Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 2 May 2023

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell extends his congratulations to Santiago Peña as President-elect of Paraguay.

On 30 April, Paraguay held general and departmental elections. Paraguayan citizens demonstrated again their commitment to democracy and to their institutions by exercising their democratic rights.

Following an invitation from the Government of Paraguay, the EU deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) led by MEP Gabriel Mato throughout the country to undertake an independent, impartial and technical assessment of all aspects of the electoral process. The Mission has held a press conference, highlighting that despite a polarised campaign environment, fundamental freedoms were generally respected and voters were able to cast their ballots in an orderly fashion.

The EU EOM will remain in the country until the completion of the electoral process to observe the post-election developments. It will subsequently issue its final report, offering recommendations for future electoral processes.

Paraguay is a key partner for the European Union and its Member States in the region, as well as at the multilateral level. Ties are long established and strong, and the EU is keen to continue to help Paraguay in its efforts to consolidate its democracy and enhance governance, as part of the many strands of our bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation.

To strengthen our partnership further, the EU looks forward to working with the President-elect Peña, and other newly elected bodies, as soon as the electoral process is finalised.

Source – EEAS

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