Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Nearly six months into the unprovoked and brutal assault on Ukraine, Russia continues its destruction of Ukrainian towns and villages. President Biden has been clear that we will continue to support the Ukrainian people as they defend their country from Russian aggression, for as long as it takes. As part of those efforts, pursuant to a delegation of authority from the President, today I am authorizing our largest single drawdown of U.S. arms and equipment utilizing this authority. This eighteenth drawdown since August 2021 of up to $1 billion includes arms, munitions, and equipment from U.S. Department of Defense inventories for Ukraine’s self-defense.

This package provides a significant amount of additional ammunition, weapons, and equipment that Ukrainians are using so effectively to defend themselves and will bring total U.S. security assistance to Ukraine to approximately $9.8 billion since the beginning of this Administration.

The United States stands with Allies and partners from more than 50 countries in providing vital security assistance to support Ukraine’s defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russia’s aggression. As this war stretches on, the courage and strength of Ukraine’s military and its people become even more evident and even more extraordinary. Together, we will continue to consult closely with Ukraine and surge additional available systems and capabilities carefully calibrated to make a difference on the battlefield and strengthen Ukraine’s eventual position at the negotiating table.

We stand united with Ukraine.

Source: U.S. State Department

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