Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
No 74/2023 : 4 May 2023
Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-148/22

According to Advocate General Collins, a public body may, under certain conditions, prohibit its employees from wearing any visible sign of political, religious or philosophical belief in their workplace


No 73/2023 : 4 May 2023
Opinion of the Advocate General in cases C-451/21 P, C-454/21 P
State aid
Tax rulings: Advocate General Kokott considers that the Commission erred in finding that Luxembourg had granted unlawful State aid to the Engie group in the form of tax advantages



No 71/2023 : 4 May 2023
Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-487/21
Principles of Community law
GDPR: the right to obtain a ‘copy’ of personal data means that the data subject must be given a faithful and intelligible reproduction of all those data


No 70/2023 : 4 May 2023
Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-389/21 P
Economic policy
The Court confirms the ECB’s refusal to exclude for the purposes of the calculation of the leverage ratio of Crédit lyonnais 34% of its exposures to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations


No 69/2023 : 4 May 2023
Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-40/21
Fight against corruption: EU law does not preclude a person from being prohibited from all elective public office for three years if he or she has infringed the rules relating to conflicts of interest by holding such office
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