Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 6 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 6 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs Council, 6-7 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Eurogroup on 6 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 6 December 2021
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gericht in der Rechtssache T-718/20 Wizz Air Hungary / Kommission (TAROM; Rettungsbeihilfe)
  • European strategy forum of research infrastructure (ESFRI) days
  • Geopolitics of the European Green Deal
  • CMTD(2021)1894 – 227th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section
  • E03037 – Expert Group Milk Market Observatory
  • X03565 – Medical Device Coordination Group – (MDR and IVDR)
  • E02609 – Group on the Future of VAT
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 7 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 7 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 7 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Employment, Social Policy, Health, and Consumer Affairs Council, 6-7 December 2021
  • Agenda of the EU-Kosovo* Stabilisation and Association Council, 7 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 7 December 2021
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gerichtshof (Große Kammer) in der Rechtssache C-624/20 Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid (Natur des Aufenthaltsrechts nach Artikel 20 AEUV)
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gericht in der Rechtssache T-577/20: Ryanair / Kommission (Condor; Rettungsbeihilfe) – Rettungsbeihilfe für Condor
  • European strategy forum of research infrastructure (ESFRI) days
  • CMTD(2021)1894 – 227th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section
  • CMTD(2021)2022 – 20th NDICI-GE Committee Meeting Neighbourhood Format
  • CMTD(2021)1900 – Webex meeting of the REACH Committee
  • E01711 – Administrative cooperation in the field of direct taxation – Small Sub-Group eFCA
  • E01711 – Administrative cooperation in the field of direct taxation – WG ACDT
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 8 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 8 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 8 December 2021
  • EU General Court Judgment in Case T-127/19: Dyson and others v EU Commission (energy labeling of hoovers)
  • Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gericht in der Rechtssache T-657/20: Ryanair / Kommission – Corona-Beihilfen für Finnair
  • European strategy forum of research infrastructure (ESFRI) days
  • CMTD(2021)1894 – 227th meeting of the Customs Code Committee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section
  • CMTD(2021)1900 – Webex meeting of the REACH Committee
  • CMTD(2021)40 – Standing Committee on Biocidal Products
  • E01633 – Group of Experts on Explosives
  • E00944 – The Commission Customs Policy Expert Group
  • E03450 – High Level Steering Group for Governance of the Digital Maritime System and Services
  • SEMIC 2021: Human-centric data spaces, powered by interoperability
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 9 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 9 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, 9-10 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Transport Council, 9 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 9 December 2021
  • Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-217/20 Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Vergütung während des bezahlten Jahresurlaubs)
  • EU Advocate General: Opinion in Case C-817/19 – Ligue des droits humains (passenger name record data)
  • EU Advocate General: Opinion in Case C-377/20 Servizio Elettrico Nazionale and Others (abuse of a dominant position)
  • Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C-370/20: Pro Rauchfrei – Warnhinweise beim Verkauf von Zigaretten über Automaten
  • CMTD(2021)1779 – 3rd Meeting of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee – the European Innovation Council (EIC) and European Innovation Ecosystems
  • CMTD(2021)1931 – 7th meeting of the strategic configuration of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1926 – 6th meeting of the configuration ‘Digital, Industry and Space’ of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee
  • CMTD(2021)2016 – 3rd IPA III Committee meeting – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
  • CMTD(2021)1957 Consumer Protection Cooperation Committee (Reg. (EU) No 2017/2394)
  • CMTD(2021)1825 – 77th meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee
  • E02747 – LIND Language Industry – Expert Group
  • X03565 – Medical Device Coordination Group – EUDAMED
  • E03450 – High-Level Steering Group for Governance of the Digital Maritime System and Services
  • EU animal welfare today and tomorrow
  • 5th CareersNet annual meeting
  • 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference
10 DECEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 10 December 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 10 December 2021
  • Agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, 9-10 December 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 10 December 2021
  • CMTD(2021)1882 – 23rd meeting of the Committee on Standards
  • CMTD(2021)1999 – 3rd meeting of the Committee for the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
  • CMTD(2021)2006 – CANCELLED: Committee on the Agricultural Funds
  • CMTD(2021)1970 – 2nd meeting of Horizon Europe Programme Committee – ‘Research Infrastructures’
  • CMTD(2021)1969 Standing Committee on medicinal products for human use
  • E03806 – Expert Group on the Implementation of the CAP Strategic Plans Regulation
  • E-government conference: Human-centric digital transformation of the public sector
  • 5th CareersNet annual meeting
  • 2021 EU Agricultural Outlook conference
11 DECEMBER 2021
  • No events scheduled for 11 December 2021 (as of 5/12/2021)
12 DECEMBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 12 December 2021


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