Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Starting at 9:00, ministers will hold a ministerial dialogue with their EFTA counterparts from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland on challenges and opportunities in the period of economic recovery after the pandemic.

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council will start at 11.00. It will be chaired by Slovenia’s Minister for Finance, Andrej Šircelj.

The meeting will be held physically in Brussels. Discussions will be held in public session during the legislative deliberations.

Economy and finance ministers will exchange views on the future of the EU’s economic governance.

Ministers will discuss energy price developments and inflation and their policy implications.

They will take stock of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and exchange views on the state of play of the financing of NGEU.

Ministers are expected to approve conclusions on the future of the European Semester in the context of the RRF, as well as conclusions on EU statistics.

The Commission will present the package of legislative proposals to complete the implementation of Basel III into EU law, after which ministers will have the opportunity to share their views.

The presidency and the Commission will debrief ministers on the discussions at the international finance meetings in October.

The European Court of Auditors will present the annual report on the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2020.

Under any other business, the presidency will present the state of play of financial services legislative proposals.

On 8 November at 11.30, the macroeconomic dialogue with social partners will take place. The presidency and the two upcoming presidencies, the Commission, the European Central Bank President and the Eurogroup President will exchange views with representatives of the social partners on the economic outlook as well as on the digital transformation in light of the recovery.

1 This note has been drawn up under the responsibility of the Press Office.

The Eurogroup will meet on Monday 8 November (15.00). In ‘regular format’, ministers will discuss macroeconomic developments, including inflation, and policy prospects in the euro area. They will also discuss policy objectives and uses of the digital euro and be briefed on the recent international meetings attended by the Eurogroup president. In the ‘inclusive format’ (17.30), ministers will hear a presentation on the economic governance review and exchange views on this topic from the euro area perspective. They will discuss the progress made in completing the banking union and developments in the banking sector, and take stock of the establishment of the common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund.

Press conferences:

  • Eurogroup: Monday at +/- 20.00
  • Economic and Financial Affairs Council: Tuesday at +/- 16.00

Ecofin Council – meeting page

Eurogroup – meeting page

Press conferences and public events by video streaming

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