Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Brussels, 18 May 2023

Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič attended today the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York on the midterm review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. At the event, he highlighted the EU’s work in support of the Sendai Framework and reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to achieve its objectives by 2030.

A report highlighting key initiatives taken at EU level in support of the objectives was released on the occasion of the midterm review.

Since the adoption of the Sendai Framework, the Commission has focused on resilience, making it the core of its policy agenda and promoting a risk informed approach in EU policies and programmes. Many EU instruments in areas such as research and innovation, cohesion policy, agriculture, health, development and cooperation provide support to disaster risk reduction and preparedness measures both inside and outside the EU.


Being a key component for humanitarian aid operations, disaster preparedness is embedded into EU humanitarian aid programmes and projects across all sectors in line with the Disaster Preparedness Guidance Note. The guidance outlines the EU’s approach to disaster preparedness and risk-informed humanitarian response.

In the area of civil protection, the Commission recently adopted a Communication and a Recommendation on the Union disaster resilience goals setting a common agenda to reinforce prevention and preparedness.

When national capacities are overwhelmed by the effects of a disaster, countries can activate the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Once requested, the assistance made available by EU Member States and Participating States is coordinated through the Emergency Response Coordination Centre. The Commission can co-finance such operational costs, including transport, enabling the delivery of assistance to the country affected within a few hours with lower budgetary impact on those offering the assistance.

For More Information

Factsheet Disaster Preparedness

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Source – EU Commission


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