Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
calendar, date, time
Photo by tigerlily713 on Pixabay


  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 5 September 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 5 September 2022
  • Czech Ministers to present Czech EU priorities in Committees of the EU Parliament
  • EU-Ukraine Association Council, 5 September 2022 (updated 3/9)
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 5 September 2022
  • Informal meeting of the Financial Services Attachés
  • Conference on geoparks, geoeducation and geotourism
  • High-Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming
  • Informal meeting of the Financial Services Attachés
  • CMTD(2022)1484 – Schengen Committee Meeting
  • E03788 – Customs programme management
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 6 September 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 6 September 2022
  • EU-Georgia Association Council, 6 September 2022 (updated 6/9)
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 6 September 2022
  • Informal meeting of health ministers, 6-7 September 2022
  • Informal meeting of the Financial Services Attachés
  • Conference on geoparks, geoeducation and geotourism
  • High-Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming
  • Informal meeting of the Financial Services Attachés
  • Bruegel Annual Meetings 6-7 September 2022
  • Civil Society Dialogue on the next Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) report
  • ARGOS – Assembly of Regional Groups on Surveillance Conference
  • CMTD(2022)1593 – I. Section General Food Law (PAFF Committee)
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 7 September 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 7 September 2022
  • Informal meeting of health ministers, 6-7 September 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 7 September 2022
  • EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-391/20 Boriss Cilevičs and Others
  • EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-624/20 Staatsecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid on rights of residence
  • ARGOS – Assembly of Regional Groups on Surveillance Conference
  • BlueInvest Africa
  • National Drugs Coordinators Meeting
  • Working Party on Public Health and Attaché trip
  • CMTD(2022)1555 – First meeting of the e-CODEX committee
  • CMTD(2022)1603 – Meeting of the Trade Defence Instruments Committee on 7 September 2022
  • Bruegel Annual Meetings 6-7 September 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 8 September 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 8 September 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 8 September 2022
  • EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-356/21 TP (Monteur audiovisuel pour la télévision publique) (Social policy)
  • EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Case C-659/20 Ministerstvo životního prostředí
  • EU Court of Justice: Judgment in Joined Cases – Case C-80/21 D.B.P. (Mortgage loan in foreign currency) Case C-81/21 M. (Mortgage loan in foreign currency) Case C-82/21 M. (Mortgage loan in foreign currency)
  • ARGOS – Assembly of Regional Groups on Surveillance Conference
  • BlueInvest Africa
  • Working Party on Public Health and Attaché trip
  • Stakeholder workshop on updates of national energy and climate plans
  • Research seminar: Youth first!
  • Conference of Directors and Experts of Better Regulation (DEBR)
  • Document Lifecycle Management (DLM) Forum
  • European Medicines Agencies Co-operation on Legal and Legislative Issues
  • NIS Cooperation Group Plenary Meeting
  • Round Table with Civil Society from Western Balkans on Challenges of European Integration
  • CMTD(2022)1495 – 4th meeting of the Open Data Committee
  • E03715 – Commission Expert Group on Emergency Communications
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 9 September 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 9 September 2022
  • Agenda of the Eurogroup on 9 September 2022
  • Agenda of the Extraordinary Energy Council on 9 September 2022
  • Informal Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers and Central Bank Governors, 9-10 September 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 9 September 2022
  • Conference of Directors and Experts of Better Regulation (DEBR)
  • Document Lifecycle Management (DLM) Forum
  • European Medicines Agencies Co-operation on Legal and Legislative Issues
  • NIS Cooperation Group Plenary Meeting
  • Round Table with Civil Society from Western Balkans on Challenges of European Integration
  • INNOVEIT Stockholm – Innovation in Higher Education: A Vision for the Future
  • E02730 – Expert Group for Agricultural Markets, in particular concerning aspects falling under the single CMO Regulation
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 10 September 2022
  • Informal Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers and Central Bank Governors, 9-10 September 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 11 September 2022
  • Meeting of Directors of CAP National Strategic Plans

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