Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
wind, turbine, wind power
EU member states boost offshore wind parks. Photo by aitoff on Pixabay
  • IEA: Europe needs to take immediate action to avoid risk of natural gas shortage next year
  • EU Commission invests €3 billion in innovative clean tech projects to deliver on REPowerEU and accelerate Europe’s energy independence from Russian fossil fuels
  • Berlin Process Summit: EU announces €1 billion energy support package for the Western Balkans and welcomes new agreements to strengthen the Common Regional Market
  • Energy policy in the national recovery and resilience plans – EP Research Service
  • Electricity and gas prices in the first half of 2022
  • Speech by EU Commissioner McGuinness on ‘Beyond the Horizon: the Future of Financial Services’ at Central Bank of Ireland Financial Services Conference
  • ACER and three regulatory authorities reinforce coordination on energy market abuse
  • ACER-CEER Decarbonised Gases Volume of the 2021 Market Monitoring Report highlights the challenges to expand biomethane and hydrogen production
  • Shocks, stability & sustainable markets – Foresight Climate & Energy and Eurelectric
  • Update 123 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • IAEA Inspectors Complete In-Field Verification Activities at Three Ukraine locations, No Indications of Undeclared Nuclear Activities and Materials
  • Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant lost off-site power again, diesel generators providing back-up electricity
  • Coal regions: 5 reasons to join the initiative’s annual meeting on 22-23 November
  • COP 27 – Redefining the energy sector for a clean, secure and just transition for all – Global Wind Energy Council
  • Mehr Windenergie auf See Habeck: „Neue Offshore-Vereinbarung setzt starkes gemeinsame Signal zum Erreichen des 30 Gigawatt-Ausbauziels 2030“
  • Clean Hydrogen Partnership Awards 2022 – Award winners showcase hydrogen energy innovation
  • EC issues €3bn Innovation Fund call – Hydrogen Europe
  • BMWK: Deutschland und Ägypten verstärken Partnerschaft zu grünem Wasserstoff und Flüssig-Erdgas
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
  • Rhino completes full-scale explosion testing on innovative new hydrogen explosion relief panels
  • Hydrogen Solaris buses to go to Venice
  • Centrica and Equinor strike deal to develop 1GW hydrogen hub
  • New hydrogen tanker retrofit project to get financial boost from EU
  • Siemens Energy Exec on the Biggest Issue Facing Hydrogen
  • PA steps up its agency sector foothold with Hydrogen acquisition
  • ReNew Power Plans Green Hydrogen Hubs In India, Overseas
  • Europe’s energy crisis gives boost to green hydrogen
  • Sunset Clause (Article 47 of the ECT) in relation to Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)
  • 20/4231: Unterrichtung Entwurf eines Gesetzes zu Herkunftsnachweisen für Gas, Wasserstoff, Wärme oder Kälte aus erneuerbaren Energien und zur Änderung der Fernwärme- oder Fernkälte-Verbrauchserfassungs- und -Abrechnungsverordnung –20/3870 – (PDF)
  • 20/4227: Gesetzentwurf Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur sofortigen Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die erneuerbaren Energien im Städtebaurecht (PDF)
  • 20/4217: Gesetzentwurf Entwurf eines Neunzehnten Gesetzes zur Änderung des Atomgesetzes (19. AtGÄndG) (PDF)
  • Wie Deutschland gestärkt aus der fossilen Energiekrise kommt – Agora Energiewende

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