Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


21 MARCH 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 21 March 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 21 March 2022
  • Foreign Affairs Council and Defence Council on 21 March 2022
  • Agenda of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 21 March 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 21 March 2022
  • Supporting careers and learning: Towards common standards for monitoring and evaluation in Europe
  • European Humanitarian Forum
  • High-level conference on citizen engagement in EU missions
  • E03037 – Expert Group Milk Market Observatory
  • E03806 – Expert Group on the implementation of the CAP strategic plans regulation
  • E03497 – Inland Waterway Transport – Naiades II implementation expert group
  • EuroCommerce Policy Talks: Territorial Supply Constraints – Are consumers getting a good deal?
22 MARCH 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 22 March 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 22 March 2022
  • Agenda of the EU General Affairs Council on 22 March 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 22 March 2022
  • EU Court Judgment in Case C-117/20 bpost (Competition)
  • Urteile des EU Gerichtshofs in den Rechtssachen C‑117/20 bpost und C-151/20 Nordzucker u. a. – Verbot der Doppelbestrafung
  • EU Court Judgment in Case C-508/19 Prokurator Generalny (Disciplinary Division of the Supreme Court in Poland)
  • Supporting careers and learning: Towards common standards for monitoring and evaluation in Europe
  • European Humanitarian Forum
  • Seminar on epidemiological surveillance platforms
  • Digital education stakeholder forum
  • CMTD(2022)416 – Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets
  • CMTD(2022)417 – Common Agricultural Policy Committee
  • CMTD(2022)422 – Rural Development Committee
  • CMTD(2022)421 – Committee on the Agricultural Funds
  • CMTD(2022)415 – Committee for direct payments
  • CMTD(2022)313 – Committee on the application of legislation and common rules on the security of civil aviation
  • CMTD(2022)274 – 81st Single Sky Committee
  • E02869 – European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF)
  • E03806 – Expert Group on the implementation of the CAP strategic plans regulation
  • E00895 – Expert group on consumer and marketing law
  • X03565 – Medical Device Coordination Group
23 MARCH 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 23 March 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 23 March 2022
  • Agenda of the EU Tripartite Social Summit on 23 March 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 23 March 2022
  • The demography of EU regions: Why more babies and migrants will not stop the EU population from shrinking
  • European Humanitarian Forum
  • ESFRI meeting & Conference celebrating 20 years of ESFRI
  • 15th meeting of the Network of public finance economists in public administration
  • CMTD(2022)383 – Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument Committee
  • CMTD(2022)341 – Eleventh meeting of the Committee on market surveillance and compliance of products
  • CMTD(2022)274 – 81st Single Sky Committee
  • E03759 – Commission expert group on quality investment in education and training
  • X02883 – Stakeholders’ Advisory Group on Aviation Security
  • E03234 – Recovery Expert Group (for mutual tax recovery assistance)
  • E02385 – 44th CARACAL Meeting
24 MARCH 2022
  • Agenda of the European Council on 24-25 March 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 24 March 2022
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 24 March 2022
  • EU Court  Judgment in Case C-433/20 Austro-Mechana
  • EU Court  Judgment in Case C-533/20 Upfield Hungary
  • Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts am EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑111/21 Laudamotion (Haftet Fluglinie für psychische Folgen einer Evakuierung?)
  • Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts am EU-Gerichtshof der Rechtssache C-720/20 Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C-120/21 LB (Verjährung des Anspruchs auf bezahlten Jahresurlaub)
  • Heritage and architecture: What are the risks and responses in Europe?
  • CMTD(2022)410 – Climate Change Committee – 108th Session
  • CMTD(2022)386 – Meeting of the Committee for Common Organisation of Agricultural Markets – Horizontal questions
  • CMTD(2022)423 – PAFF -Novel Food & Toxicological safety
  • CMTD(2022)296 – 2nd Meeting of the Digital Europe Programme Coordination Committee
  • E02730 – Expert Group for Agricultural Markets, in particular concerning aspects falling under the single CMO Regulation
  • E03013 – Commission Expert Group on Trade and Sustainable Development
  • E02385 – 44th CARACAL Meeting
25 MARCH 2022
  • Agenda of the European Council on 24-25 March 2022
  • Agenda highlights of the Euro Summit on 25 March 2022
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 25 March 2022
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 25 March 2022
  • Heritage and architecture: What are the risks and responses in Europe?
  • CMTD(2022)414 – Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets – Horticultural products
  • CMTD(2022)382 – 5th IPA III Committee meeting
  • E02726 – Meeting of the Expert Group Water Monitoring in Poultry Meat
  • E03140 – C2020 CPG/054 – Electronic Customs Coordination Group (ECCG)
  • E02730 – Expert Group for Agricultural Markets, in particular concerning aspects falling under the single CMO Regulation
  • E01320 – Commission expert group on Fertilising Products
26 MARCH 2022
  • No official EU events are scheduled for 26 March 2022.
27 MARCH 2022
  • No official EU events are scheduled for 27 March 2022.

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