateral Working Group on DPRK Cyber Activities: The United States, Japan, and the ROK decided to establish a new trilateral Working Group on DPRK Cyber Activities comprised of the U.S., Japanese, and ROK interagencies to coordinate efforts to counter DPRK illicit revenue generation and malicious cyber activities.  The Working Group will focus on sharing intelligence; coordinating responses to the DPRK’s cryptocurrency use, theft, and laundering; addressing the DPRK’s use of IT workers for revenue generation through diplomatic and industry engagement; and disrupting malicious cyber actor operations.
  • Enhanced Information Sharing and Coordination: The three Leaders affirmed the importance of increased information sharing, including the utilization of the 2014 U.S.-Japan-ROK Trilateral Information Sharing Arrangement and their respective bilateral General Security of Military Information Agreements.  The United States, Japan, and the ROK will leverage existing secure lines of communications and continue building and institutionalizing respective communication channels.
  • Countering Foreign Information Manipulation: Recognizing the increased threat posed by foreign information manipulation and the misuse of surveillance technology, the United States, Japan, and the ROK will discuss ways to coordinate efforts to counter disinformation.

As Indo-Pacific nations, the United States, Japan, and the ROK are committed to taking actions to defend peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, along with partners in the region.  They aim to bolster existing regional architecture, such as ASEAN and the Pacific Islands Forum, and enhance our respective capacity building and humanitarian efforts through greater coordination, including through the Partners in the Blue Pacific, the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, and the Friends of the Mekong.

  • Trilateral Development Finance Cooperation: The development finance institutions of the United States, Japan, and ROK – the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), and Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank) – are signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen their cooperation to mobilize financing for quality infrastructure, including information and communications technology (ICT); carbon neutrality; and resilient supply chains in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.
  • Trilateral Maritime Security Cooperation Framework: The United States, Japan, and the ROK are establishing a trilateral maritime mechanism to synchronize partner capacity building in Southeast Asia and Pacific Island countries, with a focus on Coast Guard and maritime law enforcement capacity building and maritime domain awareness.
  • Development and Humanitarian Response Policy Dialogue: In October, the United States, Japan, and the ROK will convene a senior-level trilateral development and humanitarian response policy dialogue between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Japanese and ROK Ministries of Foreign Affairs. This will advance concrete discussions to coordinate assistance to regions across the globe, including the Indo-Pacific. To bridge policy and practice, USAID the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) will also collaboratively assist the development of partner countries by focusing on their needs.

The United States, Japan, and the ROK are strengthening trilateral cooperation to reinforce the rules-based economic order to enhance economic security; promote sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economic growth; and expand prosperity throughout the Indo-Pacific and the world, building on shared leadership in the Minerals Security Partnership, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity negotiations. The Leaders committed to focusing efforts for trilateral cooperation, including through further Trilateral Economic Security Dialogues, on early warning systems for supply chain resilience; working to coordinate export controls on advanced technology; advancing their efforts to develop international standards and to ensure safe, secure, and trustworthy on artificial intelligence; coordinating infrastructure assistance in the Indo-Pacific region; ensuring financial stability as well as orderly and well-functioning financial markets; expanding collaboration on critical minerals; and working together to address economic coercion.

  • Women’s Empowerment Initiative: The United States, Japan, and the ROK highlighted the importance of women’s economic empowerment, and decided to continue building on existing trilateral initiatives on this topic through programs and events designed to build government, civil society, and corporate partnerships that advance women and girls in STEM fields, domestic care infrastructure, and women’s full and meaningful participation in all sectors of society.
  • Supply Chain Early Warning System (EWS) Pilot: The United States, Japan, and the ROK decided to launch a pilot EWS, including through periodic information exchanges across their respective missions in a select set of countries, to complement early warning mechanisms such as with the European Union, and additional mechanisms being considered as part of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity.  They will identify priority products and materials—such as critical minerals, and rechargeable batteries—and establish mechanisms to rapidly share information on disruptions to crucial supply chains.
  • Trilateral National Laboratories Cooperation: The United States, Japan, and the ROK will drive new trilateral cooperation between the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Laboratories and counterpart laboratories—supported by a budget of at least $6 million—to advance knowledge, strengthen scientific collaboration, and spearhead innovation in support of the three countries’ shared interests.  Scientists and innovators from the three countries will advance collaborative projects on priority critical and emerging technology areas; potential areas of cooperation include advanced computing, artificial intelligence, materials research, and climate and earthquake modeling among other technology areas.
  • Disruptive Technology Protection Network: The United States, Japan, and the ROK decided to expand collaboration on technology protection measures, including expanding information-sharing and the exchange of best practices across the three countries’ enforcement agencies.  The three countries will build connections between the U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Commerce-led Disruptive Technology Strike Force representatives and Japan and ROK counterparts through an inaugural exchange later this year.
  • Technology Standards Cooperation: The United States, Japan, and the ROK will collaborate on advancing common principles to ensure safe, secure, and responsible development and applications of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence.  The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology will seek to advance a bilateral framework with ROK counterparts to complement and strengthen ongoing efforts with Japan in multilateral fora such as the International Standards Cooperation Network.

The United States, Japan, and the ROK are committed to protecting the health of their citizens and promoting global health security in the Indo-Pacific through joint research and data sharing. They are also committed to strengthening people-to-people ties through educational and professional exchanges and cooperative efforts that build capacity among the leaders of tomorrow to confront global challenges together.

  • Cancer Moonshot Cooperation:  The United States, Japan, and the ROK committed to reinvigorate trilateral cooperation on the U.S. Cancer Moonshot, beginning with a trilateral cancer dialogue, led by high-level representatives from their respective national cancer institutes.  This new initiative builds on a trilateral meeting of health experts that then-Vice President Biden hosted in 2016. The dialogue would enhance cooperation in the sharing of epidemiological data, research, exchange programs, clinical trials, regulations, academic partnerships, and the development of cutting-edge cancer therapies.
  • The U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Global Leadership Youth Summit: The Department of State will sponsor the first annual trilateral youth summit to be held in Busan in early 2024. The summit will bring together emerging Korean, Japanese, and American youth leaders to develop global leadership skills and share perspectives on global issues that affect the trilateral partnership.
  • Trilateral Technology Leaders Training Program: The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies intends to host training programs on technology-policy issues for mid-career government officials from the United States, Japan, and the ROK. This program is designed to train the next generation of leaders to make critical decisions about how the technologies of the future are governed.
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