Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
thermometer, temperature, measure
WMO confirms verification of new continental European temperature record. Photo by wynpnt on Pixabay
  • UNGA77 update: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges
  • 1.5 degree climate pledge ‘on life support’, Guterres tells leaders during frank exchanges
  • Second Climate and Development Ministerial takes place to bring ministers and partners together to discuss priorities of climate vulnerable countries
  • COP26 President Alok Sharma calls for urgent climate action ahead of COP27 at UN General Assembly and Climate Week NYC
  • Leaders will build on Glasgow legacy to establish Forests & Climate Leaders’ Partnership at COP27
  • COP27 Coalition Manifesto – Wind energy industry warns: actions not words needed from governments to address energy security and climate crises ahead of COP27 – Global Wind Energy Council
  • The challenges of water, energy and climate in the Middle East”, 29 September, online – Friends of Europe
  • EP Highlights – Climate adaptation – Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • DIW: CO2-Differenzverträge als Schlüssel zur Dekarbonisierung in Schwellenländern
  • MSCI: Your climate transition journey starts here
  • Germanwatch: Kanzler Scholz beschwört richtige Ziele, lässt aber nötige Konsequenz bei Umsetzung missen
  • ST 12619 2022 INIT Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union, Decision (EU) 2015/1814 concerning the establishment and operation of a market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme and Regulation (EU) 2015/757 – Four-column document
  • CM 4390 2022 REV 2 – Working Party on Aviation
  • COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) /… amending the regulatory technical standards laid down in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 as regards the 2022 update of the taxonomy for the single electronic reporting format

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