Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • EU Commission approves €2.27 billion Greek aid scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources and high efficiency combined heat and power
  • Speech by EU Commissioner Simson on the State of the Energy Union Report 2021 at the European Parliament plenary session
  • S&Ds want affordable energy from renewables for all to alleviate energy poverty
  • The Left: State of the Energy Union 2021: how to conceal market fraud
  • Greens/EFA petition: Stop the greenwashing of nuclear power and gas!
  • CEER Views on Electricity Distribution Network Development Plans
  • Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum meets in Belgrade
  • GIE Position on Blending Hydrogen into Existing Gas Infrastructure
  • Helmholtz-Wasserstoffcluster in Jülich nimmt Fahrt auf
  • UK government announces biggest investment into Britain’s tidal power
  • The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group peer review of Belarus national action plan
  • Westinghouse Inks Major Nuclear Reactor Deal in Ukraine – The Energy Collective
  • DIW: Abschaltung letzter Kernkraftwerke in Deutschland reißt keine Versorgungslücke
  • EU Commission clears acquisition of joint control of UKPN by CKA and CKI
  • Latest documents published by OPEC
  • Opening keynote address by OPEC Secretary General
  • Closing remarks by OPEC Secretary General
  • Introductory remarks by OPEC Secretary General
  • 22nd OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting concludes
  • Fifth High-Level Meeting of the OPEC-India Dialogue
  • Second High-Level Meeting of the OPEC-GECF Energy Dialogue takes place
  • High-level experts meet for 8th Joint IEA-IEF-OPEC Workshop on the Interactions between Physical and Financial Energy Markets
  • OPEC takes part in Russian Energy Week 2021
  • Eighth High-Level Meeting of the OPEC-Russian Energy Dialogue held in Moscow
  • OPEC holds inaugural technical workshop with energy companies
  • 21st OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting concludes
  • OPEC launches its 2021 Annual Statistical Bulletin
  • OPEC’s World Oil Outlook 2021 launched in Vienna
  • OPEC to launch its Annual Statistical Bulletin 2021 on 30 September 2021
  • OPEC’s World Oil Outlook to be launched on 28 September 2021
  • OPEC turns 61
  • EEB: German government deal sets 2030 coal phase-out date but makes poor commitments on gas, NGOs say
  • EEB: Germany’s coal and gas announcements must resonate across Europe, urge NGOs
  • BDI zum Koalitionsvertrag: „Angekündigtes Jahrzehnt der Zukunftsinvestitionen muss Realität werden“
  • BDEW zu den energiepolitischen Vorhaben im Koalitionsvertrag von SPD, Grüne und FDP: Koalitionsvertrag gibt Grund zu Optimismus für mehr Tempo bei der Energiewende
  • VKU zum Koalitionsvertrag der Ampel
  • Draft agenda – Tuesday, 30 November 2021 – PE700.547v01-00 – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) …/… specifying technical items of data sets of the sample survey in the income and living conditions domain on Labour market and housing, Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages, Housing difficulties, and the 2023 ad hoc subject on Households energy efficiency pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council



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