Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Jean-Claude Juncker was elected President of the Governing Board of the Academy of European Law (ERA) at its 30th annual meeting today 22 November 2021. He succeeds Jacques Santer, who has served as President of the ERA Governing Board for 21 years.

As a trained lawyer, as Prime Minister of Luxembourg and as President of the European Commission, he has personified the development of the European Union as a community of law – and would be the perfect ambassador for ERA as it embarks on the next stage of its development”, said Jettie van Caenegem, Chair of the Friends of ERA Association, as she proposed Mr Juncker for the position.

“It’s a great honour for me to take over the leadership of the ERA Foundation”, said Mr Juncker following his election. “I’m particularly pleased to take on this role because, as finance minister of Luxembourg in the early nineties, I worked intensively to support the establishment of ERA. I have succeeded Jacques Santer in a number of roles in my career and now it is a pleasure for me to complete the circle by leading this good-functioning Academy that I worked towards setting up all those years ago”.

Hendrik Hering, President of the Parliament of ERA’s host State Rhineland-Palatinate, was elected Vice-President of the Governing Board.

Representatives from the patron States of the ERA Foundation attended the meeting in person in Trier or online. Also present were Jānis Bordāns, Minister of Justice of Latvia, and Marc van der Woude, President of the General Court of the EU and Vice-Chair of the ERA Board of Trustees.

Among other decisions taken, the Governing Board:

  • appointed as members of the ERA Executive Board:
    • Herbert Mertin, Minister of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate
    • Adrián Vázquez Lázara MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee
    • Sabine Verheyen MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Education and Culture
  • nominated Viktor Vadász (Hungary) as the new ERA Programme Director and Deputy Director of the Academy
  • adopted the Academy’s budget for 2022 and
  • approved the annual action plan 2022 as part of ERA’s development strategy 2021-27.

ERA Director Jean-Philippe Rageade concluded the Governing Board meeting by announcing the organisation of a Congress to mark the 30 years of ERA on 13-14 October 2022 which will deal with sovereignty.

Following the Governing Board meeting, ERA’s former Director Wolfgang Heusel was awarded the Letter of Honour of the City of Trier in a ceremony presided over by the Mayor of Trier, Wolfram Leibe. The City Council of Trier decided unanimously to make this award for outstanding services to the City of Trier to Dr Heusel, who served as Director of ERA from 2000 to 2020.


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