Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
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Europe wants to support media freedom. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
ISSUE 4/2022
  • European Media Freedom Act: EU Commission proposes rules to protect media pluralism and independence in the EU – 16/9/2022
  • EU Commission Q&A: European Media Freedom Act
  • Further documents on Media Freedom
  • Factsheet: Media Freedom and Pluralism in the EU
  • Factpage: European Media Freedom Act
  • European Media Freedom Act Proposal and Recommendation
  • European Media Freedom Act Impact Assessment
  • Video of Vice-President Jourová on the Media Freedom Act
  • COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION on internal safeguards for editorial independence and ownership transparency in the media sector
  • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act)
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
  • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU
  • How the EU will protect the Media Freedom – Op-ed by Vice-President Jourová and Commissioner Breton
  • EuroDIG: Contribute to the European Stakeholder Consultation on the Global Digital Compact until 7 October 2022!
  • Global Digital Compact: Related ongoing UN processes, initiatives, and events
  • Digital roadmap 2030: MEPs reach agreement with Council
  • Policy Programme “Path to the Digital Decade”: The Council and the European Parliament reach a provisional agreement
  • EU Commission welcomes political agreement on the Digital Decade policy programme driving a successful digital transformation in Europe
  • Policy Programme: Path to the Digital Decade – Questions and Answers*
  • Renew Europe on the Digital Decade Policy Programme: Deal secures a robust governance framework for digital transformation across Europe
  • People, technologies & infrastructure – Europe’s plan to thrive in the metaverse – Blog post of Commissioner Thierry Breton
  • BEREC publishes the received stakeholders’ input to the public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation
  • How to map the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape? Follow the ENISA 6-step Methodology – 6/7/2022
  • Update of ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Framework – ECSMAF – 1$/7/2022
  • EP 2023 budget: Cybersecurity as a priority
  • The DESI European eGovernment Benchmark 2022
  • EU DESI Survey of Businesses on the Data Economy 2022
  • Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022
  • EU Commission Q&A on the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022
  • Call for interest to become a Signatory of the 2022 Code of Practice on Disinformation
  • 10th Meeting of the Web Accessibility Directive Expert Group
  • _______________________
  • EDPB & EDPS: “Lack of resources puts enforcement of individuals’ data protection rights at risk” – 13/9/2022
  • Standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin intended for human application – 7/9/2022
  • BEREC and FCC (US) sign renewed partnership agreement
  • Hurrah for Denmark, Top Winner of the 2022 European Cybersecurity Challenge
  • ENISA Supports the Cooperation among Sectorial Information Sharing & Analysis Centers (ISACs)
  • EuGH Urteil zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung – Digitale Gesellschaft – 19/9/2022
  • Schaltzentralen der Cybersicherheit – Bundesinnenministerin Faeser besucht BSI und Cyber-Abwehrzentrum – 8/8/2022
  • Class action against Oracle’s worldwide surveillance machine – Irish Council for Civil Liberties – 22/8/2022
  • Ecommerce Europe’s key takeaways from the SOTEU 2022 – 14/9/2022
  • State of play on the EU Data Act – Ecommerce – 13/9/2022
  • Ecommerce Europe’s policy priorities for the fall – 12/9/2022
  • The Artificial Intelligence Act: where do we stand? – Ecommerce Europe – 12/9/2022
  • Tracking Voter Identification Laws – Center for Data Innovation – 16/9/2022
  • Concern Trolling Is Taking Over Tech Policy – Center for Data Innovation – 15/9/2022
  • The EU Should Establish Safeguards for Business-To-Government Data Sharing in the Data Act – Center for Data Innovation – 12/9/2022
  • European Media Freedom Act: Fight Against Disinformation and Illegal Content Requires Balanced Relationship Between Media and Online Platforms – 16/9/2022
  • EU Rules to Fight Child Sexual Abuse Should Be Future-proof and Respect Fundamental Rights – CCIA – 12/9/2022
  • 3 steps to conquer cyber-attacks through a data-driven defence – 2/8/2022
  • EBU on the European Media Freedom Act: Striking the Right Balance – 19/9/2022
  • European consumer groups take action against Google for pushing users towards its surveillance system
  • Bitkom zum Gutachten „Digitalisierung im Bildungssystem“
  • Tech-Trends 2022: Auf dem Weg ins Metaverse – 25/8/2022
  • Viele Startups glauben an die Zukunft von Metaverse und Web3 – 19/8/2022
  • NDSS Symposium 2022: Collaborative Security Research in Action – Internet Society – 16/9/2022
  • Position Paper on the Proposal for a Regulation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse – EuroISPA
  • Launching Parental Supervision Tools on Instagram and a Family Center in India – Meta
– UK
  • Guidance: National Data Strategy – UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport – 31 August 2022
  • DIA director addresses strategic competition and cybersecurity at Billington Cybersecurity Summit – Defense Intelligence Agency – 10/9/2022
  • Cyber Criminals Increasingly Exploit Vulnerabilities in Decentralized Finance Platforms to Obtain Cryptocurrency, Causing Investors to Lose Money – 29/8/2022
  • Internet surge slows, leaving 2.7 billion people offline in 2022 – ITU – 16/9/2022
  • Making a better world through innovation a key focus of ETSI IoT Week, 10-14 October 2022
  • ETSI releases new Report on IPv6-based Blockchain
  • ICANN Initiative Promotes Internet Security Best Practices
  • ICANN Advisory: Chinese Privacy Law’s Impact on Data Disclosure Complaints
  • ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency – a Retrospective on the IANA Transition – CircleID – 19/9/2022
  • Reappointment of Tim April to the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC) –  Internet Architecture Board
  • IAB Re-Appoints Harald Alvestrand as Liaison to the ICANN Board of Directors – Internet Architecture Board
  • IETF 114 Hackathon – Combining Networking Standards, Hardware, and Software
  • Latest headlines by the Internet Governance Project
  • The Narrative: The Ethereum Merge; Vietnam’s Data Localization
  • ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency: A Retrospective on the IANA Transition
  • Apple and YMTC: Another “national security” risk?
  • Conference registration: From Internet Governance to Digital Political Economy
  • The Narrative: US Psyops caught by US platforms; Paper trails vs E2EE; Another cloud over TikTok
  • Regulation of Algorithmic Regulation Begins
  • The End of Bottom-Up: The UN IGF’s “Leadership Panel”
  • Global headlines related to Internet Governance
  • Women in Iran defy the Islamic regime by removing their headscarves and waving them in the air in protests over police custody death, video shows
  • How Organizations Can Use DAOs and DeFi to Support CXO Strategies
  • Waterdrop Inc. (WDH) Q2 2022 Earnings Call Transcript
  • Who controls the Internet? And should they? (2021)
  • Can We Save A Truly Global Internet?
  • China strongly condemns U.S. cyber attacks on China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on September 5, 2022
  • Platforms Are Testing Self-Regulation in New Zealand. It Needs a Lot of Work.
  • In Defense of the Global, Open Internet
  • What’s the most important action Congress could take on tech this session?
  • TikTok, Hospitals And Tutoring Apps: The Many Tentacles Of Chinese Tech Giant ByteDance
  • Amazon, Verizon found using IPv4 240/4 addresses
  • Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: Next Steps for the United States
  • Alkesh Sharma nominated to UN Internet Governance Leadership Panel

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