Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 5 May 2022

Supporting the future of Syria and the region – Brussels VI Conference 9-10 May 2022 – #SyriaConf2022

The European Union is organising the sixth Brussels conference on ‘Supporting the future of Syria and the region’. The ministerial part of the conference on 10 May will take place in Brussels, while the Day of Dialogue on 9 May will be held in a hybrid format.

After more than a decade, the Syria conflict continues to generate violence, instability, and the displacement of populations. The COVID-19 pandemic and, most recently, the global negative impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine, further aggravated the already complex humanitarian needs generated by the crisis, which continues to provoke profound repercussions for the overall stability of the entire region.

The overarching objective of the Brussels VI Conference is to ensure continued attention and support for the Syrian people in Syria and the region, despite Russia unleashing an illegal and devastating conflict in EU’s immediate neighbourhood, and to maintain the mobilisation of the international community in support of a political solution to the Syria crisis, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 .

Brussels VI will also provide an opportunity for the international community to mobilise further financial support to meet the needs of Syrian refugees and their host communities in neighbouring countries. This will be the main pledging event for Syria and the region in 2022.

In addition, the conference will highlight the key role of Syrian civil society in shaping the country’s future and advocating for the rights of all Syrians, especially those of women and of the next generation. It will offer an interactive platform for dialogue with civil society and NGOs active in Syria and the region on their vision for a future Syria.

The ministerial part of the conference on 10 May will bring together delegations from EU member states, neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees, partner countries, and international organisations, including the United Nations, International Financial Institutions (IFIs), the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and both local and international NGOs and representatives of civil society organisations.

Last year the EU as a whole pledged €3.7 billion in total for 2021 and beyond. Since 2011, the European Union and its member states have been the largest donors of humanitarian and resilience assistance to Syria and the region with €27.4 billion in response to the Syrian crisis.

The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel will chair the conference and Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič will also participate.


Day of Dialogue

The Day of Dialogue will be held on 9 May as a hybrid event, to allow for a broadest possible participation of civil society organisations in the region. The platform will bring together civil society, NGOs, international organisations, refugee-hosting countries, the EU and the UN community.

The event will consist of three panel discussions focusing on key themes relevant to the Syrian crisis context and the response of the Syrian people themselves, and of the international community, namely “Giving space to Syrian voices”, “Youth” and “Food assistance and Food security”.

Ministerial meeting

The Conference’s Ministerial meeting will take place on 10 May in the Council’s Europa building in Brussels. The event will be web streamed.

The opening address by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell will be followed by opening addresses by the countries hosting the largest numbers of Syrian refugees in the region. Then ministers will have a political discussion on multiple aspects of the Syria crisis and funding pledges will be announced.

The closing remarks will take place at +/- 17.30 and will be livestreamed. The total amount of pledges from the international community to the Syrian people and host communities will be announced during this session.

A Chair’s statement will be published at the end of the day. Press conference and public events via video streaming

Side events

Numerous side events are taking place ahead of Brussels VI, initiated and organised by civil society organisations, participating countries, the United Nations and international organisations.

Webpage of the Ministerial meeting (Council) Webpage of the Conference (EEAS)

Video coverage of the event in broadcast quality (MPEG4) and photo gallery Press conferences and public events via video streaming

Previous events

The Conference will be the tenth annual international conference on Syria, following the first three hosted by Kuwait from 2013 to 2015, the London Conference in 2016, and the last five Brussels Conferences hosted by the EU from 2017 to 2021.

Brussels I Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region, 4-5 April 2017 Brussels II Conference, 24-25 April 2018

Brussels III Conference, 12-14 March 2019 Brussels IV Conference, 22-30 June 2020 Brussels V Conference, 29-30 March 2021

Source: Background brief – Brussels VI Conference on Supporting the future of Syria and the region of 10 May 2022

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