Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • Member states agree on negotiating mandate for gas storage proposal
  • Infographic – What is the EU’s gas storage capacity?
  • ENTSOG publishes its Annual Report 2021 and two Monitoring Reports
  • 7th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency
  • EP OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy efficiency (recast) – PE703.269v03-00
  • IEA: Renewable power is set to break another global record in 2022 despite headwinds from higher costs and supply chain bottlenecks
  • Renewable Energy Market Update – May 2022 – Outlook for 2022 and 2023
  • E.DSO reaction to ITRE proposed amendments to Renewable Energy Directive
  • Results of the second Call for Technical Assistance – Call for Technical Assistance 2022
  • Latest headlines on Hydrogen
    • Waste to Green Hydrogen: The Digest’s 2022 Multi-Slide Guide to Element 1
    • Biden Administration’s $8 Billion Spurs US Hydrogen Hub Rush
    • Strohm and Lhyfe collaborate on green hydrogen solutions
    • EU plans ‘massive’ roll-out of Carbon Contracts for Difference subsidies for green hydrogen
    • Minimum of 14 000 jobs a year from South Africa’s first hydrogen corridor
    • Ports of Duisburg and Rotterdam looking to establish hydrogen hubs
    • PKP Energetyka selects component supplier for hydrogen energy storage facility
    • Hydrogen bunkering player Hyon partners with Mitsui
    • ZeroAvia and Shell collaborate on hydrogen refueling for fuel-cell airplanes
    • Orphan designation: Hydrocortisone hydrogen succinate, Prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 21/06/2021, Positive
    • Green hydrogen to be a focus area: Actis PE
  • CAN Europe: New report indicates how the EU can wean off Russian fossil gas by 2025
  • Oil majors are gambling on emissions mitigation technologies – Carbon Tracker Initiative
  • BDEW-Chefin Kerstin Andreae: „Wir brauchen einen PV-Boom“
  • IAEA: Update 75 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Habeck übergibt Förderbescheid an Northvolt: 155 Mio. Euro für Batteriefabrik in Deutschland
  • Secretary-General Lentz and Deputy Secretary-General Hirose meet the Ambassador of Mongolia to discuss the Extraordinary Energy Charter Conference
  • Ukrainian Ambassador visits the Secretariat – Energy Charter
  • Iranian Ambassador visits the Secretariat – Energy Charter
  • U.S. EIA: United Kingdom Country Analysis Brief
  • Claudia Kemfert: „Keine Versorgungsengpässe durch ukrainischen Stopp von Gas-Transit“
  • Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 11.05.22)
  • Bundeskabinett billigt Formulierungshilfe zum Sanktionsdurchsetzungsgesetz
  • Sprecherin BMWK zu den Ankündigungen russischer Gegensanktionen
  • Bundeskabinett beschließt Formulierungshilfe zum LNG- Beschleunigungsgesetz
  • Ergebnisse der Ausschreibungen für innovative Anlagenkonzepte und für Solaranlagen auf Gebäuden und Lärmschutzwänden
  • VCI zur ersten Lesung des energiepolitischen „Osterpakets“
  • DÉCISION DE LA COMMISSION relative à l’ouverture au public et déclassification des documents/dossiers concernant les activités de la Communauté économique européenne, de la Communauté européenne de l’énergie atomique et de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l’acier de 1958 à 1995 faisant partie des archives historiques de la Commission

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