Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Moscow, 3 November 2022

Russian President held a videoconference meeting with Government members on investment support tools in the current circumstances.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues,

Before we start, I would like to convey greetings from Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who just left. I awarded to him the state Order for Service to the Fatherland, IV degree, in recognition of his significant contribution to developing relations between our countries. He is here to meet with our parliament, but, indeed, he has done much to promote ties between our countries.

Today’s meeting will focus on investment support tools in the current circumstances. Maintaining the necessary level of investment is among the key goals at any time and is particularly relevant today. We all understand that there is no need to go into detail. We will discuss this matter in greater detail after Maxim Reshetnikov is done with his report.

As agreed, we will start with several topical issues, and the first question is for Marat Khusnullin: what is the status of repairs on the Crimean Bridge?

To be continued.

Source – The Russian Kremlin:

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