Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • EP REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT on implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU on Industrial Emissions
  • Farm to Fork Strategy and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: EU Commission launches public consultation to revise Food Information to Consumers
  • EU-Kommission: Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln: Ihre Meinung ist gefragt!
  • DRAFT OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2013/34/EU, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, as regards corporate sustainability reporting – PE700.537v01-00
  • EU Commission approves the acquisition of Suez by Veolia, subject to conditions
  • Wissenschaftsmagazin BfR2GO: “Früchte der Furcht” – Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung
  • WHO Update on Omicron – 12/12/2021
  • ECDC: Epidemiological update: Omicron variant of concern (VOC) – 14/12/2021 (12:00)
  • COMMISSION DECISION amending Decision C(2021) 1051 appointing the members and observers of the Steering Committee of the European Health and Digital Executive Agency
  • REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1185/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 concerning statistics on pesticides
  • ST 14290 2021 INIT Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 laying down rules on the making available on the market of EU fertilising products and amending Regulations (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1107/2009 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003
  • ST 14909 2021 INIT Aarhus Convention and PRTR Protocol: a) Seventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention (MoP 7) b) Joint High-level Segment under the Meetings of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on PRTRs c) Fourth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs (MoPP 4) (Geneva (hybrid), 18 – 22 October 2021) – Information from the Presidency and the Comm
  • ST 14968 2021 COR 1 Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Urban Matters – The role of European cities in the green transition and in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal (26 November 2021) Information from the Presidency
  • ST 14968 2021 INIT Informal Meeting of Ministers responsible for Urban Matters – The role of European cities in the green transition and in achieving the objectives of the Green Deal (26 November 2022) Information from the Presidency
  • ST 15003 2021 INIT Workshop on the revision of REACH (Authorisation and Restriction) (Brdo, 9 November 2021) – Information from the Presidency
  • ST 14296 2021 INIT Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030 – Preparation for the trilogue
  • ST 14714 2021 REV 1 Regulation of plants obtained by new genomic techniques – need for coordinated action – Information from the Austrian delegation, supported by the Cyprus, Luxembourg and Hungarian delegations
  • ST 14983 2021 INIT COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Union submission to the to the ninth session of the International Maritime Organization’s Sub-Committee for Pollution Prevention and Response suggesting to update three guidelines linked to the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems in Ships
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 100 – Draft opinion Addressing food security in developing countries – PE702.924v01-00
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 27 – Draft opinion 2020 discharge – European Chemicals Agency – PE700.600v01-00
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 14 – Draft opinion 2020 discharge – European Environment Agency – PE700.598v01-00
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 42 – Draft opinion 2020 discharge : European Food Safety Authority – PE700.601v01-00
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 12 – Draft opinion 2020 discharge – European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – PE702.915v01-00
  • AMENDMENTS 1 – 20 – Draft opinion 2020 discharge : European Medicines Agency – PE700.624v01-00

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