Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • EU Taxonomy: EU Commission begins consultations on nuclear and gas activities
  • EU Taxonomy: Background on the technical expert group on sustainable finance (TEG)
  • Bundeswirtschafts- und Klimaminister Habeck: Atomenergie als nachhaltig zu labeln, ist falsch
  • Greens/EFA: Investment in gas and nuclear power contradicts Green Deal
  • Grüne/EFA zur EU-Taxonomie: EU-Kommission knickt vor fossil-atomarer Lobby ein
  • EU-Abgeordneter Ferber /EVP/CSU) zu EU-Taxonomie: Wahlkampfgeschenk für Macron
  • ECR supports EU taxonomy for nuclear as long-term solution to EU’s energy needs
  • BEUC on EU Taxonomy: Unacceptable institutional greenwashing
  • IW: Sind Atomkraft und Erdgas nachhaltig?
  • VCI zur EU-Taxonomie: Erdgas als Brückentechnologie notwendig
  • Bündnis-Appell zur EU Taxonomie: Nein zu Atom und Gas
  • Germanwatch zur EU-Taxonomie: Greenwashing untergräbt den Green Deal
  • BUND zur EU-Taxonomie: Kein Greenwashing von Atomkraft und Gas!
  • BDEW zum Taxonomie-Entwurf der EU-Kommission
  • BDEW zu Gaskraftwerken in der EU-Taxonomie: Richtiger Ansatz, aber mehr Flexibilität für Energiewende nötig
  • Electricity Market Report – January 2022
  • Oil Market Report – January 2022
  • EU Commission approves €24 million Hungarian investment aid to Volta Energy Solutions’ battery copper foil plant
  • Gas regulation: ENTSOG publishes CAM Network Code Capacity Auction Calendar
  • Video: Special edition of the Vienna Forum on European Energy Law sheds light on 2021 EU Gas Package
  • Moldova starts 2022 with important amendments to electricity market rules
  • International Energy Charter Annual Report 2021
  • Alexey Miller: 2021 was Gazprom’s record-breaking year
  • Russian President: Virtual meeting on heating season, Gazprom, and Nord Stream 2
  • Gazprom holds briefing on operating modes of Russia’s Unified Gas Supply System
  • EEA: Change in electricity generation between 2019 and 2020
  • Eurelectric: Power sector accelerating e-mobility
  • IAEA Releases First Guide Level Publication on Stakeholder Engagement in Nuclear Programmes
  • IAEA Highlights and Achievements in 2021 – A Year in Review
  • IAEA: Infographics: Nuclear energy compared
  • Looking Ahead: Important 2022 Events at the IAEA
  • Lemke und Habeck: Atomausstieg macht unser Land sicherer
  • OPEC: DoC Joint Technical Committee convenes to examine oil market developments
  • Secretary-General of OPEC commences mission to Iraq
  • 24th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting
  • ST 5025 2022 INIT COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT – EVALUATION Support instruments for the development of ocean energy policy 2014 – 2020
  • ST 5025 2022 ADD 1 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION Support instruments for the development of the ocean energy policy 2014-2020
  • ST 5019 2022 INIT List of working papers (WK) distributed in the Research (Atomic Questions) Working Party in the fourth quarter of 2021

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