Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 18 May 2022

Today, the Commission has set out plans in a Communication for the EU’s immediate response to address Ukraine’s financing gap, as well as the longer-term reconstruction framework. This Communication follows from the European Council call to address the consequences of the war in Ukraine via a dedicated Europe-led effort.

Immediate response and short terms needs

Since the Russian aggression started, the EU has significantly stepped up its support, mobilising around4.1 billion to support Ukraine’s overall economic, social and financial resilience in the form of macro-financial assistance, budget support, emergency assistance, crisis response and humanitarian aid. Military assistance measures have also been provided under the European Peace Facility, amounting to1.5 billion, that will be used to reimburse Member States for their in-kind military support to Ukraine and the mobilisation of an additional500 million is under way.

The war resulted in a collapse of tax, export and other revenues, compounded by large scale illegal appropriation of assets and export goods including in the agricultural sector, while essential expenditure skyrocketed. The International Monetary Fund has estimated Ukraine’s balance of payments gap until June at roughly14.3 billion ($15 billion).

Addressing Ukraine’s significant short-term financial support to sustain basic services, address humanitarian needs and fix the most essential destroyed infrastructure will require a joint international effort, in which the Union will be ready to play its part.

The Commission therefore envisages to propose granting Ukraine in 2022additional macro-financial assistance in the form of loans of up to9 billion, to be complemented by support from other bilateral and multilateral international partners, including the G7. This would be paid in tranches with long maturities and concessional interest rates thanks to the guarantee from the Union budget. To make this possible, Member States should agree on making available additional guarantees. Together with grant support from the EU budget for subsidising the related interest payments, this will ensure well-coordinated and highly concessionary support to Ukraine.

Reconstruction of Ukraine

A major global financial effort will be required to rebuild the country after the war damage, to create the foundations of a free and prosperous country, anchored in European values, well integrated into the European and global economy, and to support it on its European path. While Russia’s aggression continues, the overall needs for the reconstruction of Ukraine are not yet known. Nevertheless, it is important to design the main building blocks of this international effort already now. Support will have to have a medium to long-term horizon.

The reconstruction effort should be led by the Ukrainian authorities in close partnership with the European Union and other key partners, such as G7 and G20 partners, and other third countries, as well as international financial institutions and international organisations. Partnerships between cities and regions in the European Union and those in Ukraine will enrich and accelerate reconstruction.

An international coordination platform, the ‘Ukraine reconstruction platform’,co-led by the Commission representing the European Union and by the Ukrainian government, would work as an overarching strategic governance body, responsible for endorsing a reconstruction plan, drawn up and implemented by Ukraine, with administrative capacity support and technical assistance by the EU. It would bring together the supporting partners and organisations, including EU Member States, other bilateral and multilateral partners and international financial institutions. The Ukrainian Parliament and the European Parliament would participate as observers.

The ‘RebuildUkraine’ reconstruction planendorsed by the platform, based on a needs assessment, would become the basis for the European Union and the other partners to determine the priority areas selected for financing and the specific projects. The platform would coordinate the financing sources and their destination to optimise their use, as well as monitor progress in the implementation of the plan.

To support the reconstruction plan, the Commission proposes to set up the ‘RebuildUkraine’ Facility as the main legal instrument for the European Union’s support, through a mix of grants and loans. It would be embedded in the EU budget, thereby ensuring the transparency, accountability and sound financial management of this initiative, with a clear link to investments and reforms. It would build on the EU’s experience under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, but adapted to the unprecedented challenges of reconstructing Ukraine and accompanying it on its European path. The Facility itself would have a specific governance structure ensuring full ownership by Ukraine.

A significant emphasis will be put on the rule of law reforms and fight against corruption, whilst investments, brought in line with climate, environmental and digital EU policies and standards, will help Ukraine emerge stronger and more resilient from the devastation of the Russian invasion.

The unforeseen needs created by war in Europe are well beyond the means available in the current multiannual financial framework. Therefore, new financing sources will have to be identified.

The architecture suggested is sufficiently flexible to accommodate such new financing sources. The additional grants to be made available to Ukraine could be financed either by additional contributions from Member States (and third countries should they wish to do so) to the Facility and existing Union programmes, thus benefitting from the Union’s financial mechanisms and safeguards for the proper use of funds, or through a targeted revision of the multiannual financial framework. These sources could also finance the loans to be granted to Ukraine under the Facility. However, given the scale of the loans that are likely to be required, options include raising the funds for the loans on behalf of the EU or with Member States national guarantees.

Members of the College said:

Ursulavon der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said:

The unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused terrible human suffering and massive destruction across the country, forcing millions of innocent Ukrainians to flee their homes. Ukraine can count on the EU’s full support. The EU will continue to provide short-term financial support to Ukraine to meet its needs and keep basic services running. And we stand ready to take a leading role in the international reconstruction efforts to help rebuild a democratic and prosperous Ukraine. This means, investments will go hand in hand with reforms that will support Ukraine in pursuing its European path.”

Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for people, Valdis Dombrovskis, said:

The EU’s support for Ukraine is unwavering. We will continue using all available means to help our friend and neighbour to resist Russia’s unprovoked and brutal aggression. We need to address both keeping the country running on a daily basis, and working to rebuild the country. To address Ukraine’s most urgent needs, we envisage to provide emergency loans under a new macro-financial assistance programme. In the longer term the EU will lead a major international financial effort to rebuild a free and democratic Ukraine – working with partners such as the G7, international financial institutions and in close coordination with Ukraine itself. We will stand with Ukraine at every step of the way, to repair the destruction caused by Russia’s war and to create a brighter future and new opportunities for its people”.

High Representative/Vice-President for a Stronger Europe in the World, Josep Borrell said:

“The EU will remain steadfast in its solidarity with and support for Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia’s unjustifiable, and illegal war of aggression. We continue to provide Ukraine with military assistance measures.”

Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn, said:

The European Union will continue to stand by Ukraine and its people and to play a key role in all political, humanitarian, resilience and economic efforts to address the short-term and long-term needs that will bring Ukraine back to peace and socio-economic recovery. I am convinced that the new “Ukraine reconstruction platform” led jointly by Ukraine and the Commission, as well as our proposed ‘RebuildUkraine’ Facility, will help offer Ukraine a better future. This will be done in close coordination with all donors”.

Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni said:

The destruction Russia has unleashed on Ukraine has no precedent in postwar Europe; nor does its disregard for the international order so painstakingly constructed over decades. Today the European Commission is setting out a path to help a new Ukraine rise from the ashes of war, just as our Union emerged from the rubble of 1945. Together with the Ukrainian authorities and in cooperation with our international partners, we will mobilise the funding Ukraine needs to ride out this storm – and to ‘build back better’ its economic and social infrastructure.”

Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi said:

In the last weeks we have witnessed the terrible loss of lives and the devastation this war caused in the infrastructure in Ukraine.We have swiftly mobilised assistance and are committed to support rebuilding Ukraine. The reconstruction should fully reflect the needs identified by Ukraine and be firmly anchored in the country’s reform agenda”.


The EU’s commitment to supporting Ukraine is long-standing and has delivered results. The EU has provided significant financial assistance to Ukraine, which over the years from 2014 to 2021 amounted to1.7 billion in grants under the European Neighbourhood Instrument,5.6 billion under five macro-financial assistance programmes in the form of loans,194 million in humanitarian aid and355 million from foreign policy instruments. The EU provides its support to Ukraine for policy development and comprehensive reforms, with strong involvement from Member States in a Team Europe approach. Among the flagship programmes are those on decentralisation, public administration reform and anti-corruption.

Before and during the war, the EU has worked closely with European financial institutions to support Ukraine. Since 2014, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development have mobilised over10 billion in loans to Ukraine. In recent weeks, the European Investment Bank has disbursed668 million to the Ukrainian budget. The EU is also working in close cooperation with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which have been key partners in the Ukrainian efforts since 2014.

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Communication: Ukraine relief and reconstruction


Source – EU Commission

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni on the EU’s immediate response to address Ukraine’s financing gap, as well as the longer-term reconstruction framework

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Europe has not flinched from supporting Ukraine in the face of Russia’s relentless military aggression.

Our support for Ukraine – our friend and neighbour – is unwavering.

Since the beginning of Russia’s aggression on February 24, the EU has provided €4.1 billion to help Ukraine and its people cope with this illegal invasion, and to fight back against Russian brutality.

In fact, even before this war, the EU has been the largest donor to Ukraine by far.

This comes in the form of macro-financial assistance, budget support, crisis response and humanitarian aid.

Later this week, we will release the second €600 million tranche of emergency Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine.

For the first time in the EU’s history, we have granted military assistance – €1.5 billion, with another €500 million underway, so that Ukraine can defend itself.

There are two clear needs to address.

Each one has a different timeline and a different scale.

The most immediate is to keep Ukraine running on a daily basis, prop up the state and repair its damaged infrastructure.

That means:

  • paying wages and pensions
  • keeping hospitals and schools open
  • ensuring basic public services for its suffering people

As a result of the war, these costs are now far beyond what Ukraine can afford. The IMF estimates Ukraine’s balance of payments gap until June at roughly 15 billion USD or €14.3 billion. This is a very large amount.

We envisage proposing a new exceptional macro-financial assistance programme of up to €9 billion in the form of loans to Ukraine. There will also be a grants component, subsidising interest payments.

However, we would need EU countries to provide additional guarantees to support this programme.

And clearly there will be further support needed from other international partners, including the G7 and international financial institutions.

The other priority is to think longer term and rebuild a country that is devastated by war.

It will be a mammoth task. And not just financially.

We want it to be a truly international effort, tailored to Ukraine’s long-term reconstruction needs.

We have to start this work now.

There may not be one given moment when the Russian invaders allow Ukraine to have a ‘clean peace’.

Our idea is to help Ukraine create the foundations of a free, democratic and prosperous country. Anchored in the European values that it has chosen, supporting it on its European path.

Since the war is raging on Europe’s borders, the EU is ready to lead this international effort alongside Ukraine itself, and to provide a major share of financing.

In this context, of course we welcome every effort of EU Member States and our partners to support Ukraine at this difficult time for all of us.

For Ukraine’s longer-term reconstruction, the Ukrainian authorities would work in close partnership with the EU and other key partners – such as the G7, G20 and other countries – along with the international financial institutions and organisations.

We propose establishing an international ‘Ukraine reconstruction platform’, which will be co-led by the Commission and the Ukrainian government.

It would bring together under one roof the EU support as well as other initiatives set up by other partners.

This will ensure a smooth division of labour between different partners and avoid duplication.

Then, we propose creating a ‘RebuildUkraine’ Facility within the EU budget.

This new instrument would be dedicated to financing the reconstruction effort and aligning Ukraine’s economy to the EU.

It would provide a mix of loans and grants, with a strong link to a reform agenda.

Investments would be aligned with EU green and digital policies to help Ukraine to become stronger and build resilience after the devastation of the Russian invasion.

We will have to decide on the main financing sources, such as the EU budget, EU Member States’ and other countries’ contributions, and also private investment.

But we should also consider how to use frozen and seized Russian assets for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

The EU is not alone in this.

We know that other partners like the United States and Canada are also thinking in the same direction.

We need to make Russia pay for its military aggression against Ukraine and its people, and the damage it has caused.

This will not be easy, of course. But in a situation of war, there is never a simple way to deal with an aggressor.

To rebuild Ukraine, we need strong political support globally as well as financial contributions. The EU is ready to coordinate this work, in close partnership with Ukraine itself.

Thank you.

Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni

The destruction Russia has unleashed on Ukraine has no precedent in postwar Europe. And equally unprecedented is its disregard for the international order that was built in the last decades.

But Putin did not bank on the strength of Ukrainians’ determination to defend their nation. Or on our determination to stand by Ukraine and to uphold international law.

So Russia’s aggression has had consequences that Putin certainly did not anticipate: just a few hours ago, Sweden and Finland formally submitted their applications to join NATO. A direct consequence of this invasion.

Today we are setting out a path to help a new Ukraine rise from the ashes of war, just as Europe emerged from the rubble of the Second World War. And we are doing this together with the Ukrainian authorities and in cooperation with our international partners, mobilising funding to help Ukraine ride out this storm – and to ‘build back better’ its economic and social infrastructure.

When it comes to the short-term financing needs for Ukraine, we are today proposing a significant new commitment in macro-financial assistance, of up to 9 billion euros, which is necessary to help the Ukraine state cover its immediate financing needs – estimated by the IMF, validating the Ukrainian estimate, at around 15 billion USD this quarter. This is solidarity with Ukraine for today.

But it is of course clear that we also need solidarity with Ukraine for tomorrow. The reconstruction of Ukraine will be a long, hard task and an immense challenge. It will also be a defining mission for the European Union over the coming decade and beyond.

We can already envisage four main pillars for this effort:

First, rebuilding the country’s infrastructure, its health services, housing and schools, as well as boosting its digital and energy resilience;

Second, continuing to modernise the state and its institutions, ensuring good governance and respect for the rule of law;

Third, implementing a structural and regulatory agenda to help align Ukraine ever more closely with the EU;

And fourth, supporting the recovery of Ukraine’s economy and society. This strand will be crucial to avoiding a massive brain drain that would permanently damage Ukraine’s future prospects. The situation we are in is with 12 million displaced people, internally displaced and having left Ukraine.

The structure we are proposing is built upon the principles of ownership and flexibility.

In terms of ownership, the reconstruction effort must be led by the Ukrainians, by their democratic institutions. At the same time, in line with the intentions of the Ukrainian Government, the ‘RebuildUkraine’ reconstruction plan needs to be embedded in a strategic partnership with the European Union, also because it will be an anchor for Ukraine’s European future.

This partnership between Ukraine and the EU will in turn be built on very close cooperation with the G7, the broader international community of democracies, the international financial institutions and international organisations. I will be travelling later today to Bonn for the G7 finance ministers meeting where these issues will be central to our discussions.

These are dark and uncertain times for Ukraine and for Europe.

So I hope that this initiative will help to bring some light to that darkness. And give the Ukrainian people confidence that we will continue to stand by them and together, build a future as part of our family of free European democracies.

Thank you.

Schulden für Ukraine: EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU) warnt vor Dammbruch

  • Kommission erwägt Schuldenaufnahme zugunsten der Ukrain
  • Markus Ferber warnt vor Dammbruch bei Schuldenaufnahme

„Man kann nicht alle Probleme mit neuen Schulden lösen. Man kann sich mit neuen Schulden aber sehr wohl viele neue Probleme schaffen“, warnt der CSU-Europaabgeordnete und wirtschaftspolitische Sprecher der EVP-Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament, Markus Ferber, anlässlich einer heute von der Kommission vorgelegten Mitteilung, in der eine Schuldenaufnahme zugunsten der Ukraine diskutiert wird. Für Ferber stellen sich dabei auch geopolitische Fragen: „Wir sollten klar zwischen Hilfen beim Wiederaufbau und Finanzierung laufender Kosten unterscheiden. Wenn wir die Ukraine während eines andauernden Konflikts jeden Monat mit Milliardensummen stützen, kommen wir dem Punkt, an dem wir selbst zur Kriegspartei werden, immer näher. Wir müssen bei diesem Thema sowohl aus wirtschaftlichen als auch aus geopolitischen Gründen sehr bedacht vorgehen.“

Ferber warnt vor Dammbruch:

„Bisher galt immer, dass die EU schuldenfrei ist. Jetzt hat die von-der-Leyen-Kommission in einer Legislaturperiode schon das zweite Mal einen Grund für ein Schulden-Milliardenpaket gefunden. Wir müssen aufpassen, dass nun nicht endgültig der Dammbruch erfolgt“, warnt der CSU-Europaabgeordnete. „Was einst ein Tabu war, ist für die Europäische Kommission inzwischen zur Normalität geworden. Das kann langfristig nicht gutgehen. Wenn wir so weitermachen, werden europäische Schulden bald zum Standardrepertoire der Europäischen Kommission gehören“, so Ferber.

Rückzahlung fraglich:

„Schon der Corona-Aufbaufonds ist nicht solide gegenfinanziert. Von den vielen neuen Eigenmitteln, die die Kommission damals versprochen hat, ist bisher wenig zu sehen. Wie ein neues Milliardenpaket zurückgezahlt werden soll, bleibt vollkommen schleierhaft“, kritisiert der CSU-Finanzexperte. „Wer immer neue Schuldenpakete ankündigt und dabei die Rückzahlungsfrage nicht seriös diskutiert, macht keine solide Haushaltspolitik.“

Quelle – EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber


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