Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
gas, gas pipeline, gas industry
Gas threatening to set the world on fire. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • Speech by EU Commissioner Gentiloni at the Atlantic Council Frankfurt Forum
  • IEA Report Gas 2022 (Q4)
  • BMWK: Kabinett beschließt Anpassungen bei Energieeinspar-Verordnung
  • BMWK: Kabinett stärkt Vorsorge für den kommenden Winter: Marktrückkehr von Braunkohlekraftwerken startet wie geplant zum 1. Oktober 2022 – Netzreserve wird bis zum 31. März 2024 verlängert
  • Gasumlage – Appell von BDEW und VKU an Bundesregierung: Schaffen Sie endlich Klarheit
  • Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 28.09.22)
  • Declaration by the EU High Representative on behalf of the European Union on leaks in the Nord Stream gas pipelines
  • Position der EU-Kommission zu den Nord Stream Lecks
  • Lecks in Nord Stream 1 und 2 führen zu erheblichem Klimaschaden –  Umweltbundesamt
  • Swedish Government: Likely deliberate act behind leaks in Nord Stream 1 and 2 Baltic Sea gas pipelines
  • European Commission and industry leaders launch Biomethane Industrial Partnership
  • The Ukrainian Task Force attends the European Sustainable Energy Week 2022  – Energy Charter
  • CEER: Register to the Renewable Energy Investment Conference
  • European Parliament NOTICE TO MEMBERS Petition No 1359/2021 by M.T.C.A. (Spanish) on the installation of the infrastructure needed to construct a group of photovoltaic power plants in Biescas (Aragon) – PE735.566v02-00
  • Update 107 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • New Seals to Verify the Use of Nuclear Material and Technology Demonstrated at IAEA General Conference
  • Global economies urgently ‘need clean hydrogen’ – Hydrogen Europe
  • More than 20 countries agree to boost clean hydrogen by 2030
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
  • HyCET research project: Consortium promotes sustainable transport logistics using hydrogen
  • ‘Most potential’ | EasyJet makes ‘multi-million’ dollar bet on hydrogen-powered airplanes
  • Cemvita demonstrates “gold hydrogen
  • FPT Industrial Powers the World’s First Snow Groomer with a Hydrogen
  • Notice of Availability of Draft Guidance on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Program: Guidance for the Clean Hydrogen Production Qualifications
  • Credit Suisse says now’s the time to buy two green hydrogen stocks — and gives one over 200% upside
  • University of Houston researchers advance hydrogen production from water
  • Hyosung: Newly Transformative Nylon, As Core Material for Hydrogen
  • Will a transition to a hydrogen
  • ACER has decided on the methodology for optimising inter-TSO settlements for electricity redispatching and countertrading
  • CM 4475 2022 INIT  Working Party on Energy

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