Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 25 November 2022

On 13 December 2022 the Commission will hold a workshop on digital mergers. The workshop will be a forum for open discussions on the assessment of mergers in the digital economy. It will cover the emerging decision-making practice and foster reflections on the specificities of the analysis of transactions in digital markets.

The particular characteristics of digital markets tend to amplify any possible anticompetitive effects of acquisitions. Strong network effects, advantages generated by data access, ”tipping risks” in favour of a single player or the emergence of digital ecosystems are important aspects that require careful assessment in the analysis of transactions.

The workshop will bring together competition experts, academics and business representatives. Following a keynote speech by Olivier Guersent, Director General of DG Competition, two panels will take place focusing respectively on the assessment of digital mergers, from the role of market definition to the development of novel theories of harm in the context of digital platforms and ecosystems, and on the review of acquisitions of low turnover targets that are, nevertheless, of potential competitive significance.

Participants can attend in person or remotely, and registration is open to the general public. The workshop will also be livestreamed. More information on the workshop, the topics for discussion as well as registration details can be found here.

Source – EU Commission

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