Wed. Sep 18th, 2024



Answer given by Mr Várhelyi on behalf of the European Commission


The Commission notes that Turkey has condemned Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and has expressed its support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity. In addition, Turkey co-sponsored the relevant United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution. Furthermore, the Commission commends Turkey for its efforts to mediate between the two sides in order to
find a diplomatic solution and restore peace.

According to the 2005 negotiating framework /1, during the accession period, Turkey is required to progressively align its policies towards third countries with the policies and positions adopted by the Union and its Member States, including acts within the framework of the common foreign and security policy (CFSP). Nevertheless, in the context of the EU-Turkey Customs Union, Turkey does not have the obligation to align with EU restrictive measures.
The Commission has called on Turkey, other candidate and potential candidate countries, as well as other partner countries, to align with EU measures against Russia. It will continue to engage with Turkey in order to explain the EU’s response to Russia’s aggression and encourage cooperation in this context.

See question: E-000887/2022
Parliamentary questions
4 March 2022
Question for written answer  E-000887/2022
to the Commission
Rule 138
Manolis Kefalogiannis (PPE)
 Answer in writing 
 Subject: Lack of support from Turkey, a candidate country, for EU sanctions against Russia
Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine has been condemned by the European Union and all its Member States. Despite being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia is riding roughshod over the provisions of international law and the United Nations Charter and undermining European and global security and stability.

The European Union, united as ever, expresses its unlimited solidarity and continued support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

By unanimous decision of its heads of state, it has imposed very severe economic sanctions and restrictive measures on Russia, which will thus pay a heavy price for its acts of aggression.

Following Ukrainian President Zelensky’s emotionally charged speech, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling for Ukraine to be granted accession status.

It would be only natural to expect candidate countries to give their wholehearted support to Union sanctions imposed on Russia. Turkey, however, is refusing to do so.

In view of this

Can the Commission give its opinion of the refusal of Turkey, a candidate country, to take part in the economic sanctions imposed unanimously by the European Union on Russia for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine?

Original language of question: EL
Last updated: 15 March 2022
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