Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
prague, praha, winter
Prague at night. Photo by Julius_Silver on Pixabay
  • EU Cohesion Policy: new report highlights that a cohesive development of regions is key for the EU’s growth agenda
  • State aid: EU Commission adopts Communication on mid-term review of regional aid maps
  • EU Cohesion Policy: €120 million call for urban innovation projects
  • Politique de cohésion de l’UE : lancement du 8e forum annuel sur la stratégie de l’UE en faveur de la région adriatique et ionienne
  • EU Commissioners Ferreira and Schmit address the conference on supporting skills development through reforms
  • Speech by President von der Leyen at the New European Bauhaus collateral event during the 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
  • On cities’ and regions’ agenda: Ukraine’s reconstruction, crises management, EU budget
  • The URBACT team warmly welcomes all partners of the  30 Action Planning Networks!
  • URBACT University 2023
  • Workshop Explores Smart City Financing Strategies for a Sustainable Future – part of PolisMobility, Cologne
  • Update and translations of Solution Booklets now available!
  • Smart Specialisation Platform: Experts discuss in Sweden new possible actions to enhance European innovation policy and interregional cooperation
  • JRC launches new Territorial Economic Data viewer release to help monitor EU funds for R&I
  • SMARTER Stream by JRC: Urban and rural transformations for sustainability and resilience
  • Connecting regional innovation valleys through circular industries
  • UNECE evaluation supports Tbilisi, Georgia, for smart and sustainable development
  • Cities are key to solving climate crisis
  • EUSEW Sustainable Energy Days: Citizen Engagement – Accelerate the Clean Energy Transition
  • EUSEW Energy Fair: Joint Stand by Covenant of Mayors, Covenant of Companies, and Smart Cities Marketplace
  • State aid: Commission approves €179.5 million Croatian measure under Recovery and Resilience Facility to support innovative urban mobility solutions
  • WHO urges Europe to rethink mobility to improve health and wellbeing
  • Further publications by ELTIS
  • Webinar explores labour challenges facing the logistics sector
  • The Hague pilots a high flat-rate parking fee at its beach and city centre
  • Lithuania supports #BikesForUkraine
  • Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2023 – deadline extended to 2 June 2023
  • The EU Urban Mobility Observatory newsletter – May 2023
  • World Bicycle Day is on 3 June 2023
  • Four European cities awarded for their efforts to improve cycling
  • Report ranks European countries and cities by their public transport ticket offerings
  • Athens has its first fully accessible metro station
  • France plans to invest €2 billion in cycling
  • Sofia introduces on-demand bus service for its more remote neighbourhoods
  • WHO urges Europe to rethink mobility to improve health and wellbeing
  • Webinar explores labour challenges facing the logistics sector
  • The Hague pilots a high flat-rate parking fee at its beach and city centre
  • Lithuania supports #BikesForUkraine
  • CINEA highlights ongoing work on connected mobility
  • Lisbon bans through traffic from its inner city for three months
  • TRA2024: abstract submission closes on 29 May 2023
  • New toolkit aims to help the transport sector address its gender imbalance
  • Stadterneuerung 2.0 mit WieNeu+ – Smart City Wien
  • Bundesregierung beschließt Paket für die digitale Verwaltung: Deutschland erhält ein digitales Bürgerkonto
  • Latest publications by Germany’s Smart Cities Dialogue
  • Daten in der Smart City strategisch nutzen
  • Smart Cities beim Digitaltag 2023 erleben
  • Gemeinsam Praxiswissen erarbeiten: Das war der erste MPSC-Kongress 2023
  • Regionalkonferenz am 16. März in Gütersloh: Gemeinsam Potenziale von Daten in der Smart City entdecken
  • Bis 30. Juni bewerben: Twinning-Programm der EU für Städte auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität
  • Regionalkonferenz der Modellprojekte Smart Cities in Rostock
  • BMWSB und KTS stellen Informationen zu Open Source im Förderprogramm Modellprojekte Smart Cities zur Verfügung
  • Once-Only-Netzwerk – Bundesfinanzministerium
  • Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz anlässlich der Hauptversammlung des Deutschen Städtetages am 24. Mai 2023 in Köln
  • Onlinezugangsgesetz und Digitalisierung der Verwaltung: Enttäuschend, dass sich Bund weitere fünf Jahre Zeit lassen will
  • Tage der offenen Tür bei EU-Projekten für regionale Entwicklung – Baden-Württemberg
  • Land startet ersten Projektaufruf „Neues Wohnen“ – Baden-Württemberg
  • WD 3 – 054/23 Rechtsanspruch auf digitale Verwaltungsleistungen – Deutscher Bundestag – Wissenschaftliche Dienste
  • Difu: Kooperative Planungsprozesse zur Stärkung gesundheitlicher Belange – modellhafte Erprobung und Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur nachhaltigen Umsetzung
  • Weitere difu-Events und Workshops
  • Stadtentwicklung: Digitale Anwendungen im Projektor erleben – Dortmunder Smart City Team lädt zum Digitaltag 2023 ein
  • Urban&Local creates a sustainable local food and restaurant business network – Forum Virium Helsinki
  • Malmö wins the award “City center of the year 2023”
  • Latest publications by
  • MoD adopts ‘secure by design’ for cyber security
  • Local authorities ‘unsure of security or ethical concerns’ in their use of surveillance cameras
  • Redbridge Council launches digital housing repairs service
  • NICE outlines system requirements for virtual wards
  • Northern Ireland adopts Bloomin’ Algae app
  • Mansfield Council provides access to safety app
  • DHSC outlines priorities for social care tech fund
  • Alan Turing Institute publishes for automated analytics in in security and law enforcement
  • Liverpool to host National Centre for Digital Heritage Research
  • UKRI backs digital therapy for mental health
  • NHS trusts remove Meta tool from websites
  • DWP signs Capgemini for Health Transformation Programme
  • Government Internal Audit Agency to further develop AI tech
  • Prison and Probation Service plans new body-worn video deployment
  • New regulatory pathway to come for health technology
  • ICO reacts to data breach fears from Capita incident
  • American City & County: Making Permitting Easier: What We’ve Learned Helping America’s Largest Cities Improve Their Permitting Process
  • Impact Funding Europe – The Official Sponsor of OASC Annual Summit & General Assembly 2023
  • TEF – The Official Sponsor of OASC Annual Summit & General Assembly 2023
  • URBANITE – The Official Sponsor of OASC Annual Summit & General Assembly 2023
  • MyData 2023 conference -a leading event on personal data management – is in 4 weeks! Helsinki, May 31-June 1 — Get a special 20% discount on the tickets
  • NetZeroCities: Open call for Twin Cities to Accelerate Climate Neutrality
  • Global headlines about Smart City developments
  • Harnessing Waste Data for Sustainable Smart Cities: Bridging the Gap in Information Systems…
  • Hitachi to supply transmission system for Saudi’s NEOM smart city
  • Disrupt-X and ABM to Provide IoT Solutions for Smart Cities in Saudi Arabia
  • Capital Smart City Overseas 1 – Sky Marketing
  • City of Dallas Wins Global Award for Smart Cities Initiative
  • Experience Art, Culture and Smart City Living
  • Israel Comes to Georgia For Smart City Partnership
  • Winter Park Wants Input on Smart City Initiatives

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