Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • EU Commission, Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, and European Investment Bank advance partnership in climate technologies
  • EU Commission Q&A on the EU-Catalyst Partnership
  • Statement by EU Commission President von der Leyen on the launch of the Catalyst Programme with Bill Gates and Werner Hoyer
  • BDEW und Weltenergierat Deutschland organisieren Botschafter-Treffen zu Wasserstoff
  • Energy Community Secretariat holds a roundtable on the future of hydrogen in Ukraine
  • France, Germany, UK, US, and EU launch ground-breaking International Just Energy Transition Partnership with South Africa
  • Bundesumweltministerium: Deutschland unterstützt Südafrika beim Kohleausstieg
  • Energy price surge underlines need to accelerate clean energy transitions rather than subsidise fossil fuels – OECD & IEA
  • DIW: Schluss mit den gigantischen Subventionen für Kohle, Öl und Gas
  • ENTSO-E and T&D Europe position paper on SF6 transition times
  • Fit for 55: E.DSO Feedback response
  • Update on Eurelectric event: Power2People
  • Bundeswirtschaftsministerium: Beendigung des Vattenfall-Schiedsverfahrens
  • EU-Abgeordneter Sven Giegold (Grüne/EFA) zum Thema Batterien: Meine Vorschläge für die nachhaltige Schlüsseltechnologie
  • Global Wind Energy Council and Global Solar Council form Global Renewables Alliance
  • G20 leaders recognise IEA’s work on tracking sustainable recoveries
  • IAEA Concludes Long Term Operational Safety Review at Sweden’s Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant
  • IAEA Mission Says Switzerland Is Committed to a High Level of Safety, Sees Areas for Further Enhancement
  • IAEA Mission Sees Safety Commitment by Belarus’s Nuclear Power Plant, Encourages Continued Improvement
  • Verstärkte Kooperation zwischen Deutscher Energie-Agentur (dena) und Russischer Energieagentur (REA)
  • Gazprom: Gas production and supplies: results for 10 months
  • Gazprom and Moldovagaz extend contract for Russian gas supplies to Moldova for five years
  • Gazprom undertaking 1.5-fold expansion of mobile compressor station fleet for gas conservation during gas pipeline repairs

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