Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
sunflowers, windmill, field
Photo by Pexels on Pixabay
  • Speech by Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala at the EU Parliament
  • EU-Binnenmarktkommissar Bretoan: Solidarität der EU-Staaten in Energiekrise
  • Bruegel: Can European Union countries fund the green transition and decouple from Russian energy?
  • State aid: Commission approves €1.2 billion Italian scheme under Recovery and Resilience Facility to support investments in photovoltaic panels in agricultural sector
  • S&Ds: Taxing energy companies’ astronomic profits is a matter of basic social justice
  • “Populistische Debatte” zu Übergewinnsteuern für Energiekonzerne EU-Abgeordneter Ferber (EVP/CSU)
  • EEA: Circularity can enhance greenhouse gas emission savings when renovating Europe’s buildings
  • Building renovation: where circular economy and climate can meet
  • UK awards almost 11 GW in biggest-ever national renewables auction
  • The world needs more diverse solar panel supply chains to ensure a secure transition to net zero emissions
  • BDI zur Abstimmung des EU-Parlaments über die EU-Taxonomie: „Hohe Hürde für Finanzierung der Energiewende genommen“
  • Energy Transition Tracker: Energy Community Contracting Parties advance on energy transition
  • Gas and hydrogen package – consideration of draft reports – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • Matheson Tri-Gas signs long term hydrogen supply agreement for Vertex Energy facility
    • Siemens Energy and Air Liquide create JV to scale renewable hydrogen electrolyzers in Europe
    • Swan class action claims hydrogen peroxide not actually treatment for minor cuts, abrasions
    • Impact of Green Hydrogen on Energy, Utilities and Resources Industry
    • Is Hydrogen The Future Of Clean Aviation?
    • Interview: Chevron New Energies VP Talks CCUS, Hydrogen
    • How policy action is key to hydrogen reaching its decarbonization potential
    • AAIB Report: Modified Piper PA-46-350P (G-HYZA), Loss of power from hydrogen fuel cells to the electrical propulsion system while undertaking an experimental flight.
    • Highlights – Gas and hydrogen package – consideration of draft reports – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
    • ‘Three quarters of global green hydrogen will be produced and used locally in 2050’: Irena
    • Metal-hydrogen battery going into high-volume production with 5GWh of customer orders
    • Why the Netherlands’ planned hydrogen network will be difficult to replicate in other countries
  • EITI Datathon: Innovative solutions for a data-driven energy transition – Send your proposals before July 31st
  • Entwurf einer Ersten Verordnung zur Änderung der Verordnung über Allgemeine Bedingungen für die Versorgung mit Fernwärme
  • Der VCI begrüßt die geplanten Gesetzesänderungen der Bundesregierung im Kampf gegen eine drohende Gasmangellage
  • Daten im Energiesektor: dena-Analyse empfiehlt Anreize für mehr digitalen Informationsaustausch
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 07.07.22; 12 Uhr)
  • BDEW zum Osterpaket
  • CM 3889 2022 INIT Working Party on Energy
  • AMENDMENTS 1527 – 1568 – Draft report Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings (recast) – PE734.393v01-00

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