Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

On Wednesday, European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets (BUDG) elected its Chair and Vice-Chairs for the second half of the legislature.

Johan Van Overtveldt (ECR, BE) was re-elected as Chair of the Committee on Budgets by acclamation for the next two and half years. He has chaired the committee since the beginning of the legislature in 2019.

Mr Van Overtveldt said after his election: “I am honoured to get the support and trust of my colleagues. After a first intense period with several important negotiations concerning for example the Multiannual Financial Framework – the MFF – and other vital files, I got to know most of the Committee members well. I’m pleased to have such knowledgeable and pleasant colleagues and look forward working with them for the second part of this term, during which we must, among many things, continue implementing the MFF as agreed with the Member States, make sure the roadmap for the introduction of new Own Resources – EU revenue – is respected and watch closely that the Commission and EU countries implement the recovery plan according to the rules and in the best interest of our citizens.”

Four Vice-Chairs

At today’s meeting, members of the committee also re-elected by acclamation the four Vice-Chairs for the next two and a half years:

Janusz Lewandowski (EPP, PL) as first Vice-Chair;

Olivier Chastel (RENEW, BE) as second Vice-Chair;

Margarida Marques (S&D, PT) as third Vice-Chair;

Niclas Herbst (EPP, DE) as fourth Vice-Chair.


The Chair presides over committee and coordinators’ meetings, represents the committee both within and outside the European Parliament and presides legislative negotiations led by the committee. Furthermore, the Chair has authority over voting procedures and rules on the admissibility of amendments.

Committee Chair and Vice-Chairs form the bureau, which is responsible for their respective committee’s smooth functioning. The committee bureau holds office for two and a half years (half of the legislature).

Rules on the composition of the bureau

The process for the election of committee bureaux is defined in Rule 213 of the Rules of Procedure, according to which the committee members can vote by acclamation or by secret ballot.

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