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Meetings of EU Commission members on 7 March 2023

07 March 2023

Mme la présidente Ursula von der Leyen à Ottawa, au Canada : s’entretient avec le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau ; visite les installations de recyclage des batteries lithium-ion Li-Cycle ; prononce un discours lors d’une séance commune du Parlement.

Mr Frans Timmermans and Ms Margrethe Vestager participate in the EU Solar CEO Forum, organised in the margins of the Solar Power Summit 2023, in Brussels.

Ms Margrethe Vestager delivers a keynote speech at the 6th Industrial Forum Plenary meeting organised by the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry and Entrepreunership (DG GROW).

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives members of the College of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA).

Mme Vĕra Jourová à New York, aux États-Unis) : assiste à la 67e session de la Commission de la condition de la femme ; participe à l’événement ‘A gender equal world with technologies, digitalisation and AI – what is our roadmap ?‘; rencontre Mme Ilze Brands Kehris, sous-secrétaire générale des Nations unies aux Droits de l’homme ; rencontre Mme Melissa Fleming, Secrétaire générale adjointe à la communication globale des Nations Unies.

Ms Dubravka Šuica receives Ms Željana Zovko, Member of the European Parliament, and Mr Max Primorac, Director at the US-based think tank ‘The Heritage Foundation’; attends the conference titled: ‘Increasing European added value in an age of global challenges’, organised by the European Parliament.

Mr Margaritis Schinas participates in the LSE Alumni Association Belgium Event.

Ms Mariya Gabriel receives Mr Michael Murphy, President of the European University Association (EUA); attends a lunch on the topic: ‘Displaced teachers from Ukraine’, in Brussels; participates in the EPP Presidency coordination meeting, in Brussels.

Mr Nicolas Schmit delivers an opening speech at the launch of the ‘Save the Children’ report on ending child poverty and social exclusion in Europe, in the European Parliament.

Mr Paolo Gentiloni participates in the event titled ´La comunicazione europea alla prova dei sistemi nazionali´, organised by the European Parliament.

Mr Thierry Breton delivers a keynote speech at the 6th Industrial Forum Plenary meeting, in Brussels.

Ms Elisa Ferreira meets a group of students from Flanders in the context of a flagship project of DG REGIO’s ‘EU in my school’ communication initiative, at Experience Europe.

Ms Stella Kyriakides est reçue en audience par Sa Majesté Mathilde, Reine des Belges ; rencontre M. Daniel Caspary, membre du Parlement européen, pour discuter de la réforme de la législation pharmaceutique de l’UE ; s’entretient par vidéoconférence avec les membres de la plate-forme de conseil scientifique sur COVID-19 ; prononce un discours liminaire via enregistrement vidéo pour le troisième sommet annuel du magazine The Economist sur le « Programme de la Grèce pour lutter contre le cancer ».

Ms Helena Dalli, in Bucharest, Romania: meets with Minister Marcel BOLOȘ, Minister Gabriela FIREA and the Joint Committees on equality, human rights, labour, family and social protection; delivers a keynote speech at the Conference on ‘Empowering Romania’s women’.

M. Janez Lenarčič à Madagascar (jusqu’au 09/03) : rencontre le Président Andry Rajoelina, les gouverneurs des régions Vatovavy et Fitovinany et les directeurs du Bureau National de Gestion des Risques et des Catastrophes (BNGRC) ; rencontre les partenaires humanitaires et le Père Pedro Pablo Opeka, fondateur de l’association humanitaire Akamasoa, lors d’une visite des zones récemment touchées par le cyclone.

Mr Olivér Várhelyi meets a group of students in the organisation of Transylvanian Political School and Mathias Corvinus Collegium.

Ms Kadri Simson holds an informal discussion on REPower EU with CEOs of the major solar companies at the EU solar CEO Forum, in Brussels, Belgium.

Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius receives Euromines representatives; participates in the EU Solar Forum; and delivers the opening remarks at the Together4Forest event, in Brussels.

Ms Mairead McGuinness receives Mr Erulan Jamaubayev, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan; meets with Ms Christa Schweng , President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); participates in the launch of the new Platform on Sustainable Finance and meets with Ms Helena Viñes Fiestas, its new Chairperson; delivers an address to the ‘Gender Equality Conference‘ organised by the European Bank Authority (EBA); participates in the launch of ‘Darkness into Light‘, organised by the Irish charity organisation Pieta.

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07 March 2023
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