Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
tree, field, cornfield
A new area of sustainable agriculture policy. Photo by JuergenPM on Pixabay
  • State aid: Commission adopts new rules for agriculture, forestry and fishery and aquaculture sectors
  • New Common Agricultural Policy: set for 1 January 2023
  • Biodiversity: MEPs attend global talks to restore world’s ecosystems
  • Endspurt für die Weltnaturkonferenz : Politische Abschlussverhandlungen auf der CBD COP 15 in Montreal starten mit dem Ziel, den Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt zu stoppen
  • BMUV: Naturschutz und biologische Vielfalt in Entscheidungen von Investoren und Unternehmen verankern
  • InvestEU: Commission signs agreement with EBRD to unlock €2.1 billion in sustainable infrastructure, green economy and digitalisation
  • Revision of the Construction Products Regulation [EU Legislation in Progress]
  • Wie sich Deutschland und die EU aus Rohstoffabhängigkeiten lösen können – DIW
  • Member States plan to evaluate 24 substances in 2023-2025
  • ST 15972 2022 INIT International workshop – ‘Light Pollution 2022’ (Brno, Czech Republic, 26 October 2022) = Information note from the Presidency
  • ST 15973 2022 INIT Council conclusions on International Ocean Governance
  • ST 15938 2022 INIT UN 2023 Water Conference (New York, 22-24 March 2023) (co-hosted by the Republic of Tajikistan and the Kingdom of the Netherlands) – Information from the Dutch delegation
  • ST 15473 2022 INIT Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on nature restoration – Policy debate
  • ST 14772 2022 INIT Outcome of proceedings of the Working Party on Dual Use Goods of 9 November 2022
  • Microbiota analysis for risk assessment of xenobiotics: cumulative xenobiotic exposure and impact on human gut microbiota under One Health approach
  • Training in tools to develop quantitative microbial risk assessment along the food chain of Spanish products
  • Implementation of food matrix effects into chemical food contaminant risk assessment
  • Risk assessment of enteric viruses along the food chain and in the population
  • Novel foods: allergenicity assessment of insect proteins
  • FoodSafety4EU: paving the way for the food safety system of the future
  • Innovative in vitro approaches to toxicological investigations of mycotoxins effects
  • Risk assessment of honey bee stressors based on in silico analysis of molecular interactions
  • Quantitative microbiological risk assessment of traditional food of animal origin produced in short supply chains in Poland
  • Insects in food and their relevance regarding allergenicity assessment
  • Risk–benefit assessment of shifting from traditional meat‐based diets to alternative dietary patterns
  • Risk assessment of food contact materials
  • Microbiota analysis for risk assessment of xenobiotics: toxicomicrobiomics, incorporating the gut microbiome in the risk assessment of xenobiotics and identifying beneficial components for One Health
  • Impact of drinking water treatment processes on the residues of plant protection products for consumer and aquatic risk assessment: theoretical and experimental studies
  • Developing a framework for open and FAIR data management practices for next generation risk‐ and benefit assessment of fish and seafood
  • The use of NAMs and omics data in risk assessment
  • Emerging risk identification by applying data analytical tools
  • Use of biosensors for rapid and sensitive detection of pesticides in food samples for food safety chemical risk assessment
  • Changes in terms of risks/benefits of shifting diets towards healthier and more sustainable dietary models
  • Safety of 2′‐fucosyllactose (2’‐FL) produced by a derivative strain (APC199) of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283
  • Plant Health Newsletter on Horizon Scanning – November 2022

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