Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

See question(s) : E-004917/2021

Answer given by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis on behalf of the European Commission

Under the Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF Regulation)1 , a Member State wishing to receive a financial contribution shall submit to the Commission a recovery and resilience plan. The Commission is currently assessing the Recovery and Resilience Plan submitted by Poland, based on the eleven criteria laid down in the RRF Regulation. The Commission is working closely with the Polish authorities to clarify any open question regarding the assessment of the Polish Recovery and Resilience Plan, as prescribed by Article 19 of the RRF Regulation. The Commission is committed to completing the assessment process as soon as possible while making sure that the assessment criteria are fulfilled.

The Commission is in regular contact with representatives of the Polish government to discuss the ongoing assessment of the Polish plan. The Commission acts fully within the terms of the RRF Regulation as regards the assessment of the Polish plan.


Source: Answer to a written question – Commission threatens to freeze payment of Polish NextGenerationEU recovery funds – E-004917/2021(ASW)

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