Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Working on a crossborder infrastructure for renewables. Source: EU Commission
  • Statement by EU Commission President von der Leyen on energy
  • Speech by EU Commission EVP Timmermans at the Eurelectric Power Barometer 202
  • Eurelectric: Energy sobriety encouraged as Europe walks tightrope on supply
  • CEFIC: Read Cefic joint letter calling for urgent EU action on gas and electricity prices
  • BDI-Blitzumfrage: Extrem steigende Energiepreise stellen Industrie vor fundamentale Probleme
  • Habeck zur Berichterstattung PreussenElektra
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 07.09.22)
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Ergebnis der Ausschreibung für Offshore-Windenergie
  • DIW: Pauschalzahlungen, Gaspreisdeckel – wie der Staat Haushalte in der Gaskrise entlasten könnte
  • Keynote Speech by Commissioner Simson at the EU-India Solar Energy Event
  • European Biogas Conference 2022
  • Aquila Clean Energy raises financing for 2.6 GW capacity renewable energy projects in Southern Europe with the support of InvestEU
  • EU: At a Glance – Fit for 55 package: Renewable Energy
  • European Citizens’ Initiative: EU Commission registers two new initiatives, on renewable energy and on protecting rural heritage
  • UN Security Council: IAEA Grossi Calls for Establishment of Nuclear Safety and Security Protection Zone at Zaporizhzhya NPP
  • Update 99 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • DLR: CoBra unterstützt die Wärmewende in der Industrie
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • Hydrogen Rising: Commercial Issues in Europe in The Development of The Hydrogen Value Chain [PODCAST]
    • ‘Understanding expectations’ | Uruguay mulls tenders for offshore wind-plus hydrogen
    • Scientists pull hydrogen from thin air in promising clean energy move
    • Acceleware Announces CTI Collaboration with Aurora Hydrogen
    • Hydrogen battery startup says it has $700M order backlog
    • OPINION | Why market dynamics will reduce the average price of green hydrogen to $1.50/kg by 2030
    • South Africa drafting green hydrogen position statement for COP 27 – IDC
    • India needs to get out of lithium-ion battery tech & graduate to hydrogen fuel cells: V K Singh
    • Ballard to power India’s first hydrogen trains
    • International Scientists Created a Device That Can Produce Hydrogen from the Air
    • Imperial contracts Air Products to supply low-carbon hydrogen for proposed RD complex
  • The Kazakh Deputy Ambassador visits the Energy Charter Secretariat
  • CoordiNet – INTERRFACE Recommendations Towards Harmonized European Flexibilities Markets
  • CM 4167 2022 INIT Working Party on Atomic Questions
  • ADDENDUM on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency (recast) (COM(2021)0558 ; C9-0330/2021 ; 2021/0203(COD)) – A9-0221/2022(ERR01)
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the request for registration of the European citizens’ initiative entitled ‘Every European house equipped with 1 kW photovoltaic and 0,6 kW wind turbines using EU funding through the municipalities alone’, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/788 of the European Parliament and of the Council

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