Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 24 January 2022

European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) re-elected Karima Delli (Greens, FR) as committee chair for the second half of the legislature, on Monday.

MEPs also re-elected István Ujhelyi (S&D, HU)Jens Gieseke (EPP, DE)Andriks Ameriks (S&D, LV) and Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew, DE) as TRAN vice-chairs.

“I am very proud and honoured to be renewed in this position. Both transport and tourism face great stakes: the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on our societies and the consequences on jobs, as well as the climate emergency”, said Karima Delli following her re-election by acclamation.

“In case a reminder is still needed, the transport sector is absolutely key to fighting climate change. It indeed generates 25% of the greenhouse gas emissions and it is the only sector where the CO2 emissions have increased since 1990. Our role will be essential”, she added.

Main responsibilities of the Chair

The Chair presides over committee and coordinators’ meetings, represents the committee both within and outside the European Parliament and presides legislative negotiations led by the committee. Furthermore, the Chair has authority over voting procedures and rules on the admissibility of amendments.

Committee Chair and Vice-Chairs form the bureau, which is responsible for their respective committee’s smooth functioning. The committee bureau holds office for two and a half years (half of the legislature).

Rules on the composition of the bureau

The process for the election of committee bureau is defined in Rule 213 of the Rules of Procedure, according to which the 49 TRAN full members can vote by acclamation or by secret ballot.

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